Sleight of Hand

Jun 26, 2007 19:10

Title: Sleight of Hand (5/23)
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: All Ages
Challenge: Compulsion
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: First of all, it's all x_weasley's fault for twitting me about posting. Secondly, you get more of this little series, because a_bees_buzz threatened asked so nicely. Thank you, ladies.

To see previous drabbles I've put together in the Silly Little Girl univers, I've put together a Table of Contents which I'll update as I post each successive drabble.

I can safely say now that I've seen the end and it's a pinprick on the horizon!


The kitchen at the Burrow was filled to capacity. Mad-Eye Moody argued animatedly with Shacklebolt while others processed the news, and Molly filled Ron’s plate; he’d long been full.

Arthur’s question sliced through the noise. “You can’t tell us what you’re doing?”

“No, Dad. We’ve explained why.”

Nods came from several sources: Bill, Tonks, McGonagall.

Harry’s anguish had left him hoarse. “Do we tell her parents?

“No!” cried Lupin and McGonagall simultaneously.

“Not … not yet,” Lupin stammered. “Just wait a few days. Maybe Hermione will … er … escape.”

Harry and Ron exchanged hard looks.

“Remus? A word.” Harry’s voice was inflexible.


Her back was to a wall - metaphorical and physical. “Malfoy’s a double-agent? And you’ve been living here … here … for seven months?”

“You always did regurgitate information.” Dark eyes traveled over her altered features.

“Severus,” warned Constantinos Granger, his tight Grecian curls still damp from the shower.

Snape shrugged.

Hermione tilted her chin. “You expect me to believe …”

“I expect nothing,” he snapped, “but your parents do not lie.”

Helen tried again. “You can trust Severus --”

“Dumbledore did. He’s dead.”

“Which is why he left you this.” Constantinos flipped over an envelope, sliding it across the table.

Next cluster: The Truth of Something Like It


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