Fic: Let Me (Get What I Want) Part Four

Jan 09, 2011 10:36

Title: Let Me (Get What I Want)

Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)

Rating: PG-13

Word Count: ~12,000

Summary: “What’s going on with you and Luke Snyder?”
Author’s Notes: Written for sripley for LuRe Santa Project. Hope you enjoyed it. :-)  And finally, broken into 4 posts due to posting size thank you for reading!

Thank Yous: Thanks to my amazing beta, reilaroo. I honestly can’t post anything without you. And thank you to jassanja for creating and organizing the LuRe Santa Project. It was so much fun and wouldn’t have done it without you. And finally thank you for anyone who reads and comments. I appreciate it beyond words.

Previous Parts: { One} { Two} { Three}

Part Four

Reid spent the next month avoiding Luke at all costs. Noah was released from the hospital soon after Luke’s visit to his office. And Reid continued to check on Noah after Luke left. The blonde emailed Dr. Oliver notes about the new wing, architecture plans, offers to meet, but Reid always responded in his usual brusque manner, never offering to meet, even ignoring any of Luke’s overtures.

Luke tried to ignore his hurt feelings, but it weighed heavily on him. So much so, that he didn’t realize when Noah was attempting to reconcile with him. When Luke finally realized that Noah was asking for a second chance, the blonde told him no. He couldn’t be sure who was more surprised by Luke’s response. Luke thought that everything in his life was leading him back towards Noah, but since the moment Dr. Oliver looked with utter distain at his outstretched hand, the pull towards Noah was loosening. Now it felt so lax that Luke couldn’t automatically say yes when Noah asked for a second chance.

Luke and Noah talked constantly it seemed, but in the end, Luke couldn’t give Noah the answer he wanted. And after every encounter, Luke went back to relentlessly checking his email and calling Dr. Oliver’s office. The phone calls were never returned, and the emails were sporadic.

For some reason Luke didn’t want to name that hurt more than the official break up with Noah.

Whenever Wesley was available, he and Reid got together (baring any emergencies). Reid found himself looking forward to seeing Wesley. It wasn’t complicated, and it didn’t make him feel like an adolescent. After another insistent message from Mr. Snyder, Reid automatically found himself sending a text to Wesley or calling or emailing him. The redhead wouldn’t acknowledge that he was escaping into this new relationship.

Reid’s email pinged just as he was about to head out for dinner with Wesley. He glanced at the screen, another message from Luke. He read through the message another plea to meet, some questions about the equipment Reid was requesting. Luke was trying to figure out what it was going to be used for. Reid was half-tempted to shoot an email back, telling him Reid wasn’t his personal Google and to figure it out on his own.

But there was a knock on his door. Wesley popped his head around the corner. “Ready?” he greeted the doctor.

Reid glanced up from his computer and decided Luke could wait. “Yes,” he replied.

Within a half-hour, they were seated at the Lakeview. They’d just placed their order. Wesley asked Reid about his day. The redhead was tempted to roll his eyes because he hated small talk. But he did have a pretty successful surgery and he wanted to brag. Looking up, Reid’s first sentence died on his lips.

Luke had walked into the Lakeview. He was talking animatedly to an attractive blonde. The guy was a slightly taller than Luke. Reid couldn’t see what color his eyes were, but he immediately felt himself straighten further in the chair. Luke laughed, and Reid knew it was one of his self-conscious laughs. When Luke said something to try and impress you but isn’t sure if you’re impressed or not, so then laughs in case you’re not impressed.

Reid leaned back slightly his gaze following Luke, trying to catch every little movement, decide what was going on between Luke and this man. The man looked vaguely familiar, but Reid couldn’t place where he’d seen him. A few minutes passed and Luke glanced in Reid’s direction. The blonde’s eyes widened slightly. He smiled and ducked his head before his gaze met Reid’s again.

“Reid,” Wesley said.

The doctor pulled his gaze away from Luke. “Yeah,” he said distractedly.

