Some HP Recs

Jul 31, 2017 09:10

Ugh, I have been super remiss in my regular reccing lately. Mostly because I haven't been doing all that much fic reading. Other fandom responsibilities + RL exploding has not been the most conducive to fic reading. I have, however, read a number of wonderful fics over the past month or two, and I figured it was high time that I make a mini rec ( Read more... )

pairing: albus severus/james sirius, pairing type: slash, rec: fic, fest: wand_in_a_knot, pairing: draco/severus, fest: hprarefest, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, pairing: draco/harry, pairing type: next gen

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Comments 2

kellychambliss August 1 2017, 01:25:21 UTC
Thanks for the rec! Very kind of you; glad you enjoyed it.


gracerene August 2 2017, 15:56:54 UTC
You're welcome! :D


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