Title: Yuletide Potions XXIII
Team: Spy for the Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 7 x 100
Rating: G
Challenges: Comfort and Joy, Christmas Eve/Day, Dinner Conversation
Characters: Severus, Hermione
A/N: Since this will be my last set, I want to take a moment to thank Kel for setting it up and Droxy for letting us use
grangersnape100 to post our story. This
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Comments 53
Nice way to resolve the mystery around where he got the Portkey!
And heh... with the last drabble, I have to admit that my first thought (before "yay!" was "oh dear, bedroom immediately after having a proper heavy meal? not even a bit of time to let the food settle down?" ... but I guess they've been waiting long enough. Hermione certainly seemed impatient. :-D
I don't think they finished that meal. No, that plate he pushed away was definitely still half-full. So no problem there. :D
It is a grand gesture, but to some degree it's for himself as well. He couldn't realistically ask her to be in a secret romantic relationship, though at the time he made the gesture he didn't quite believe he'd end up getting the girl. Still, it was necessary if there was even going to be a possibility of anything between them.
Hmmmm. I wonder what Misstee will write next...
Do you think that if I sit here and hit refresh that it'll make her post faster?
Do you think that if I sit here and hit refresh that it'll make her post faster?
Of course it will. Assuming that you have a magical refresh key. Mine doesn't work that way. ;D
Damn! My magical refresh key is in the shop!
(The comment has been removed)
He's been nobly self-sacrificing through this entire series, I thought it was about time she called him on it and showed some sign of being able to give a bit back. He deserves that.
there I forgot to squee.
*is revived by Mr. Buzzy*
*blushes and faints again*
A Dark Mod squee is a rare honor. Thank you, my dear.
Except now. Good Lord. You've left me leading them into the bedroom. Which I've never done before. You sure you don't want to go again tomorrow? :D
But I'm likely to be pelted with virtual rotten tomatoes if I wuss out like that, so we'll have to see what I can do with them once they get into that bedroom...there's always a first time for everything, I s'pose...and I technically have 36 hours to post my part. :D
Besides, virtual tomatoes don't leave stains. ;D
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