Wesley glanced over his shoulder and saw Luke and the man he was with head over to a table. From the first day they met, Wesley noted the way Reid mentioned Luke’s name. He had suspected something then, but he pushed it aside. But there were other things, times when he’d seen the two men together the emails that mentioned the ten annoying things Mr. Snyder had done that day. And then there was the look in Reid’s eyes. He’d never seen the redhead look at him that way.

“What?” Reid asked.

Wesley hadn’t said anything for a few moments while everything clarified itself in his mind. “What’s going on with you and Luke Snyder?” he asked.

Reid opened his mouth to respond, but he was offended. “Excuse me? I’m here with you, aren’t I?”

“No, you’re not,” Wesley countered. “You’re staring at Mr. Snyder and please don’t insult me. Every time we talk or get together, I actually time how long before you mention his name. If I’m lucky, it’s five minutes. I feel like I’m dating you and Luke Snyder.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Reid countered. “Mr. Snyder is…”

“The reason we haven’t slept together yet,” Wesley noted. He didn’t expect them to jump into a relationship, but he thought after the first night they were leading toward something. Now, he realized he was just some sort of distraction and even that wasn’t enough for Reid.

“That’s not true,” Reid countered. “Mr. Snyder and I work together, that’s it. I’ve been busy, but…” He let out a sigh and pulled a key card out of his pocket and placed it on the table in front of him. “I thought tonight would be different. That’s why I chose the Lakeview.”

Luke, who had been meeting with Matt, the architect designing the Snyder Pavilion, had also been constantly keeping an eye on Reid’s table. He felt a wave of nausea when he saw Reid pull out the room card. He recognized it immediately. He tried to pay attention to Matt, but his gaze was drawn to the card. Finally, Matt realized that his client wasn’t going to offer any more input. He’d met Dr. Oliver a few times and knew that no matter what Luke and he decided, it would have to pass Dr. Oliver’s approval.

“Luke, why don’t I make the changes and get in touch with you and Dr. Oliver later in the week?” he finally suggested.

The young man pulled his gaze away from the doctor’s table and offered a distracted agreement.

“You got us a hotel room,” Wesley said quietly.

Reid nodded in response. “I live with a woman and a six-month-old. Not exactly private.” He couldn’t help himself, and he looked over at Luke again. Reid noticed that Luke’s dinner companion was standing up and placed a hand on Luke’s shoulder. The blonde looked up at him and smiled.

Wesley was still tracking Reid’s movements. He didn’t have to look over his shoulder to realize where the redhead’s attention had disappeared to again.

“Are you sure you got that room for us?” Wesley questioned.

Reid’s gaze narrowed slightly. “If you think Mr. Snyder is sleeping with that guy, you’re mistaken. He is all about Noah Mayer.” He didn’t even bother to hide the distain in his voice.

“No,” Wesley continued. “I was thinking you got that room for you and Mr. Snyder.”

Luke settled his bill and stood up. He couldn’t help but look back at Reid and Wesley. The card was still sitting on the table, mocking him. The blonde swallowed and then his gaze met Reid’s again. He wanted to go over and find out what was going on, but he knew. And he had to get out of there.

Reid still hadn’t responded to Wesley, his eyes locked on Luke, and they hadn’t been able to look away.

“I have my answer,” Wesley replied.

Reid finally looked at his date. “Wesley.”

“What? You’re sorry. I doubt it. I’m not sure if you’re in love with him or hate him, but either way, whatever it is that’s going between you and Luke Snyder, there is something going on, and I don’t want to get in the middle of it.”

Wesley stood up. “And actually, I don’t think I stand a chance. I never did. Good-bye, Reid.” He walked out, just as the waiter came back with their food.

The waiter noticed Wesley leaving and asked Reid if he wanted to take the other meal away. Reid snapped no before ordering a drink. He looked at the room key card and decided he’d eat and maybe drink himself into oblivion. He was a little hurt by Wesley’s exit, but mostly he was upset with the fact that yet again Mr. Snyder had managed to insinuate himself into another part of Reid’s life.

