A New Begining

Jun 30, 2008 21:29

Title: A New Beginning
Team: Spy for the Flaming Flamingos
Word Count: 100 x 3
Rating: 15 (with UK classification)
Challenge: Headmistress Granger, fluffy
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger (Snape), Severus Snape
Authors Notes: As always, I own nothing of the Potterverse; it all belongs to JK Rowling and others too numerous to mention. ( Read more... )

hermione the headmistress challenge, savine_snape, fluffy challenge

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Comments 32

lady_rhian June 30 2008, 20:37:38 UTC
Oh, fabulous!

*wild applause*

I loved it! Too funny. And I also mentioned the - *clears throat* - Headmistress's desk in my drabble... you should read it... /self-pimpage.


savine_snape June 30 2008, 21:04:01 UTC
Thank you Hunny... will go read your drabble now!


(The comment has been removed)

savine_snape June 30 2008, 21:07:42 UTC
Iz nice to write something light and fluffy. Loves You!


little_beloved June 30 2008, 20:42:06 UTC
Lovely! Sweet and fun. :)
Now, what do we have to do to get you to turn spy for the Death Eaters???


savine_snape June 30 2008, 21:11:58 UTC
Mmmm I have written one darker piece for the men in black with the party masks...
Lets see, what would convince me to jump one way or the other... Nakkid Severus? or DE cookies?


little_beloved July 1 2008, 19:23:47 UTC
How about DE cookies with little icing pictures of a nakkid Sev on them??? How could you refuse???


savine_snape July 1 2008, 22:32:02 UTC
Tempting, very tempting. Will have to think it over :x


dreamy_dragon73 June 30 2008, 21:03:04 UTC
That's lovely and fun, too!


savine_snape June 30 2008, 21:14:28 UTC
Thanks Hun,
Glad you like this, its nice to write a bit of fluff after writing angsty stuff this last week.


bemoan1000 June 30 2008, 21:28:44 UTC
That was great.


savine_snape June 30 2008, 21:37:12 UTC
Your Icon is way too cute *strokes*
I'm glad you like this piece of fluff.


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