Fic: Neither Rhyme Nor Reason (3/9)

Apr 17, 2011 10:13

Title: Neither Rhyme Nor Reason (3/9)
Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid eventually
Summary: When it comes to love, neither rhyme nor reason need apply.
Warnings: Based upon this prompt.
Author’s Notes: Written for a prompt by gypsieheart. Hope you enjoy it. And a huge thank you to cherimola for beta work and listening to my whining. Comments are appreciated and loved. Thank you  ~Ali
Previous Chapters: { One} { Two}

Chapter Three

When Reid walked into the conference room the next morning, he wasn’t surprised to see Luke already there. The blonde had Reid’s proposal in front of him. Reid tried not cringe at all the markings, highlighted parts, and post-it notes. He wasn’t sure how he would survive working with Luke.

The younger man looked up at him, and his eyes clouded over. Reid wasn’t sure what that was about. Although, he was almost certain he wasn’t the only one who had felt the sparks between them when they shook hands. The doctor tried to clear his thoughts. This wasn’t junior high, and he didn’t want to think about getting sweaty palms over Mr. Snyder.

“You look tired,” Luke commented.

“Thanks.” Reid smirked. “I didn’t sleep well.”

He hadn't meant to let that slip. Jacob had been crying off and on, but that wasn’t the reason Reid didn’t get much sleep. He kept thinking about Luke and the missed opportunity of what Reid wanted the first time he laid eyes on him: an incredible and brief sexual relationship. The doctor’s eyes traveled over Luke’s body. He was wearing a similar outfit from the day before: button-down shirt and jacket. The tantalizing view of chest hair was visible once again. The older man’s tongue darted out and his gaze moved, once more taking in the full mouth, hazel eyes and that ridiculous hair.

“…Jacob?” Luke asked.

Shaking away thoughts of tugging on Luke’s hair, causing it to muss, Reid’s mouth gapped open for a moment. “What?”

“I asked if it was Jacob. Katie said he’s been having a couple of earaches. I was just… I hadn't spoken to her today, I was just wondering…” Luke’s voice trailed off, and he swallowed. He felt like he was rambling, but he didn’t want to talk about what was really weighing on him. Did Dr. Oliver feel it too? But it was ridiculous, because Luke wasn’t interested and Reid was straight. They both were.

It was nothing.

“I checked over the kid this morning. I wrote her a prescription. I think that’s why she really wants me there-in-house doctor,” Reid noted.

“Oh. But you’re a neurosurgeon.” The blonde’s face scrunched in confusion.

“Yeah.” He shrugged. “So are we ready or what? Where’s the coffee?” Reid demanded. He knew that coming to this ridiculously small town where cousins married and everyone knew each other meant that his future meetings with Luke would inevitably entail updates on Katie and the kid, but Reid would need caffeine and a lobotomy for him to do that. The lobotomy was out of the question at the moment, so he focused on the prospect of caffeine.

“There’s a pot behind you,” Luke noted and reached for a cardboard cup with the word Java written across it.

“What’s that?” Reid challenged, pointing to the younger man’s hand.

Luke held up his cup. “Caramel latte with whipped cream.” He shook his head and a smile tugged at his lips. “I know it’s kind of ridiculous, Noah always wants to know why I bother getting it, because it’s not real coffee but-”

Reid’s mouth watered, and he attributed to the concoction that Luke referred to. It sounded really good, actually. “You usually let your barista berate you?”

The blonde chuckled softly. “He’s my best friend.”

“Doesn’t give him the right. Aren’t you the one who wrote all his checks for his surgery?”

Luke put down the cup. “It’s a joke between friends, Dr. Oliver. If you had any friends, I assume you would realize that.”

The doctor didn’t respond and Luke was afraid he’d gone a little too far. “Would you like to try some?” he offered. As soon as the question left his lips, Luke hesitated. He wondered if this was too intimate, not something he should do. Do guys share coffee cups?

Luke’s internal debate became a moot point when the doctor snatched the cup out of his hand. “Don’t tell anyone I drink this,” he commanded and took a quick gulp. The caffeine and sugar was just the shot of adrenaline Reid needed. He swallowed and his lips dove back for another taste, telling himself that it was the coffee that made him want more and not the ridiculous hope that he could somehow taste Mr. Snyder on the plastic lid.

“You can have it,” the blonde offered quietly. “I already had one at Java, I don’t need another.”

Reid moved back to his chair. “So that’s how you’re so annoyingly perky,” he realized. “Katie said optimistic, but one of these and…”

Luke shook his head. “I’m optimistic.”

