Title: Know Me Not Team: The Order, dahling Challenge(s): Exposed, Traitor to the Light, Hermione's Bad Day, Page 197 Rating: PG Word Count: 6 x 100 A/N: This is part one to a series. Heartfelt thanks to the lovely snapeophile for giving this a once over. :)
Title: The Smell of Cinnamon Team: The Order, dahling Word Count: 5 x 100 Challenge: What's in the Stocking? Rating: PG A/N: It's obviously Christmas-centric, and all that that implies. Here be happiness!
Title: Positions Team: The Order, dahlings Challenge: Minerva Wants a Word Word Count: 7 x 100 Rating: PG-13 A/N: Just a little plot bunny that came to me tonight. Hope you all enjoy it. :)
Title: A Mess in the Kitchen Challenge: Pumpkin Word Count: 6 x 100 Rating: PG-13... more or less A/N: Here is the last segment in a three-part series. To read the previous two (which really is necessary to understand this installment), click on the lady-rhian tag at the bottom of the post.
Title: A Mess in the Kitchen Challenge: Pumpkin Word Count: 4 x 100 Characters: Severus & Hermione Rating: PG. I think. A/N: All of your begging questions led me to (attempt) to finish what I started. Here is the second of three segments to "A Mess in the Kitchen." To read the first part, click on the lady-rhian tag at the bottom of the screen.
Title: A Mess in the Kitchen Team: The Order, dahling Words: 300 (3 x 100) Challenge: Pumpkin Rating: PG A/N: This is just a little something I brewed five minutes ago. :) Hope you all like it.
Team: The Order, dahling Word Count: 5 x 100 Challenge: Halloween Feast Characters: Hermione, Severus, Harry, Draco A/N: I've been insanely busy, but here's a quickie contribution that I've just cooked up. Just for kicks and giggles. :)
Title: Mine to Hold Team: The Order, dahling Word Count: exactly 300 (3x100) Challenge: Caught Characters: Hermione, Severus, & OC A/N: I found time during class today to type up a few little drabbles. I see that the Order hasn't been doing so hot lately... here's my contribution to the cause. :) Enjoy!
Team: The Order, dahling Word Count: 400 (100 each, there are four) Challenge: Our Mrs. Snape Characters: Hermione & Severus Rating: PG A/N: This might qualify also as a 'fight challenge', though as I am unsure of the particulars for that challenge I will leave this as is.