The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters Recs

Apr 29, 2017 12:01

I started watching the Shadowhunters television show last month, and though it's not exactly high quality television, it's a lot of good fun, especially as a fan of the books coming in with a decent amount of background. I've been a fan of Malec for literal years, and it's exciting to see a ton of new fic flood AO3 with the television show. :D

The ( Read more... )

fandom: shadowhunters, pairing: alec/jace, kink: knotting, kink: rimming, pairing type: slash, kink: praise!kink, kink: public!sex, kink: desk!sex, kink: bondage, kink: incest, au, fandom: the mortal instruments, kink: exhibitionism, au: human, pairing: jace/simon, trope: club!fic, kink: d/s dynamics, rec: fic, switching, kink: rough sex, kink: somnophilia, pov: outsider, kink: wall!sex, au: reality show, established relationship, kink: dirty talk, pairing: alec/magnus, kink: face-fucking, kink: first time, kink: felching, au: alternate first meeting

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Comments 8

icicle33 April 29 2017, 22:23:34 UTC
I like Mortal Instruments too/Shadow Hunters. Like you said, it's not the highest quality stuff, but a lot of fun! Thanks for the recs. I will def check them out.

I do have a question for you though. As an hp fan, had you already read the hp fanfic that Mortal Instruments is based off before reading the books? I'm just curious because the fact that it's based off hp fanfic seems to rub a lot of hp fans the wrong way.


emansil April 29 2017, 22:52:34 UTC
I knew that Cassandra Clare used to write a lot of HP Fanfic, mostly Harry/Draco, but i'd never heard that the Mortal Instruments was based on any of her fics. Apparently, I've not read those particular fics, cause I don't see the connection between HP and the Mortal Instruments. Then again, maybe that's just me.


gracerene April 29 2017, 22:57:13 UTC
Yeah, it was called The Draco Trilogy and it paired Draco/Ginny and Harry/Hermione. Jace=Draco, Ginny=Clary. She changed a lot about the series, but there are some scenes from the original trilogy that made the cut (like the story of Valentine & Jace's falcon was Lucius & Draco's falcon) and some people claim the characterizations are the same. But I think it's a bit of a stretch...


gracerene April 29 2017, 22:55:04 UTC

And no, I never read her Draco Trilogy, and I read the books long before I got into fandom and even realized she used to write fanfic. That was far before my time, and I'm not really into the pairing, so I don't think it would have appealed. I try to stay out of that stuff, since I wasn't around when the drama happened, and it's a lot of she said/she said type stuff. And I think sometimes fandom can be critical and a little hateful of people who find success in publishing after fandom, like they're turning their backs on their roots or something.


emansil April 29 2017, 22:49:49 UTC
Yes! Another fan of Alec and Magnus! Also Simon and Jace! I'll be checking some of these out, for sure.


gracerene April 29 2017, 22:57:44 UTC
I hope you enjoy! <3


emansil May 3 2017, 05:50:46 UTC
How do you have time to read all that you do, plus write, plus mod. And then there's this little thing called working. I'm always amazed by all you multi-taskers. I am looking forward to reading some of these.


gracerene May 4 2017, 18:22:33 UTC
<3 <3


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