Yuletide Potions Part XIX

Dec 24, 2007 13:13

Title: Yuletide Potions: Part XIX
Team: The Order
Word Count: 12 x 100 (but only 11 count)
Rating: M
Challenges: Broken Memory Charm, Comfort and Joy
Characters: Severus, Hermione, Wendell and Monica
A/N: As a bit of a Christmas present, I present to you an M-rated set. *winks* I wish this set were better, but between preparations for the holidays and the stomach flu, this was the best I could do. Hope it's okay!

Happy Christmas!

The Beginning


“On second thought,” Severus murmured, not yet willing to divulge just what he had done to obtain the Portkey, “perhaps our time would be better spent on more important matters.” He slowly slid his fingers along her sweat-dampened skin until his hand reached the back of her neck, relishing in her responsive shiver. He lowered his head to press a series of light kisses long her jaw and neck.

“Mmm, perhaps you’re right.” Twining her arms about his waist, Hermione rose up on her toes and lightly nipped his earlobe, eliciting a low moan. “We have some memories to restore.”


She stepped away from him, grinning smugly.

Severus felt his lips twitch with amusement. “It isn’t wise to tease.”

Hermione turned her head at the sound of the front door opening and closing as her parents returned from their walk.

Sliding past her, Severus leant in to whisper as he exited the kitchen, “You will pay for that.”

Her laughter echoed as she followed him into the lounge. “I sincerely hope so.”

“How goes the research?” Wendell asked as he and Monica sat down on the sofa.

Hermione glanced at Severus before responding, “Everything looks good. We’re ready to try.”


Severus watched as the couple’s faces were filled with relief as well as a bit of trepidation. He would have been shocked if they hadn’t been wary-mucking about with the mind should never be taken lightly.

“Pardon my saying so, but you both look like you could use a decent meal and a good night’s rest,” Monica said. “I think Wendell and I can wait until morning before we attempt this.”

“Are you certain, Mum, because-”

Monica was swift to interrupt. “I’m certain. I know I’d feel more comfortable if I knew you were both at your best.”


Later that night, long after everyone else had gone to sleep, Hermione tossed and turned on the sofa, her brain refusing to shut down and allow her to rest. Thoughts of her parents, Umbridge, and the situation with Severus whirled about, keeping her awake. Finally, she grabbed her pillow and blanket and quietly made her way down the hall to the room Severus had been given.

She hesitated briefly, then turned the knob, opening the door just enough for her to slip inside before shutting it behind her.


She felt foolish now that she was there. “I couldn’t sleep.”


Severus remained silent long enough for Hermione to conclude that she had made a mistake in coming to his room. “I’m sorry for waking you. I’ll just go back to the sofa….”

She was in the midst of twisting the doorknob when Severus pulled back the counterpane and edged to one side of the bed.

“Come on, then.”

Smiling, Hermione quickly slid in next to him, snuggling into his comforting embrace and burying her face against the warmth of his chest. She inhaled deeply and at last felt herself drifting toward sleep as she was enveloped by Severus’ familiar scent.


“Better now?” His voice rumbled through his chest against her ear.

Hermione nodded and snuggled closer.

“Trouble sleeping?”

She nodded again.

“Are you going to explain your presence in my room, or am I going to have to play twenty bloody questions at two in the morning?”

Propping up on an elbow, she scowled at him. “Are you always so cross in the middle of the night?”


Hermione let out a huff of involuntary laughter before sinking into his embrace once more. “My mind just wouldn’t turn off. I kept thinking of everything that’s happened lately… and about tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow will be here soon enough. We should rest,” Severus whispered as he ran callused fingers along the skin of her arm.

Hermione was instantly alert. She scooted up the bed a bit, until they were almost face-to-face. She slid one hand across his chest. “Yes, we should,” she replied, and then she pressed her mouth to his.

His lips parted in a surprised gasp, and Hermione quickly took advantage, slipping her tongue into his mouth and deepening the kiss. Not one to be outdone, Severus took control of the kiss, manoeuvring Hermione onto her back. He loomed over her.


“You are playing with fire,” he murmured.

“I don’t mind being burned,” she said breathlessly as he settled onto his side next her, one hand skimming over her body, sending frissons of pleasure down her spine. She twisted, knocking him flat on his back and then scrambling until she was cradling his hips between her thighs.

“Ahhh,” Severus groaned as she began to rock against him.

“Severus,” she purred, revelling in the feeling of power that coursed through her veins.

His hands caressed and stroked, slipping under the tiny tee-shirt she had worn to sleep in, stoking the flames higher.


She couldn’t stop the low moan that escaped her lips as his hand reached her breast, her nipple hardening into a taut point against his palm.

The sound of a soft snore drifted into the room from elsewhere in the house and reminded Hermione of where she was - Merlin’s beard, her parents were across the hall! - and she quickly scrambled off of the man beneath her, her cheeks flaming.

Severus chuckled as she groaned in embarrassment and drew her into his arms. “It’s all right, Hermione. There will be time for us later. Rest now.”

Soon, they were both asleep.

Morning came early after such a late night, but Hermione made certain she was up and around before her parents. She padded to the kitchen and was making coffee when Severus joined her.

“Good morning,” he said, his voice roughened with sleep. Hermione smiled, and they began to prepare breakfast together.

They were soon joined by Wendell and Monica. Breakfast was a quiet affair, everyone caught up their own thoughts at the impending procedure.

“Monica, Wendell,” Severus said, breaking the silence. “Shall we adjourn to the lounge? I think we’ll be more comfortable there.”

This was it. It was time.


Wendell and Monica were seated side-by-side on the sofa, their hands tightly clasped. Hermione sat in a chair in front them.

Hermione explained the plan she and Severus had agreed upon the previous afternoon. “First, Severus is going to remove the stasis charm, and then I will reverse the memory charm. All right?”

Her parents looked at each other before her mother responded. “We’re ready.”

Severus assumed Hermione’s position in the chair and was easily able to remove the stasis charm on first her mother, then her father. He performed a diagnostic spell and informed Hermione all was as anticipated.


Hermione felt her throat constrict as she faced the expectant faces of her parents. What if it didn’t work? What if it did work, and they hated her for what she had done? What if….


She blinked at the sound of her father’s voice.

“No matter what happens, you will still be our daughter. Cast the spell,” her mother said gently but firmly.

Hermione nodded and raised her wand. “You’re first, Mum.”

She focussed her concentration, and with a few swishes and flicks and a murmured incantation, she reversed the memory charm.

Her mother opened her eyes. “Oh, Hermione.”

comfort and joy challenge, order_rr, broken memory charm challenge, sshg316

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