Be Careful What You Wish For

May 17, 2008 14:25

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For

Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13? Under the cut for foul language.
Challenge: Creative Cursing
Characters: Hermione/Severus/Ron

Disclaimer: I am making no profit and no copyright infringement is intended. Any characters or settings recognizable from the Harry Potter series belong to J ( Read more... )

creative cursing challenge, duniazade

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Comments 54

septentrion1970 May 17 2008, 13:31:55 UTC
Still love the cursing.


duniazade May 17 2008, 13:36:30 UTC
Thanks! It's my favourite bit too.


dickgloucester May 17 2008, 14:20:53 UTC
A most excellent curse!


duniazade May 17 2008, 14:26:03 UTC
That was a most excellent challenge - I think I'll revisit it later. Maybe we should do cursing competitions, each one of us taking up a character?

Thank you!


dickgloucester May 17 2008, 14:33:57 UTC
That's a good idea. How shall we organise it?


duniazade May 17 2008, 15:25:22 UTC
Maybe we should first pick our characters, then tune our voices in a comment duel on someone's journal - yours, or Buzzy, or mine - then polish the results and put them on GS100?


a_bees_buzz May 17 2008, 14:40:56 UTC
Very nice! I love flatulence as a collective noun.


duniazade May 17 2008, 15:32:19 UTC
Thank you, and perfectly apt icon, as always!

Collective noun... to be frank, I considered it as an unique, if unfortunate, result of ill-advised congress.


a_bees_buzz May 17 2008, 16:08:07 UTC
I see. Still, a flatulence of flobberworms works. It could also be used for blast-ended skrewts, generally modified with "flaming".


duniazade May 17 2008, 18:55:55 UTC
Hee! Yes, modified with "flaming", definitely.

Have to run downstairs for the moment.


bluestocking79 May 17 2008, 15:03:18 UTC
Great! I love how eloquent Severus is in his filthy cursing.


duniazade May 17 2008, 15:35:41 UTC
Thank you!

He would have been even more eloquent if not in urgent need to avoid the crash. But Dickie and Buzzy seem interested in a cursing fest, so maybe we'll hear more of this particular brand of eloquence.


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duniazade May 17 2008, 18:52:06 UTC
Thank you! Would you like to join us for a Cursing fest or round-robin?


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duniazade May 17 2008, 18:54:53 UTC
*rubs hands*

I think Camillo is interested too. We'll have fun!


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