Not a Gentleman

Oct 05, 2009 18:48

Title: Not a Gentleman
Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 5x100
Rating: M
Challenge: Not a Gentleman
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Disclaimer: I am making no profit. Any characters or settings recognizable from the Harry Potter series belong to J.K. Rowling. The rest is mine.

At sunset, on the shore of the Black Lake, Professor Snape took off his boots... )

not a gentleman challenge, duniazade

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Comments 46

melusin_79 October 5 2009, 17:29:50 UTC
Love it. Brilliant last line :)


duniazade October 5 2009, 17:48:47 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


septentrion1970 October 5 2009, 17:29:53 UTC
Bunnies and house-elves? *shudders*

Love the last line. Somehow, it reminds me of Eowyn in the Lord of the Rings, when she says, "I am no man".


duniazade October 5 2009, 17:54:53 UTC
Yes, that is a terrible thought, isn't it? ;-)

I had a lot of trouble remembering Eowyn's line but at last it came back - it's when she slays the baddie who "cannot be killed by a man," isn't it? It's been a long time since I've read LotR.

Thank you!


septentrion1970 October 5 2009, 17:57:00 UTC
this is it.


pythia_delphi October 5 2009, 17:46:21 UTC
So much to comment on in this!

Loved the lush imagery.

moving slowly over her skin and, like a soft painter’s brush

This, especially was so *guh* as was the idea of Severus undoing the buttons of his trouser leg. *drools*

I must admit though, that the idea of house-elves breeding with bunnies was a bit icky. ;-)

And the last line was a stroke of genuis!


duniazade October 5 2009, 18:01:41 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it and so pleased that you liked the sensual aspect! Thank you very much.

I completely agree with you about house-elves and bunnies - it's a terrifying idea. Fortunately, Severus has been very firm on the subject.


debjunk October 5 2009, 17:49:21 UTC
LOL, Great last line! LOL! Cute story.


duniazade October 5 2009, 18:02:22 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


dickgloucester October 5 2009, 18:01:00 UTC
Oh, that was just perfect! Brilliant last line!


duniazade October 5 2009, 18:05:57 UTC
Hee! Thank you very much, Dicky - I'm so pleased you've liked it.

I have just seen you're posting a series - sorry for having butted in. *scurries off to read Dicky*


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