Title: The Unsettling Quiet of Absent White Noise
Team: Mod Having fun
Word Count: exactly 100
Challenge: No Dialog
Characters: Severus, Hermione
Disclaimer: No money made, JKR owns it all. White noise is a geeky term that describes ambient noise levels sometimes created to drown out other sounds, but it is also the general noise level of living.
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Comments 24
I loved that Hermione's sense of safety was aurally connected with Snape by the signature movement of his cloak. It's not difficult to imagine that sound always accompanying him, no matter how quiet his prowl.
I also liked the diurnal/nocturnal dichotomy of her mental focus. Given that I used to need ambient noise around me when I was younger, I can rather relate. :D
At your service, Milady. :D
and I can't read or write without music or the TV on...not at all. I can't sleep without either on for that matter..
I can't have noise or light.
I have the old constant ringing in my ears from way too many ear infections as a child.
So when it is very quiet that is all I hear and it makes me nuts...so I need to have some kind of backround noise so I can concentrate. My father thought it was crazy I could do my homework in front of the TV..but I did and got the As and Bs to prove it:D
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