vid: Heart of a Volunteer

Feb 03, 2012 19:16

huge thanks to _hopefulness_ for the banner ♥

Vidder: Loki
Title: Heart of a Volunteer
Song: Mars; The Ever Under
Artist: Audio Network; Methodic Doubt
Warnings: character's death
Category: AU
Characters/Pairings: Sam, Dean
Summary: There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.
Length: 3:24
File Size: 122 MB
Links: YouTube | Download 122 MB
A/N: This was made for a Russian J2 AU challenge. I was in the team War, so this is my war themed video. It can be considered as J2, but I guess a Sam/Dean AU is easier to get the head around? Anyway. Everyone who saw and loved Pearl harbor - this one's for you. I love the movie and I think Sam and Dean would make a good Hartnett and Afleck tandem.
As in the movie - warnings for the character's death. I guess I don't have to tell you who it's gonna be.

Hope you'll like it! :)

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Thank you :)

vid, vid: supernatural

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