I F***ing Do! Part 10

Jun 18, 2008 14:26

Title: I F***ing Do! Part 10
Team Name: Spy for the Men in Black
Word Count: 8x100
Rating: M (language)
Challenge: Creative Cursing
Characters: Hermione/Severus (in absentia) and many other characters

Author’s Notes: This is part ten of the round-robin drabble series “I F***ing Do!”, a Hissing Harpies production relating the true story of the Snape- ( Read more... )

creative cursing challenge, hissing harpies, duniazade

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Comments 38

leonix8238 June 18 2008, 13:02:46 UTC
“In Jamaica. He’s breeding goats.” - *snort*...ah good old goats, what would these wizards do without them? haha!


duniazade June 18 2008, 13:15:03 UTC
Good old Tobias has certainly picked some interesting preferences from his association with magical creatures.

Thank you!


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duniazade June 18 2008, 13:53:25 UTC
Hee! I'm afraid that for a subliminal message it's a screamingly unsubtle one. ;-)

Thank you!


septentrion1970 June 18 2008, 13:30:46 UTC
Oh so much trouble and fun that fucking wedding will be.


duniazade June 18 2008, 13:54:59 UTC
*rubs hands*

I hope so, and will do my worst.

Thank you!


a_bees_buzz June 18 2008, 14:10:09 UTC
I just love the imagery of the three witches overlooking the cliff, bitchy little gossip Ginny, and Jocasta punching out Molly! Though this: "looking like a dysenteric Thestral shit" is an image I'm going to be trying NOT to think about all day - thanks for that! ;-)

You've done wonderful things for the plot here, it's getting very exciting.


duniazade June 18 2008, 15:33:36 UTC
Aww, thank you, Buzzy!

As to Jocasta punching out Molly, I wanted her to bond with Eileen, and that was a satisfying opportunity. ;-)

I'm sure the other Harpies will bring in a lot of new plot twists!


a_bees_buzz June 18 2008, 15:45:47 UTC
I think we've all wanted to punch out Molly a time or two, thank you for giving us the chance to see it happen!


bluestocking79 June 18 2008, 14:21:37 UTC
I love this glimpse into the enemy camp! It's nice to see that Jocasta's finally done what HP characters have been wishing to do for ages: stand up to Molly Weasley. I'm also tickled by Eileen's preference for chocolate biscuits, which is obviously a genetic trait. ;-)

And Toby! Breeding goats! In Jamaica! Ah, the delicious possibilities there...


duniazade June 18 2008, 15:38:43 UTC
Hee! I loved so much chocolate biscuits-munching Severus! And Jocasta shares with her daughter a genetic penchant for punching people on the nose.

I can't wait for Toby's entrance - it's bound to be spectacular. By the way, my secret sources have told me exactly what breed of goats he's raising. Very nice goats...


bluestocking79 June 18 2008, 15:43:53 UTC
Oh my, is that so? I may want to hear what these sources have to say. ;-)


duniazade June 18 2008, 15:51:26 UTC
Shhh... You're sure nobody's listening? Well... Nubian goats with long, droopy, silken ears, so smooth to kiss.


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