He’d made it half-way through his own meal and about two drinks when Luke walked back into the lounge. The blonde had forgotten his phone. Luke couldn’t help himself though, he glanced back at the table. The key card was still there, but Wesley was nowhere to be seen.

“Come on, Mr. Snyder, join me!” the doctor called. The alcohol had loosened his tongue a little but not his anger.

Luke quickly went over to the table. He didn’t want to make a scene in his mother’s hotel. “Dr. Oliver,” he said quietly, sitting in the chair opposite the doctor. “Where’s your date?”

Reid took a couple more bites of food. “Do you honestly care?”

“You know I care about you,” he said, the words coming easily enough.

The doctor shook his head. “Of course you do. You care about everyone. You probably even care about that blonde dolt you were having dinner with.”

Luke tried to suppress a smile. If he didn’t know better, he might think that Dr. Oliver was jealous. He had to be certain though. “Yes, I do care about him…” he trailed off, waiting for Reid’s gaze to meet his. “Matt is the architect for the Snyder Pavilion.”

Reid swallowed thickly. “Oh.”

“Are you okay?” the blonde questioned. He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to Wesley. He didn’t like the idea of Dr. Oliver with anyone, but he wanted him to be happy as well. At least, that’s what Luke told himself he was secretly delighted about the idea of things failing with Dr. Oliver and Wesley.

“I’m fine,” the doctor told him. And he knew that he was. He was a little disappointed. He had thought that he could move on from Luke and everything that he brought to Reid’s life, including wanting what he couldn’t have.

Luke leaned over the table a little. “Are you sure?” His gaze landed on the key card again. He wished Reid would put it away.

“What do you want from me, Mr. Snyder?” Reid asked instead of responding to Luke’s question.

“I guess I just want you to be happy,” he said.

Reid shook his head and reached across he table, grabbing the room key. “Do you see this?”

Luke couldn’t look at it. He’d been staring at that card since the moment Reid put it on the table.

“This was my attempt at being happy,” Reid said. “Moving past whatever this thing is between us. And it’s completely ridiculous because I’ve never even kissed you.”

The blonde’s mouth fell open, and he took a few gasps of air. They were the words he’d been wanting to hear since that day in Dallas when he had pulled the doctor into his arms and called him Reid. He didn’t think he was alone, but he wasn’t sure if the doctor would ever admit it either. It was almost a battle of wills, waiting for the first one to break, to finally be on the same page.

“Dr. Oliver…” he whispered.

“I’m not doing this anymore.”

“We haven’t done anything yet.”

The redhead’s gaze met Luke’s, and visions of what they could do, of what Reid could introduce to him came unbidden. “You have a boyfriend,” he said quietly, daring Luke to deny it.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Luke responded, and he couldn’t keep the tired annoyance out of his voice.

“You kept vigil when he was in the hospital.”

“I never saw you.” Before Reid could reply, Luke was quick to add, “But we’re not together any more. He wanted to get back together and I said no. Noah’s got dreams of LA, and I think he’s going after them.”

“What do you have?”

“You,” Luke replied honestly. “I mean, the neuro-wing and…”

The doctor felt himself getting sucked into Luke again, and he couldn’t do this anymore. There was drama and missed opportunities and the fact that Reid hadn’t ever wanted another man as much as he wanted Luke Snyder. “I’m done, Mr. Snyder.” He stood up, threw money on the table, and grabbed his room card.

“Dr. Oliver…”



Reid wasn’t sure why, but when he got to the lobby, he headed toward the elevators. He was once again reminded of that day when he and Luke had been stuck in the elevator. The blonde’s childish response and then his help. He’d already felt the thaw between them, but he could see something in Luke’s eyes. If he was honest with himself, Reid had seen it more frequently in the last couple of months, but he didn’t know what to do with that either. Then the blonde had dropped his latest bombshell, he and Noah were no longer together. Reid felt the key card in his pocket. And I’m not seeing anyone…

The elevator finally arrived to his floor, but a part of him wanted to go back down, see if Luke was still there. And do what, Reid? he asked himself. Have another conversation where you talk about anything but how much you want him? Noah’s out of his life but for how long? They’ll be back together within a week.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, Reid walked down the corridor to his room. After a few maddening moments with the key card, he went into the room. A part of him wanted to just go back to Katie’s. But he wasn’t sure if Luke was still in the lounge, and he wanted to avoid the young man. Reid wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but no one got under his skin as much as Luke Snyder.