The doctor simply snorted and took another sip. “There’s something else in this,” he observed and hoped he was right and it wasn’t Luke he was tasting.

“An extra shot,” the younger man responded. “And I am optimistic,” he replied, trying not to be drawn to the way Reid’s Adam’s apple bobbed with each sip. “I was the only one who thought Noah could see again.”

“No,” Reid argued, in part because it was his first instinct with the young man. Reid generally disliked most people, and did everything he could to keep his distance. But two encounters with Luke Snyder and Reid wanted to fight and keep the blonde coming back, just to see if Luke could keep up. “I knew that I could make Noah see again.”

“This was before we found the miracle worker,” Luke replied dryly.

The redhead opened his mouth to respond, but Bob Hughes’s arrival prevented him from going further.

The three men discussed some of the generalities of the project. They would be creating a neuro. wing; it would be named the Snyder Pavilion. Luke’s foundation would underwrite the costs. Luke had some concerns about the budget and commented that they would need to find more backers. Reid thought that was Luke’s way of showing him the door, but the blonde moved on to another topic.

“When can you move to Oakdale permanently?” Luke asked.

Bob tried to hide a smile. He would have to express his gratitude to Katie as soon as possible. When he’d last heard from Luke he expected the young man to want to back out of the project or at the very least put Reid Oliver on the next plane to Texas.

“Well, I do have patients and staff in Dallas. I assume you don’t want to pay moving expenses for all of them.”

“Memorial has an excellent staff,” Luke countered, expressing Bob’s thoughts.

“I doubt that,” Reid commented and spared Bob a glance. “No offense.”

“How is that not offensive?” Luke questioned and threw his pen down.

“You want me to take you seriously, Mr. Snyder?” Reid began. “Don’t throw temper tantrums every time I suggest something.”

The younger man breathed deeply. Bob gently placed his hand on Luke’s shoulder. Noticing the gesture, Reid’s eyes narrowed slightly. He didn’t want anyone to hold Luke back. If they were going to “work” together-when all Reid wanted was more checks from Mr. Snyder-then he didn’t want Luke hindered in his responses; the redhead refused to acknowledge his disappointment.

“Two weeks,” Luke said. “You have two weeks to pack up your ‘life’ and move to Oakdale. We’ll hire movers and find you a place to stay.”

“Six weeks,” Reid countered. “And I happened to enjoy my night with Katie. She told me once I moved here permanently, I could live with her.”

“Three weeks and I’ll buy you a condo,” Luke counter-offered.

“Five weeks and my living arrangements are non-negotiable,” Reid retorted. “For someone who claims to care about Katie so much, you would want this for her. She told me this morning she hadn’t slept as well as she did with me there in months.”

The younger man shook off Bob’s hand and slammed his palms down on the desk. “You do one thing to hurt Katie or Jacob and the loss of your job will be the least of your worries,” the blonde vowed. The idea of this man anywhere near Katie made Luke’s stomach twist.

“Four weeks.”  Reid smirked. “And Katie’s completely safe in my hands.”

“You have a deal, Dr. Oliver,” Bob interjected.

Both men turned to him, completely forgetting that Bob was in the room with them.

“We’ll have a contract written up right away,” the older man continued. “I’m sure the Grimaldi jet will be available for you to return to Dallas today.”

“Within the hour,” Luke promised. His voice was cold, though, as if he couldn’t wait to get the older man out of his sights.

“Excellent.” Reid picked up the coffee cup and took another gulp, finishing it. He tossed it in the nearest trashcan and walked up to the two men. “Great doing business with you. Bob, you have my contact information; messenger the contract right away. You’ll also know where to send the movers.”

Bob reached out and shook Reid’s hand. “Thank you, Dr. Oliver. I think you’re going to enjoy living here.”

The redhead hesitated for a moment. Although “negotiating” with Luke had been the most exhilarated Reid had felt outside of surgery-and the bedroom-he didn’t want Bob Hughes to pick up on that. A part of him wondered if the older doctor’s comment wasn’t a threat of some sort.

Reid turned to Luke and saw the same haunted expression on his face. The two men stood in front of each other. Reid’s palms actually started to sweat and his heart rate elevated slightly. Bob looked at the men and then nudged Luke in the shoulder. The blonde jumped out of his own thoughts and hastily reached for Reid’s hand. The warm palm had the same effect on Luke as it did the previous evening. He leaned back slightly but his gaze locked with Reid’s; he knew the older man felt it too.

