Title: The Coldest Summer
Team: Spy for the Order
Word Count: 10x100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Coldest Winter
Characters: Hermione, Harry, Severus
A/N: Previous sets:
part I,
part II ,
part III,
part IV,
part V,
part VI,
part VII,
part VIII,
part IX,
part X,
part XI,
part XII,
part XIII,
part XIV,
part XV,
part XVI,
part XVII,
part XVIII.
The owl who brought Hermione her copy of The Daily Prophet on the 22nd looked more harassed and tired than usual. The reason for that became obvious as soon as Hermione took the paper - it was thicker than on most days.
And the huge headline on the front page left no doubt as to the reason.
Severus Snape Alive!
Severus Snape, the most notorious of the heroes of the recent war, former Death Eater, Headmaster of Hogwarts and the right hand man of Lord Voldemort (better known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named), thought to be dead, is alive and has returned to Britain.
* * *
Hermione wondered how the paper knew about Snape already, but figured that he must have let someone know about his return in advance. It made sense, as the article - in spite of the tabloid-style introduction - went on to describe his voluntary exile in a fairly accurate manner.
Including a mention of his most recent activities - as a researcher in Antarctica.
Hermione gulped.
If either of the boys actually bothered to take a look at the paper today, and read the article, which was likely, considering the headline, she could expect visitors pretty soon. And this time, they would want answers.
* * *
To her relief, Harry was the first one to arrive.
‘So. Snape. You were planning to tell us, right?’
Hermione shrugged. ‘Yes, of course. But not until he chose to reveal his identity in public - he got me to promise him I wouldn’t, and to be honest, I’d rather not face the consequences of breaking a promise to Snape.’
Harry looked like he would have wanted to say something, but thought better of it.
‘Don’t let him run you over,’ he said at last. ‘I don’t think he’s as bad as I used to think, but he’s still - well, Snape.’
* * *
Hermione smiled. ‘I won’t. And no, I don’t think he’s all that bad either. Even if he is still Snape. He’s changed a bit though - I think I’ll be safe.’
Harry nodded, looking at the floor.
‘Besides, you’re just going to be working with him. You can always leave if he starts treating you the way he did at Hogwarts.’
‘Yes, indeed. I don’t think he will though. He was - nice, to me, in Antarctica.’
Harry eyed her curiously. ‘You’re not ... I mean, nothing happened there, right?’
Hermione was afraid her blush told Harry all he needed to know.
* * *
‘Don’t tell Ron,’ she said. ‘Please. He’ll flip. I mean, I don’t know if it will work - if there will ever be anything more between me and Severus than a working relationship. He’ll find out in time anyway.’
Harry shook his head.
‘I won’t tell him, if he doesn’t ask. It’s just … a bit much for me to take in, right now. Snape being alive is already - well, I didn’t expect it, you know? I felt awful after the battle, knowing about everything he’d done for us - for me - and thinking that we’d just left him there to die.’
* * *
‘I know, Harry,’ she said sadly. ‘I did, too, and it wasn’t nearly as personal for me as it was for you.’
Harry shrugged. ‘Yeah. But now … it will be weird. Seeing him again. And the thought of you two - it’ll take a while for it to sink in.’
‘It still feels so unreal to me, too,’ she said, ‘and I spent two days with him in Antarctica. It’s all so confusing. I don’t really know what he wants. For all I know, he might have changed his mind about wanting to work with me, never mind anything else.’
* * *
‘And you actually want it then? To work with him? And - never mind, I don’t want to know about the rest.’ Harry made a face.
She nodded. ‘I think so. I can’t really explain it. We just sort of … clicked. And I know it’s the kind of work I’d love to do. I mean, I know it won’t be easy, I can’t expect him to be on his best behaviour all the time, but it’s just … I really do want it. All of it.’
‘You’re crazy,’ Harry said, rolling his eyes. ‘Good luck. You’re going to need it.’
* * *
Harry floo-called Hermione a few hours after he’d left, to let her know that she wouldn’t have to expect a visit from Ron any time soon.
‘Ginny told me that when Ron saw the paper, he stared at it for a while and then just said ‘Snape! I can’t believe she meant Snape!’ - and fainted right there in the kitchen. He hit his head on the floor, so Molly took him to St Mungo’s. He’ll probably be kept there until tomorrow.’
‘He’ll be okay though?’ asked Hermione nervously, feeling a little guilty.
‘Yeah, he’s doing fine. They’re just being cautious.’
* * *
Half an hour before Snape’s planned arrival, Hermione was busy in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to do something about her hair.
‘Argh!’ she screamed, deciding it was a lost cause. ‘I’ll just need to hope he won’t care what my hair looks like - it’s not like he hasn’t seen it at its worst before.’
She had thought, briefly, about dressing up, but decided against it. Looking smart and professional - now that she could do. No need for him to think she was going into a lot of effort just to look pretty for him.
The bell rang, twice.
* * *
Snape looked the same as the last time she’d seen him - hair still short, clothes still black and well-fitting, eyes still as dark as the night.
‘Hello,’ she said, her throat suddenly dry. ‘Come in.’
He stepped inside, looking around with interest. ‘You’re alone?’
‘Yes. Harry came by in the morning ... he, uh, knows.’
‘Ah yes, the article. And how did he take it?’
Hermione shrugged. ‘Quite well actually. I think he might want to meet you soon.’
He nodded. ‘I wouldn’t have expected anything else. How have you been?’
‘Busy.’ She smiled. ‘But not any longer. I’ve resigned.’
A/N: Happy holidays, everyone! And thanks for sticking with me through this whole thing.
ETA: Just to clarify, no, this isn't the end yet! I hope. :-D
On to
part XX.