A knocking on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. Reid briefly wondered if it was Wesley, and he wasn’t sure what he was going to do if that was the case.

Pulling open the door, the redhead’s mouth fell open. He had no idea why he was surprised to see Luke standing in front of him. Without saying a word, the young man rushed past Reid into the hotel room.

“Sure, Mr. Snyder, come on in,” he said sarcastically, shutting the door behind him.

“Dr. Oliver, I think we need to clear the air.”

Reid crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes narrowed slightly. He was angry, mostly with himself, but he wasn’t about to let that stop him from directing that anger to Luke instead. “Why don’t you start by telling me how you knew which room I was in?”

“My mother owns part of the hotel. I knew the guy at the desk and…”

The redhead let out a bark of laughter. “You really don’t understand the meaning of boundaries do you?” Before Luke could respond, Reid noted, “And yet, I’m not actually surprised, considering what you did to get me here.”

“When are you going to let that go?” Luke demanded.

“Blackmail, Mr. Snyder, is not something you easily forget. What did you have on me anyway? You never said.”

The blonde shoved his hands into his pockets, and suddenly he found the floor very fascinating. “I… Nothing,” he admitted. “Damian, ‘bad dad,’ suggested that I pretend to blackmail you. And I’ve been trying to make it up to you ever since.” His gaze finally met the redhead’s.

Reid swallowed thickly. “Why? Noah’s surgery was a success. He’s got his eyesight back. What do you want from me?”

“How can you act like there’s nothing between us?” he asked, and his feet started to shuffle toward Reid.

The redhead started to walk back a little, creating more distance between them. “There is nothing between us,” he lied.

Luke’s eyes flashed with pain. Reid was surprised, usually there was anger and determination, but that was missing. He pretended not to be concerned. It was for the best. He needed to keep things professional because Luke Snyder made him want and think about things he never thought about with anyone else: romantic dinners, getting to know that eccentric family of his, learning all of Luke’s secrets, and even sharing a few of his own.

“I just thought…” the blonde muttered to himself, running his fingers through his hair a few times. “Doesn’t matter does it?” he looked at Reid again. “In Dallas, I thought I saw who you were behind this cool façade of Dr. Oliver. But to you I’m just Mr. Snyder and a checkbook, right?”

“What?” Reid couldn’t ignore the hurt in Luke’s voice any more. It was time to get everything out in the open.

“It’s true, isn’t it?” Luke countered. He closed the distance between them. His eyes searching Reid’s face until the redhead met his gaze.

“Since we met, everything in your life has been about Noah. I’m just waiting for the next chapter of this great love affair.”

“It’s over,” the blonde replied. “We broke up.”

“And how many times have you done that?”

“I told you, Dr. Oliver, he’s going to LA, and I’m staying here.”

“For me? Isn’t that what you said?” Reid was daring Luke to disagree, but he was silently begging the young man not to.

“Yes. I mean, uh, for the Snyder Pavilion.”

“Why do you care what I think?”

Luke’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he shook his head. How could such a brilliant man not see? Luke thought he was pretty obvious about his feelings. He could barely contain his laughter at one of Reid’s jokes. He’d respond instantly to any email or phone call. The blonde couldn’t stop looking at Reid all the time: his eyes, his mouth, but mostly his hands. Luke was fascinated by Reid’s hands, the way they felt when they’d pushed him that day in the elevator, the few times when Luke would hug him and the warm palms against his back.