Quickly tugging loose, Luke grabbed his marked-up proposal and just as he had the previous evening, make a quick escape.

Bob tried to make excuses for Luke’s fast getaway, but Reid knew the reason. He nodded his head, offering a distracted good-bye before taking his own leave.

What did I just agree to? Reid wondered.


The weeks quickly flew by. Reid immediately put in his resignation and looked to assign his less severe patients to other colleagues. He had to let his staff know he was leaving and pretended not to see the relief in most of their eyes.

Katie called or emailed him at least once a day. Random updates from life in Oakdale. Reid had been there less than 24-hours so she would provide detailed history of why any of these events should matter. Some of her emails were pages long, and yet Reid read them all, mostly scanning for news on Mr. Snyder.

Movers came to his condo and office, asking when would be the most convenient time for him and assuring Reid that all the costs were covered by Luke Snyder. That annoyed Reid to no end. He didn’t mind having the neuro. wing created to his specifications, but he didn’t like the idea of a 22-year-old brat paying for his personal life. Besides, what he wanted from Luke Snyder didn’t involve money.

Katie told Reid to let it go and just enjoy it and that his room was waiting for him when he got back. She had made a few inquiries, wondering why Luke was questioning her about Reid and where he slept the night he stayed with her. Reid deflected the questions easily enough: he just needed to ask about Jacob and the topic was dropped.

Photos came in his email almost every day as well. Despite himself, Reid smiled and marveled at the daily changes in the little boy. More than a few pictures included Luke, holding Jacob, smiling at the camera. Reid’s gaze often lingered more on the young man then the baby, tracking the changes to Luke’s bedhead and ignoring the fact that sometimes his fingers would twitch, an unconscious desire to touch the blonde’s locks, to run his fingers through them, Nights were spent imagining ways to muss that hair.

But worst of all, Luke had gotten his contact information. Emails, texts, phone calls came frequently. Reid refused to respond to any of them for the first two weeks. He read. He thought of responses. He itched to call back, but the doctor wouldn’t be deterred. He would not respond.

And then the latest email carried the words that sent dread all through Reid’s body:

If you do not respond to my questions, I will have your office decorated in hot pink furniture with fluffy kittens on the wallpaper. It’s my sister Natalie’s idea.

Reid wrote back right away. The emails continued each ending with an idle threat.

What about a cotton candy machine in the operating room, you know in case you get hungry…

We could hire a clown to come in every time we have a patient under 10…

Nat’s moved on from kittens. She’s thinking unicorns now for the wallpaper in your office…

How about we paint the floor yellow so you can find your way back from the OR to the lab quickly?

On the day before Reid was to start the drive to Oakdale, he refused to get a new car (or worse, have Luke buy him one, which the blonde suggested), the two men got into a heated discussion about extra waiting rooms for family members.

“Dr. Oliver, I will not back down.”

“Mr. Snyder, I will be in Oakdale in two days, can’t this wait-”

“That’s the whole point!” Luke countered. “It’s about the wait. You have no idea what it’s like when someone you love is sick or in the hospital. It’s torture, even if it’s only mindless television it gives you something to focus your attention other than the feeling that you’re completely helpless-”

“They are helpless!” Reid refused to acknowledge that familiar thrill he was getting when he verbally sparred with Mr. Snyder. “While they’re watching some stupid TV show about paternity tests or dating my half-brother’s second cousin, who cross dresses and is also my father…”

A dark chuckle greeted him, and Reid was reminded of the first time they met and the instantaneous desire he had for Mr. Snyder. The doctor shifted in his chair, ignoring the tight feel of his pants. He opened his palm, trying to get a better grip on the phone.

“It’s torture, Dr. Oliver,” Luke’s voice continued.

Reid swallowed thickly. You have no idea.

“This is non-negotiable,” the younger man said firmly. “I’ll have a couple of architects put together plans for us to review. We’ll go over them and make a decision based on the best one. Maybe we’ll actually agree on something…” he added wistfully.

Reid enjoyed the arguing, though.

“If I don’t talk to you before you leave… Drive safely and I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Uh, thank you,” Reid replied.

“Good-bye, Dr. Oliver,” Luke said and hung up.

Letting out a breath, the redhead put the phone back into the receiver. Not for the first time, or even the twelfth, did Reid second-guess his decision to move to Oakdale and constantly put himself in contact with Luke Snyder. The man was simultaneously annoying and hot. Reid assured himself that once he got there, that the appeal would disappear. More suggestions that were ridiculous and the doctor wouldn’t want anything to do with Luke.

