Be Careful What You Wish For

May 17, 2008 14:25

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For

Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13? Under the cut for foul language.
Challenge: Creative Cursing
Characters: Hermione/Severus/Ron

Disclaimer: I am making no profit and no copyright infringement is intended. Any characters or settings recognizable from the Harry Potter series belong to J.K. Rowling. The rest is mine.

A/N: Just my tuppence to the creative cursing challenge. Thanks to  septentrion1970  for a quick look-over.


“By Merlin’s leaky condom, you filthy flatulence of horny flobberworms, look where you’re going, you carrot-brained deliquescence!”

The car took a steep dive to avoid the Ford Anglia that had come hurtling out of the clouds like a bullet.

Hermione gripped her seat with both hands and prayed the brakes would hold.

Severus pulled out of the dive sharply. The two flying cars were now racing flank to flank above the dark waters of the lake.

Hermione had been much relieved when Ron had accepted gracefully her marriage to Severus.

To bond over joyriding was perhaps taking things too far.

creative cursing challenge, duniazade

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