“How could I not?” the blonde asked. “In Dallas-”

“Another thing about Noah,” he replied and started to take a few steps back. He didn’t turn around, but he couldn’t stay that close either.

Luke’s hand reached out and grabbed the doctor’s hand, pulling him back. Luke tugged a little too hard; Reid was propelled forward, his torso pressed against Luke’s. They stumbled back a little, their arms automatically reaching around one another, trying to find something to hold on to. Their legs intertwined, and Reid found his mouth pressed to Luke’s shoulder. The blonde shuddered or maybe Reid did, their breath coming out in hard pants. Despite his best intentions, Reid pressed another kiss to Luke’s shoulder, and the blonde’s hands came up, tangling into the curls at the base of his neck, holding Reid in place.

“Dallas was about you,” he murmured, sharing his secrets, whispering into the doctor’s ear. He wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass him by. “I know what it’s like to think that everything you have could be taken away. I wasn’t going to let that happen to you.”

Reid swallowed thickly and finally pulled away. Luke’s grasp loosened a little. They were still close, mere inches separating them.

“I care about you,” the blonde admitted, his gaze once again finding its way to Reid’s mouth. “And I thought maybe, despite the blackmail, that we were getting somewhere, that I wasn’t alone, and maybe you could look at me…” His voice trailed off, and he gave a nervous shrug.

The redhead’s hand reached up and gently cupped Luke’s face in his palm. “And what?” he murmured.

“See me and think maybe I was worthy of…” His voice trailed off when he saw Reid shake his head.

“Or not,” he murmured and tried to work his way out of the doctor’s arms.

“That’s ridiculous…Luke.”

The blonde’s mouth fell open as all of his breath rushed out of his body. Despite hearing Reid call him by his first name before, this felt different. Everything with Dr. Oliver felt more, and Luke wanted to crawl into Reid’s arms and live there. It left him breathless and on edge, especially when Reid’s comment from earlier flashed through his mind, “I’ve never even kissed you.”

“Who you are drives me insane,” Reid admitted, but there was a smile tugging at his lips. “Hell, even the blackmail was a bit of a turn on.”

A small chuckled bubbled past the blonde’s lips.

“You go after what you want, I’m the same way. You’re tenacious and funny and loyal to a fault, Luke. You are nothing I ever expected and with anyone else, it would drive me crazy, but crazy with you is better than predictable with anyone else.”

“And you haven’t even kissed me yet,” Luke replied, a smile tugging at his lips. “Imagine…”

“I have,” Reid whispered. “Since the second or third time I ever laid eyes on you…”

Whatever breath Luke was able to pull back into his body left just as quickly as before. His hand reached up, his fingers working their way into the doctor’s hair. “Reid…”

With a groan, the doctor closed the distance between them. His lips crushed against Luke’s for a moment, their teeth smashed together. Reid was tired of waiting and denying himself this. He was tired of not getting what he wanted. Luke let out a soft gasp, separating and allowing themselves a moment to breathe, before his fingers tangled further into Reid’s hair, angling their heads, his tongue slipping between Reid’s lips. The redhead shuddered and his arms came up, snaking around Luke’s back, pulling him closer still.

Hesitantly they pulled apart, their foreheads and noses brushed against each other.

“Reid, what does…?”

“For once in my life, Luke, I don’t want to analyze the situation.”

Luke smiled and his hands moved across the Reid’s scalp. “So… you’re saying…”

“I have this room for the night. We can use it for whatever you want.”

The blonde swallowed thickly. He thought he would be more nervous, terrified in this moment. He knew what Reid was telling him. “I’m assuming you hate small talk.”

Reid smiled gently. “Luke, we don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. Ask me whatever you want.”

Luke slowly walked them backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. Reid stumbled and sat down next to him. “Maybe later…” he said before pulling Reid closer to him, capturing the doctor’s bottom lip between both of his.



Thank you as always for taking the time to stop by and read one of my stories. The title was from The Smiths’ song, Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want. Did I just age myself? ~Ali

luke/reid; fic: let me (get what i want)

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