(no subject)

Dec 28, 2007 12:31

Title: Yuletide Potions XXIII
Team: Spy for the Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 7 x 100
Rating: G
Challenges: Comfort and Joy, Christmas Eve/Day, Dinner Conversation
Characters: Severus, Hermione
A/N: Since this will be my last set, I want to take a moment to thank Kel for setting it up and Droxy for letting us use grangersnape100 to post our story. This collaboration has been tremendous fun as well as a serious challenge to my writing skills. I highly recommend it to all the writers in our community.

Once upon a time...
When we last left our heroes...

With a few quick spells, Hermione was free to help Severus clean and restock. She disliked having to use timed Charms for cooking, but she’d be just downstairs and could pop up to check that nothing went wrong. Getting to the shops to buy the makings for Christmas dinner had been a close thing; Severus had resisted her invitation until it was nearly too late. Her offer to help in the Apothecary was deflected, as was her plea to be allowed to do something for him for a change. With time running out, Hermione had pulled out the big guns.

Walking into Hermione’s flat, Severus took a deep, appreciative breath, sucking in the rich odors of roasting beef and vegetables, simmering gravy and Yorkshire pudding.

“Aren’t you glad I insisted on helping? It would have taken you all day working by yourself.”

“Perhaps I craved solitude.”

Her face dropped. “I didn’t realize I was crowding you. I just thought …”

“No,” he interrupted, “I didn’t mean that. Your company is always welcome.”

“Is it? Then why is it that the only way I can spend time with you outside of work is when I need your help?”

“Don’t be absurd.”

“You can make time to cure my parents, but you can’t accept an invitation to dinner. The only reason you agreed to come was because I said I needed your help to deal with Umbridge.”

“I have no wish to intrude where I am not wanted …” His voice trailed off as his mouth refused to form such patently false words. “It is a habit of many years standing. My own way of singing for my supper, I suppose. I am … unaccustomed to simple friendship.”

Moving closer, she placed a hand on his cheek. “I wouldn’t call it ‘simple’.”

“Do you actually require assistance with the Umbridge situation, or was that merely a ruse to entice me into your home?” Severus’ cynicism might have been more cutting if he hadn’t been busily piling his plate high with food. After nearly a week of nothing but casseroles and sweets, he was incapable of hiding his gratification at being able to tuck into a proper meal.

“Not exactly assistance. If I tell Harry what she did, she’ll be arrested and put on trial. The evidence is clear enough to leave it to the Ministry.”


“Your role would become public record.”

Spearing a piece of potato, Severus nodded his agreement. “The time has come, for a number of reasons.”

“Such as?”

Severus managed to simultaneously look embarrassed and savour a mouthful of gravy-laden beef. Then he took a sip of the rich Burgundy.

Hermione waited patiently.

“My publisher has been urging me to make such a move for some time. He believes it will significantly increase sales of the book, and any others I might write.”

Hermione’s brow furrowed as she considered his argument. “All that has been true for a long time. Why now in particular? Besides helping me out.”

“I agreed to go public with my identity in return for the Portkey.”

After three deep breaths and a slow count to ten, Hermione finally trusted herself to reply. “You would go that far for me, completely disrupt your life and give up your privacy, but you still made me jump through hoops before you’d agree to let me fix you dinner. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to me to be in such a one-sided relationship? Tell me, Severus, is there anything you will ever let me do for you? Anything you can accept from me?”

Pushing back his plate, he reached for her hand. “Yourself.”

Looking into impossibly-darkened eyes, she whispered, “You have me. But I want more. I want some give and take between us. I want to care for you the way you take care of me. Can you let me do that?”

He stood then, pulling her to her feet. “I can but try. Perhaps we could start by negotiating a fair exchange of … favours.” He punctuated the last word with lingering kiss on the base of her neck.

“I’d like that,” Hermione replied as she led him to her bedroom.

a_bees_buzz, comfort and joy challenge, order_rr, christmas eve/day challenge, dinner conversation challenge

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