But the amenities for the waiting room aren’t a ridiculous suggestion, a voice reminded him. And of course, it would sound just like Mr. Snyder.


Reid settled in with Katie and Jacob rather quickly. He didn’t have too much stuff. The extra furniture was placed in storage. Reid wanted to sell it off, but Luke had suggested/informed Reid that once he moved out of Katie’s place, he would need the items.

The doctor was given exactly 48 hours at Katie’s house before Luke arrived. The few times when Katie left and didn’t tell him where she was going, Reid suspected she was meeting Luke. She always came back smiling. It annoyed Reid, because the other emotion he was feeling was jealousy and he wasn’t about to acknowledge that.

“Mr. Snyder,” Reid greeted him. “Why am I not surprised? Katie’s at the station. I will be going through my first tour of Memorial later today, after I fill out the 10,000 pages HR wants me to review and initial ad nauseam. Don’t they realize my hands could be put to better use?”

“I know,” Luke said, a blush staining his cheeks. “I mean, I know about Katie. We’re meeting later for lunch.” He shoved his hands deeply into his pockets. “I’m here for you.”

Reid leaned back, once again his eyes taking in the younger man’s form. He was intrigued, though, and thoroughly disturbed by that.

“There are three architects I’d like to meet with, pending your approval and the fact that they actually agree to work with us,” Luke noted. While he was getting used to Dr. Oliver’s abrasive attitude, he was sure many others would find him off-putting.

“Work with us?” Reid checked and his eyes narrowed slightly. “They have to impress me, not the other way around.”

“Of course.” Luke turned and picked up his bag. “I have something for you, a welcome to Oakdale gift,” he noted, pulling out a thin box.

Reid eyed the package wearily and then took it from Luke’s hands, careful not to touch the blonde’s fingers. He ripped off the lid and found a dozen comic books. He had a photographic memory, but with Mr. Snyder, it wasn’t likely that Reid would forget anything, and he distinctly remember the Batman and Joker reference. He’d never read a comic book in his life, but once he got back to Dallas, he seemed to find them everywhere, particularly with one of his patients, Max, always had one in his hand whenever Reid went to check on him. The doctor found himself asking his patient about Batman and the Joker and being given a detailed story, which despite himself left Reid listening carefully to everything Max said.

He looked at the comic books, noticing some of them were older and probably expensive. Reid didn’t doubt that Luke could afford it though. He was touched by the gesture but refused to acknowledge it.

“Don’t you have a date?” Reid asked instead placing the box on the coffee table. “Make sure Katie eats something. She runs around so much, but now that I’m here she can relax.”

The blonde breathed deeply through his nose. He was insulted, per usual, but more than that, Luke had noticed it as well. As soon as Reid had made it to town, Katie appeared more relaxed. She talked frequently about the doctor and the relief she felt about having him in house should anything happen to Jacob. There was a closeness between them, as though they shared a secret, and it made Luke uncomfortable.

“Don’t hurt her,” the young man insisted. “Katie has been through a lot and the last thing she needs is a fling with some guy who just wants to take advantage of her.”

It was time to nip that in the bud, Reid thought. “Mr. Snyder, I’m-”

“I get it, okay?” Luke replied, holding up his hand. “I understand how easy it is to be attracted to her. She’s beautiful, but you need to be careful. She has been through hell. Her husband died the day her son was born. I can’t imagine losing the person you expect to spend the rest of your life with…”

For once, Reid found himself without a quick response or insult. And he couldn’t help but notice that Luke said person instead of woman. Reid had been assured that Luke was straight, and yet every encounter with the young man left him wanting more-wanting Luke.

“Mr. Snyder, I am not interested in Katie.” There. He said it.

“No, I know how it is.” Luke shook his head. “These things happen. You’re friends with a girl-a woman-and you think she’s off-limits or nothing could possibly happen and the next thing you know you’re bed with her in a hotel in Branson.”

Reid’s mouth fell open. More information, data indicating that Luke Snyder was straight and off limits. He actually couldn’t speak for a moment.

“Katie is beautiful and amazing, but I don’t want you to hurt her.”

