Jun 23, 2015 11:37
Session 4.1: The armada followed the Celestial Queen to Tartessos. It stopped at Free Cove, the secure location of Tartessos' shipyards, to give Stelaro time to consider how best to approach the city and also time his arrival with the Rising of the Seas festival. Tali spoke to Baram and suggested that he either let he go back to the Caliph or tortured her, to discover the location of Akmanatos. At Free Cove, Stelaro was confronted by Bonifacio Gilroy who captained the Celestial Queen's twin called the Deep Reaver. He also met with Asceline Pompilius, who informed him that there were rumours of the return of the Black Blood plague as well as his old friend "Nicolo" who was believed to be dead. Nicolo was the one who revealed to Stelaro the truth of the Black Blood plague that allowed him to overcome the Great Darkness and avenge his family. Phaedra met with an old shipwright called Noffo Gianni who enabled her to speak with her mother and have a vision of the Slough. Baram intercepted a Sheban vessel and discovered a cadaver pyramid of the same kind he had seen used in Saturnia.