Walking Dead 2X10 Thinky Thoughts

Feb 28, 2012 06:22

Even though I'm a huge huge fan of the comics and can discuss the merits of each and every difference between the show and the comics, for the most part I've loved the show as its own, separate entity. But lately not so much, and here's why after the jump. Be warned spoilers (and I mean big spoilers) for the comics will probably crop up here.

- I've gone back and forth in my feelings about the show choosing to keep Shane alive. I think love triangles like this are played out and boring, and I felt they lost something incredible and special in Carl's story by not having him kill Shane. He becomes such a fascinating, strong, wonderful character, and this was a major point in that story. Not to mention taking Sophia from Carl so early on is going to change things up for him a lot too. I think they tried to make his loss of Sophia his pivotal moment rather than when he shoots Shane to save his father.

However, that being said, I hate/love Shane, and I don't mind having him around. But I think, especially after 2X10, they need to just fucking redeem Shane. Instead of more love triangle nonsense, and instead of headed in the same direction of the comics in that Shane tries to kill Rick and ends up getting kill instead, they need to just keep him on the show and go a completely different direction than the comics. In this "what if" world of Shane staying alive, I'd rather they make it a redemption, antihero story than the one we saw in the comics. Even though in every scene I think Rick and Shane are about to start having sex, I actually think he and Andrea should be together. They're both on the outs with people in the group, she appreciates his ideas (and to tell you the truth, I do too. Andrea's right, it's all in his presentation. He comes off as violent, stupid, impulsive, and yes he is those things, but he's actually fucking right most of the time. The Cassandra of The Walking Dead.)

-Lori fucking blows. I wanted her to die in that car wreck. She's dead in the comics and Rick is with Andrea now, and you know what? I fucking love that. But the show and comics are so far apart (I would never want show!Andrea with show!Dale because show!Dale is a far cry from comics!Dale who I adored. Come on Lori, you're really going to tell Andrea to leave defending the farm to the men while she should be doing lady work? God, I hate you and how you suck. Andrea is your sharpest shooter, invaluable to the team, and you, Lori, you suck. Shane, wise up and be with Andrea, she is the awesome.

And maybe I'll get flack for saying this, but I was so on Andrea's side about the suicide thing and how she handled Maggie's sister. I 100% get Maggie's anger, but I loved Andrea here and how happy she was that the sister made her decision to stay alive.

-I feel like suddenly everyone is just having the same arguments over and over again, the plot is moving forward too slowly, most of the characters are ignored in favor of this boring Rick/Shane/Lori shit. I want more Daryl. He's the best change between the show and comics, hi, use him more. Also bring me the characters from the comics that I miss and keep them alive instead of T-Bone and Dale who are useless and should be killed off immediately.

-A zombie needs to kill someone. Like Dale or T-Bone, or even Carol (I never warmed up to the show!Carol, the one in the comics was disturbed, twisty and compelling. This one annoys me). There needs to be more urgency on the show.


That is all for now, folks. 

thinky thoughts, walking dead

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