The Coldest Summer, III

Dec 06, 2007 23:19

Title: The Coldest Summer
Team: Spy for the Order
Word Count: 3x100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Coldest Winter
Characters: Hermione, Severus
A/N: Part I is here and part II here.

Hermione was soon drawn into conversation with an elderly gentleman from the French Ministry of Magic and a colourfully dressed witch representing Brazil. The latter in particular seemed to have an abundance of ideas regarding the main topic of the conference - discussing the possibility of setting up a Wizarding equivalent of Interpol for tracking and apprehending suspected criminals.

In spite of the fascinating discussion, she couldn’t resist sneaking a glance at Snape every now and then. He was lounging in a comfortable armchair at the other end of the room, reading a book and seemingly appreciating having been left alone.

* * *

He looked a bit different, Hermione noticed. Not just because of the haircut - which actually suited him, she had to admit - but in other ways, too.

He seemed less tense than she remembered - not quite relaxed, but not so highly strung either. He wasn’t dressed in forbidding looking robes but was wearing a form-fitting polo neck and trousers; still black, of course, but far more casual. Even his teeth looked a bit whiter. He could easily have passed for a Muggle.

In fact, Hermione wondered if he’d been staying among the Muggles before ending up here in the icy desert.

* * *

When dinner was served, Hermione couldn’t resist the temptation of snagging the seat next to Snape. He very nearly scowled at her but seemed to change his mind at the last moment, holding the chair out for her instead.

‘Thank you,’ said Hermione politely, taking her seat. ‘I was wondering what sort of work you’re doing here. I’m beginning to think that it’s something top secret as I was not told about it before I left.’

Snape added a few roast potatoes to his plate before responding. ‘It’s not top secret, but it’s quite dull. I doubt you’d be interested.’

On to part IV.

kribu, coldest winter challenge

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