Vidder: Loki
Title: I'm Sorry About The Blood In Your Mouth (I Wish It Was Mine)
Song: To Be Continued...
Artist: School Of Emotional Engineering
Warnings: nne
Category: gen
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean
Summary: This is the moment when Sam's love for his brother saved the world.
Length: 2:40
File Size: 111 MB
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111 MBA/N: So. This has been sitting on my harddrive for almost two months and I don't even know why. So, it's not another video for an instrumental piece (though believe not the last one for sure), this is one is kind of a first one that's been made in the last couple of months? UGH whatever.
Back in December I wanted to make another handporn video and then, as usual, this simple in its nature idea kind of grew up into PLOT. So in the end I had to bug
ash48 to beta this thing and she, as usual, was super awesome, patient and helpful about it. So, thanks a ton hon! ♥
As for the suddenly appeared plot. I was browsing tumblr, which is a constant inspiration these days, and there was something among the lines of "...this is the moment when Sam Winchester's love for his brother saved the world." ( ;_____; ) I immediately tore up at the idea and this video kind of spun out out of this. So, somewhere along the never-ending shots of hands and all there is an actual plot. Me and Ash kept throwing e-mails back and forth and she's just so good at figuiring out things that she basically explained in words all that chaos that's been in my head. So. You may also ignore all the plot thing and just consider this video a hand porn one that it was planned out to be :P
The titles is from Richard Siken.
Hope you like it!
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