Title: Inexplicable (16/23) (Mature Content)
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: All Ages
Challenge: Compulsion
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: Shockingly there's more in the "Silly Little Girl" universe. To see previous drabbles in the series, please go to the
Table of Contents.
Okay, having left three of you completely befuddled (mea culpa,) I've edited it.
Hermione leaned into the kiss … for a too-fleeting moment before she pushed away, her eyes wide and lips moist.
Snape sucked down air; his eyes bored into hers.
The crack of her open hand against his cheek echoed off the walls, but Snape exulted. Hermione Granger, the spitfire, was still there.
Snape stepped back from the wild-eyed virago.
“What the hell was that?” She stalked him across the room, her eyes narrowed. “I don’t appreciate being toyed with.”
“Granger, I ….” He foundered.
“Bastard!” She turned, striding toward the door.
“I realize you don’t trust me-“
“You trust me?” He was taken off-guard. Rarely was he adrift in a conversation.
“To some degree.”
“Earlier you declared quite the reverse.”
“Despite that; you were different after Venice. You gave me time to think.” She turned; her expression unreadable. “I needed that time. I saw you in Delhi and Phnom Penh, you know, but I felt safe rather than hunted.”
“Granger, your parents …” Taking a cautious step in her direction, he said, “Your father will never forgive himself.”
“As he shouldn’t.”
“Don’t judge them--”
“They will answer for themselves. You,” she interrupted, “however, are a different issue entirely.”
Next cluster Reciprocity