(no subject)

May 04, 2007 01:22

Title: Theirs
Team Name: The Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 100 X 12
Rating: G
Challenge: How Can You Fix a Broken Heart Challenge
Characters: Hermioine/Severus and...
Author's Notes: Okay, the sequel to "His and Hers". I was going to wait until the bribe cheques cleared Gringotts, but the owls are late today. Surely all you Death Eaters didn't promise bribes and not deliver… right? :-D

Theirs 1

Babies should have a cautionary tag, Hermione thought as she lifted him from the bath. Slippery when wet.

Brian giggled as one chubby fist tangled in her hair. Wrapping him in a large towel, Hermione laughed too, dropping a kiss on his damp, black hair. Dancing steps took them from the bath into the bedroom they shared. Her parents had been terrific when she arrived on their doorstep months ago, pregnant and broken-hearted. They'd hoped she'd reconcile with Brian's father, but accepted her as she was.

A quick knock interrupted her singing. "Mum?"

The door opened, and there was Severus.

Theirs 2

For time to have any meaning, there has to be a difference, something to mark its passage. For Snape, there was work, the only consistent thing in his life without Hermione.

Sometimes, he'd emerge from the cellar lab and stumble into the kitchen. If he were lucky, it'd still be daylight and he could nip to the shop; if not, he'd sleep. Time was only important in his potions; for him, it held no meaning.

Then one day, an owl pecked peevishly at his window. It was simply a renewal for a Charms magazine.

But it was addressed to Hermione.

Theirs 3

He would take it to her, of course. Snape decided that much as he showered, then scraped his scraggly beard. Removing the facial hair made his cheekbones appear sharper and his nose more prominent. He scowled at his reflection, and almost abandoned his plan.

"I'm simply dropping off her mail," he told his reflection.

For the past year, she had been positively reclusive. The only reason he kept his subscription of The Daily Prophet was to see if it ever mentioned her.

It never did.

It was almost as if she had left the wizarding world when she left him.

Theirs 4

Snape remembered her parents' address, even though he had never met them. They had invited him to countless events and holidays, but he had always sent his regrets. Hermione worded it much more politely when passing the message on.


The woman who answered resembled Hermione slightly. Snape couldn't remember her Christian name. She was pleasant enough, if a trifle cool, but told Snape Hermione was up in her room. He didn't even have to explain about the letter.

The door was closed, but he opened it when Hermione responded to his knock. Would she be happy to see him?

Theirs 5

He was thinner and paler than she remembered, if such a thing were possible.

The familiar look of rage crossed his face as he looked on his son. "Is this Pot--" but broke off as the boy turned to look at the gruff voice.

Eyes black as night stared up at him. The happy smile faded from the baby's face, and a troubled look appeared. Snape could only stare.

"Mine?" he asked at last.

Hermione twisted, putting her body between him and her son. He squawked and looked around her back, staring at his father.

"No, mine," she corrected.

Theirs 6

"You never told him?" her mother asked, trying to keep the censure from her voice.

"I don't want to talk about it," Hermione muttered as she placed Brian in his crib.

"Darling," her mum pressed, "I just want to understand. Perhaps your magical world is different, but you should have at least told him."

Hermione occupied herself by sorting the stuffed animals at the foot of the crib. Largest to smallest. Patty Granger took her by the shoulders and gave her a gentle shake.

"I wouldn't have let him in if I knew that."

"It's okay. He won't be back."

Theirs 7

Snape returned a week later, Apparating directly into her bedroom.

Hermione yelped, dropping the book she was reading. Rising quickly from her chair, she demanded, "Why are you here?"

The wariness in her eyes made him draw up to his full height. "Because your mother claims you're never home when I come to the door." A rustling from the crib in the corner drew his attention.

She moved in front of him. "What do you want?"

For long moments, they stared at each other. "Something you owe me," he said finally. "Honesty. Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

Theirs 8

Hermione took a breath before answering. The gesture was a familiar one to him, both from her days as his student and the days of her being so much more. She was going to reel off a list, one that was practiced in her mind until perfect.

"You hate children."

Snape nodded as if he were expecting this. "I hate dunderheads," he corrected. "Could a child of yours ever be a dunderhead?"

She sighed. "A child needs love, not temper. You have a ferocious temper, Severus."

"You knew that when we first got together." Teeth gritted.

"I wasn't pregnant then."

Theirs 9

For a long moment, they stared at each other, both slightly shocked at the sadness in the other's eyes.

"I could--" he began.

"No," she interrupted shrilly. "Don't say you can change." Then, resuming control, added, "I don't expect you to change."

"You don't think I can," he countered, temper rising until a whimper from the crib brought him back into focus.

"You've reasons for your anger, Severus. I just don't want to raise a child with it." She turned to the crib, crying only when she heard the pop of Disapparation.

How could she still cry over him?

Theirs 10

Mental preparation, Hermione told herself as she entered the bookstore. It's just mental preparation if he returns, though she felt as if she'd seen the back of Severus Snape. The scent of ink and paper was infinitely comforting, even under fluorescent lighting.

Making her way through the crowded store, she found the 'Self-Help' section. So had three other people. Pulling the first book off the shelf, she began to browse until a deep, familiar voice interrupted her study.

"I already have that one," Severus said, nodding to a stack next to him on the shelf.

Flabbergasted, she could only stare.

Theirs 11"What are you doing here?" she squeaked.

"Researching," he answered tersely, returning to the book he held.

"But, why?"

"Words are cheap. I can say 'I'll change', but can I? I want to find out if I can before I make any promises," he said. In the unfamiliar Muggle clothing, he looked and sounded like a stranger.

While she stood speechless, he used his index finger as a bookmark and turned full attention to her.

"There are words that aren't cheap," he said. "I love you. I miss you. Are you willing to give me a chance while I try?"

Theirs 12

"I can't make promises, Severus," Hermione whispered, eyes filling with tears.

He snorted. "I'm not asking for an Unbreakable Vow or Wand Oath, just let me know it's worth trying."

"If I said 'no', would you still try?"

He swallowed and looked at the book he was holding. Finally, "Yes, I would still try. With or without you in my life."

"Then, yes, I'll give you a chance, help any way I can."

A rare smile skittered across his lips as he looked at her. "Then help me figure out the currency so I can pay for these bloody books."

Final Author's Notes: I hope you're all happy that the sequel is here. Do they get back together before Brian goes to Hogwarts? I don't know. I'll check back with them in a couple years, 'kay? :-)

mending a heart challenge, larilee

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