“I’m not!” Reid insisted. Why wasn’t this idiot listening to me? When will he realize the only blonde I want in my bed is… The doctor jumped slightly. He had to end this line of thought. “Look, Mr. Snyder-”

But Luke simply shook his head and made his way toward the door; Reid automatically reached out and grabbed the blonde’s arm. And once again, sparks of attraction were working their way through Reid’s body. He couldn’t believe he was alone in feeling this way. His palm opened and closed, getting a better grip on Luke’s elbow. The younger man stilled, and his gaze looked down at the hand grasping his arm before his eyes met Reid’s.

The doctor was certain that Luke felt it as well. Why does he keep questioning me?

“Dr. Oliver-” He tried to tug away, but Reid wouldn’t let go.

“I’m not interested in Katie, Mr. Snyder,” Reid insisted, without going further.

The younger man’s gaze softened a little and he moved closer to Reid. The pull between them was still there, and Reid’s grip had yet to loosen. “You say that now, but-”

“I’m gay, Mr. Snyder.”

Luke finally pulled free, but he turned more toward Reid in the moment. “Oh,” he whispered. His gaze never wavered from Reid’s. “I see.”

Reid had had this conversation too many times in the past, and he was ready for what was going to come next. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Of course not!” Luke snapped. It didn’t make whatever he felt every time he touched the doctor any less uncomfortable, though. All of his questions about that were answered. But what was Luke supposed to do with his answers when they gave him even more questions?

“What? You have a gay friend or parent?” the question was snide and Reid crossed his arms over his chest. He was creating a bit of a barrier, and yet his feet inched slightly closer.

“Yes, I do, Dr. Oliver.”

Reid’s arms fell away and his eyes narrowed slightly.

“Noah?” Luke said and his eyebrows rose slightly. “Remember the whole reason you’re here? What Noah went through… I’ve been very fortunate with my family and money, but I have been sick in the past. In high school…” He stopped suddenly. He didn’t like to talk about his kidney transplant, because it lead to other conversations-like about his drinking. And the cause of his drinking? He really didn’t want to think about that. “There are a lot of people like Noah, who don’t have money for the best, that’s why I started the Foundation and why we’re building this wing. It’s more than just making it the best in the country, we’re going to provide services for those who can’t pay…” His voice trailed off, expecting another argument from Reid. But none came.

“What?” Reid asked.

“Nothing, I just thought you would…” He let out a sigh and briefly pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ve known you barely four weeks and every conversation is like a debate. This is the first time I feel like I’m actually talking to you, instead of preparing for battle.”

“Don’t knock battle, Mr. Snyder,” Reid said quietly. “Sometimes you need to tailor your argument to get your voice heard. Sometimes they never hear you, but you have to know you fought well.”

Luke looked at him for a moment, his gaze tracking every inch of Reid’s face. “Is that what happened to you?” he gently questioned.

Reid sighed and rubbed the back of his hand against his brow. “What?”

“Noah’s father never accepted the fact that he was gay. He hurt Noah and Richard so many times…” He shuffled his feet a little. There wasn’t much distance between them. He could feel Reid’s breath and if his own heart wasn’t beating so erratically, the blonde wondered if he could hear Reid’s instead. “I just hope you didn’t have a similar experience.”

The doctor thought it was none of Luke’s business, but he also knew that Luke wouldn’t let it go until Reid opened up and bled in front of him. And how do I know that? “Mr. Snyder, I have known since I was nine that I’m gay. I do not apologize for who I am.”

A smile tugged at Luke’s lips and Reid was slightly disappointed that the dimples weren’t on full display. Of course, he would be thinking about that, while having his coming-out conversation with Mr. Snyder.

“I never thought you would apologize, Dr. Oliver.” The blonde reached out and gently patted Reid on the arm. “I just…” He wasn’t sure how to continue and his hand stayed on Reid as he tried to work out his thoughts.

The doctor swallowed thickly and willed himself not to move, the warm palm was a welcome distraction.

“I don’t want to think of anyone going through what Noah did. No one should judge you for who you’re attracted to…even when it’s the last person you ever expect…” Luke couldn’t be certain who he was thinking about and worried that Reid would question him. He let go, his hand sliding down, smacking briefly against Reid’s before he turned back toward the door. “I, uh, I have Katie,” he mumbled. “I mean, I have to meet Katie. I’ll be in touch.”

Luke made his usual hasty exit, again wondering why he agreed to work with Dr. Oliver in the first place.

“What the hell just happened?” Reid asked the empty room.


Last time Luke thought it was nothing and now Reid is perplexed. Do you think these guys will acknowledge what’s really going on? Again, thank you for those who read and comment. I love hearing from you. ~Ali

Onto Chapter Four...

luke/reid; fic: neither rhyme nor reason

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