[fic] casualty { cpr [toby/ben. pg. 300 words.]

Feb 16, 2009 14:10

[toby/ben. pg. 300 words.]
notes; best canon nickname ever.
warning; none
summary; I know that now you're about to tell me some Freud-based bullshit about why that means I secretly want to have your anal-love-babies because mum didn't show me enough attention or whatever, but that's so not true.

click )

fic, !casualty

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Comments 22

caffyolay February 16 2009, 15:42:38 UTC
Is your reel_merlin fic the 84 Charing Cross Road one? How's it going? Does it really need rewriting?

I know the feeling though. I'm just writing the final scenes in my Uther/Jack saga and am not at all sure about it. Plus, have realised that it's only part one of a much longer story and I *SO* did not want to start another epic... but I've gone and done it anyway. *sigh*


graspthethorn February 16 2009, 16:00:58 UTC
Hahaha, yes, somehow I accidentally deleted my 84CCR reel_merlin fic. All ten thousand words of it. I am meant to be rewriting FRANTICALLY as we speak, but I am childish and enjoy procrastination in the face of looming deadlines, so mehhhh. hahha *rocks back and forth in a straightjacket* oh god. I haven't even got 1000 words written of my other reel_merlin fic, either EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. HONESTLY.

And I cannot cannot CANNOT wait for your Jack/Uther fic OMG. And a teenytiny part of me is kinda ecstatic that it's turned into an epic saga. Okay, I'm lying, it's not a teenytiny part of me at all, but a hugehuge gargantuan bit. Have fun ruining your social life writing that :DDDD hahha
O, bb, I'll totally offer myself up as the sacrificial lamb beta, you know. I'll pretend to be literate and everything. :D Let's act as if that was a totally unselfish example of my philanthropic nature and not, you know, the somewhat desperate attempt to get access to your glorious fic before everyone else does, that we all know it is. xD



caffyolay February 16 2009, 19:42:06 UTC
Oh God, oh God... you lost 10,000 words? *Flails and hugs you.* I'd fall into a decline if that happened to me. I've lost bits before but never that much! You poor thing!

Am totally knackered tonight as I wrote nearly 4,000 words today and finished Jack and Uther. I say *finished*. I now have to edit it, although it's fairly clean, and tweak and so forth and the deadline is Friday. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!! So you can see how close things are timewise. And all I'll have tomorrow is about two hours writing time so it won't be done properly until Wed. I would love you to beta it for me but totally understand if you don't have time. Bear in mind that it's 32,000 words before you take it too. Honestly, I really will understand if you can't do it. To tell the truth, I'm thinking I'll not make the deadline anyway and wonder how many other people will manage it too.


graspthethorn February 16 2009, 20:37:23 UTC
Yes, ten thousand. I WENT MENTAL. But now I am calm and collected and shall not throw anything at anyone, especially not my laptop out of the window. Ahem. *gleefully accepts hug* :D ( ... )


abbeydale February 16 2009, 16:01:32 UTC
Oh so cute :) I adore these two.


graspthethorn February 16 2009, 16:30:21 UTC
Me too :DDD
I just wish the whole shebang had happened sooner instead of merely being a plot-device for Toby to leave the cast :C
O TOBES, I MISS YOU. It just isn't the same without him. I need an incompetent doctor in my show thanks bbc. Bring him baaack. haha

Cheers for commenting! -x-


xsweatergirlx February 16 2009, 19:14:59 UTC
Ahhh I haven't watched Casualty in YEARS.
Hence, I have no idea who these are. However, cute. Very nice; congratulations are in order as I rarely like any pairing that I haven't a clue about haha XD


graspthethorn February 16 2009, 19:32:37 UTC
:O YOU DON'T WATCH CASUALTY THESE DAYS?!?! I don't blame you. I went through a period of about four years where I didn't watch it after Duffy left, but then I realised my Saturday evenings were empty and needed more predictable medical dramas in them SO YES. Hello BBC, I am back.
Hahaha, even if you restarted watching it now you'd have no idea as they both left at New Yearish. But they were adorable and Ben was the shortest person I have ever seen ever. He was tiny and Toby is a freaking giant and so every single scene they had together made me lol a lot more than was necessary xD

I have this ridiculously inappropriate craving to write a porny drabble about Charlie Fairhead of all people. CHARLIE.

... )


xsweatergirlx February 16 2009, 19:38:15 UTC
...This idea MUST be explored. Hehe, PORNY CHARLIE! Excellent.

I remember there being some cute guys in it a fair few years back but I'm sure they (or one of them at least) died way before I stopped watching it. Sometimes they cross my mind and I wish I knew who they were FOR THEY WERE SLASHABLE. Of course, my young and innocent mind did not realise this at the time. One of them had really bright white blonde hair. And possibly had HIV or something.

...I may have to join you. I miss Casualty. I heard the theme tune coming from my friend's living room last night, actually. Though, I'm not good at watching telly. I forget about TV schedules and stuff. All my telly viewing comes from t'internets and DVDs XD

HAHA UTHER/GAIUS!!! ...Ya, me too XP



graspthethorn February 16 2009, 20:28:38 UTC
OMG I WAS RELYING ON YOU TO GO "URGH STOP IT, YOU FILTHY GIRL" !!! If I scar you (or myself, for that matter) with the thought of Charlie's knob then I am laying the blame with you ENTIRELY. JUST SO YOU KNOW, LOL. Hahaha xD ( ... )


wmffre_jones February 17 2009, 13:16:38 UTC
You're sad, blodeuyn. Incredibly so.
Why do I love you, again?

W. ♥


graspthethorn February 17 2009, 13:52:43 UTC
And because you're touched in the head, of course. :D

Rwy'n dy garu diiii -x-


anonymous February 17 2009, 16:25:55 UTC
I didn't even know there was a Casualty fandom, let alone a slash one. This is so cute and you should write more (Toby in his sailor suit and stuff, hehe).



anonymous February 17 2009, 16:27:33 UTC
Oh, forgot to say, I loved it. Really.
And Alice/Ruth needs to be written too.


graspthethorn February 17 2009, 19:23:46 UTC
Alice/Ruth? ALICE/RUTH? Oh gosh, i can totes see that working. Alice being ripped apart by thingy breaking up with her and then Ruth being all LET ME PRACTISE BEING A PEOPLE PERSON WITH YOU and hooray! I will write it. One day. Maybe. IF YOU BEG.



graspthethorn February 17 2009, 18:02:26 UTC
When Toby put on that sailor suit I just about died (and I would have died a happy girl BTW). nd then he went and ruined it by getting drunk and falling through that boat. Oh tobes, how I love you. <3

Cheers for commenting! -x-


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