Aww, he said I love you back! That was so sweet! :)
Was it Ianto or Jack that didn't trust the Doctor with a real gun? I'm glad John is okay, I can just imagine the talking to Donna gave the Doctor, LOL.
And poor Sherlock falling into the Thames. He's never going to live that down is he?
*Almost* crawled out of bed when I got your tweet about the late posting but my own story and the day that went before it kicked my butt so by 1 am I was far too tired to move. it now and am happy. I'm a tiny bit sad Second Fiddle only has one more section to be posted.
Comments 19
(umm...why didn't the Tardis let Sherlock in??)
Was it Ianto or Jack that didn't trust the Doctor with a real gun? I'm glad John is okay, I can just imagine the talking to Donna gave the Doctor, LOL.
And poor Sherlock falling into the Thames. He's never going to live that down is he?
Mycroft: Sherlock, if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?
Donna and John: *chortle in the background*
Lovely chapter, once again. And the end of it was just <3
I blame the Fell crack on the fact that I was reading Good Omens when I was writing this chapter.
Thank you! :D I'm glad that you're enjoying it.
Reply it now and am happy. I'm a tiny bit sad Second Fiddle only has one more section to be posted.
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