Walking Dead 2X10 Thinky Thoughts

Feb 28, 2012 06:22

Even though I'm a huge huge fan of the comics and can discuss the merits of each and every difference between the show and the comics, for the most part I've loved the show as its own, separate entity. But lately not so much, and here's why after the jump. Be warned spoilers (and I mean big spoilers) for the comics will probably crop up here.

It's time for you to come back )

thinky thoughts, walking dead

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Comments 17

shesnotfromhere February 28 2012, 12:53:32 UTC
omg are we the same person?

A. I can't wait for Lori to die.
B. We need more plot progression (I keep thinking that they're going to find the prison)
C. Daryl is the shit.
E. More sexy, rouge Shane instead of whiny bitch Shane that wants skinny bitchy Lori back.
F. We need Michonne and the season 2 finale better end with the Governor.


gravi_girl123 February 28 2012, 18:06:27 UTC
Oh my god the prison!!! So epic. We must be the same person because a thousand yesses to everything in this.

I'm terrified of the Governor's arrival, but it's so necessary to everything that is The Walking Dead even though it is going to be hideous and awful.


1_rhiannon_1 February 28 2012, 15:51:06 UTC
I agree - I would love to see a redemption for Shane. I do not want him to die - I love Show!Shane a lot and would hate to lose him. I bite my fingernails to nubs every week.

Also with you on Show!Lori. I hated her in the comics too though so...

I was with Andrea too. I think she gave Beth what she herself wanted. If someone would've just said to her, "Look, Andrea, here's the deal. I'm really tired of the whining and moping. You want to kill yourself? Fine. That's YOUR decision. Here's a gun. I'm going to go over here and wait with the group. You take your time & make your own decision. If you do check out, we'll bury you. Otherwise, let's move on, ok?" she'd have moved past her mourning stage a lot faster.

I would love for a zombie to get Dale. I still like T-Dog though and I'd hate to lose him.


gravi_girl123 February 28 2012, 18:04:59 UTC
Yeah come to think of it I didn't really like her in the comics either, it's just been awhile since mumble mumble spoilers blah.
I've always been a really big fan of Andrea, and I think the show is taking her to some interesting places, but I'm not sure if they're trying to get the audience to dislike her. I'm glad I wasn't the only one on her side this week, what you said is exactly right.

YES please somebody kill show!Dale. I would love a good T-Dog storyline. The show just ignores so many characters.


1_rhiannon_1 February 29 2012, 00:04:42 UTC
I wonder about that too - I mean, they had her shoot DARYL for crying out loud! Fandom went apeshit over that one. I love her though & I'm very curious to see how things go with her. I'm like you - I thought that I was the only one on her side this week.

Dale is on my list strictly because of Shane. He's poking the bear there and he's going to get mauled if he keeps it up!


almadeamla February 28 2012, 17:31:05 UTC
Does it really count as a love triangle if Lori has no interest in Shane at all? It's more like a weird, one-sided, love-line thing. Rick<-->Lori<--Shane. I thought the point of a love triangle is that the girl is never sure who to choose. Lori's pretty damn sure. She's basically admitted to starting up an affair with Shane for no reason (to 'feel something' or whatever, with no regards to his feelings and ugh, Lori, you ruined my OT3 and now I see you are a horrible human being and I liked you whyyy, my new OT3 is Shane/Andrea/TDog because they are the only ones on his side). Uh, there was a point here. Mostly, it isn't even a love triangle because Lori's gone all Lady Macbeth and wants Shane dead.

I actually know how the season's gonna end (won't say, since you don't seem aware). Some things you want will happen though. Some won't. /ambiguity


gravi_girl123 February 28 2012, 18:00:41 UTC
This is true, I guess I just didn't know how else to describe it. Probably just vague "love drama". Ohhhh actually please do spoil me! I don't feel invested enough in this season to care about being spoiled!

Also yeah I feel the same about this OT3, I am not a fan of Lori. I'm actually working on a future fic where most of the other characters are dead and it's Rick/Shane all the way with some badass!Carl on the side. We'll see if it ever gets done, but man it feels good to write.


*spoilers* almadeamla February 28 2012, 19:19:57 UTC
Okay, well, here we go ( ... )


Re: *spoilers* gravi_girl123 February 28 2012, 22:20:11 UTC
It's a shame that instead of actually changing things completely they just prolonged Shane's death. And Carl killing Zombie Shane is not the same as Carl killing human Shane, way to chicken out, show.

Thank god Michionne comes. Andrea needs another woman who can actually kick ass with her. Lori is the worst, oh my goodness, the *worst*. There was a time I thought the show would make her likable and sympathetic, but no.

Yay for no more Dale! He rocked in the comics, but not so much in the show.

Oh my god, your Rick/Shane Brokeback Mountain story sounds incredible. I don't care they kill him off on the show, I'll write AUs that do his character justice.

And the fic is coming along interestingly, I have some elements from the comic books but without any major spoilers for it because it's so AU. Good old fashion zombie hunting, Carl being like, "Whatever, I basically have two dads and kick zombie ass", and then what happens with their relationship when they decide to settle down with a community they find/like.


ladyelysium March 1 2012, 03:20:53 UTC
I wouldn't say Rick and Andrea are together in the comics. If anything he stopped her advances altogether. I want Andrea/Dale to get together like in the comics personally.

I'd like to think Carl will still shoot Shane and that is what they may eventually lead up to. That Shane will go off to try and kill Rick and Carl will be the one to take Shane down.

I also think it's too early for Lori to die if they're sticking (sorta) to the comics. She dies at the end of the prison time which is years after Hershel's farm.

I love Daryl and Merle. They're the best additions to the show and up until recently I was so sure that they'd have Merle be The Governor. That'd would've been such an amazing twist!


gravi_girl123 March 1 2012, 09:57:59 UTC
Yeah, I guess they aren't "together" yet, but when did he turn down her advances? The one I ended on anyway they were kissing and it seemed the comics were heading in that direction, which would make sense. Maybe there were more I haven't gotten to yet, though.

I agree, I doubt they're going to kill Lori off any time soon, it's just wishful thinking =(

YES Daryl and Merle are the best additions! And I thought the same thing about Merle being the Governor! There's no way that was the last we've seen of him, and in light of what the Governor does to Rick's hand it would have made sense. That being said, the reason the Governor is so fucking scary is that he was just batshit crazy.


ladyelysium March 1 2012, 20:15:28 UTC
He told her they can't be together because everyone he ends up getting together with ends up dead.

..and in light of what the Governor does to Rick's hand it would have made sense..

EXACTLY! Merle would cut off Rick's hand in a heart beat because of what happened. I honestly thought that he was set to be The Gov and I'm totally upset that he's not tbh.


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