The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters Recs

Apr 29, 2017 12:01

I started watching the Shadowhunters television show last month, and though it's not exactly high quality television, it's a lot of good fun, especially as a fan of the books coming in with a decent amount of background. I've been a fan of Malec for literal years, and it's exciting to see a ton of new fic flood AO3 with the television show. :D

The majority of these fics are using the Shadowhunters television show canon, but there are a couple that are specific to the books, and several that mix them together. For the ones that are definitely books only, I'll try to include that in the notes section.

In the Notes section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "table!sex" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated July 16, 2020

Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane

Title: Appeal
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,355
Summary: “You know,” Magnus says. “This rune is really distracting.”
Seriously hot fic with Magnus having a thing for Alec's deflect rune and Alec being really, really okay with that.

Title: high as a pretty star
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,549
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, first time
Summary: Magnus is always beautiful, but he's otherworldly like this-raw with passion and looking at Alec like he's something worthy.
Gorgeous fic with a seriously wonderful Alec. The writing was beautiful and the whole thing was sexy and sensual and fantastic.

Title: We're Safe
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,606
Content/Notes: bottom!alec, book!canon
Summary: "He reached out a hand, and interlinked his fingers with Magnus's. There was a glow being woken in Alec's chest, where all had been dark. Magnus cupped his long fingers under Alec' jawline and kissed him, his tongue light against Alec's skin: a slow and gentle kiss, a kiss that promised more later, when they were no longer on a roof and could be seen by anyone walking by."
- City of Heavenly Fire, p. 666-667
This is fantastic and hot and just the perfect missing scene- exactly how I pictured it. :D

Title: Parade Rest
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,623
Content/Notes: established relationship, face-fucking
Summary: “That cannot be comfortable,” Magnus commented before he thought better of it.
Super sexy and fun! Loved the little glimpses of their characters woven into the seriously hot smut!

Title: Your Mouth, Alexander
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,762
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: "Alec lets his fingers ghost along Magnus’ hipbones, sensitive tips then blunt nails, lightly drumming them along skin, playing random notes and chords drawing beautiful noises from Magnus’ lips. The lowest of the taut muscles along Magnus’ abdomen jump, Magnus’ belly tucked in instinctively like he’s ticklish, but yet he’s not moving away, is even pushing his hips forward, subtly, into Alec’s caress..."
Seriously hot blow job fic, basically.

Title: Say Yes and I'll Follow
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,056
Content/Notes: established relationship, light bondage
Summary: Alec would have thought that asking for things would get easier in time, and it has-it’s so much easier now-but it’s still not easy. “Could you keep my hands there?” Alec presses his hands deeper into the mattress to point out what he means. “With your magic, I mean.”
Magnus arches his brow. “I didn’t know you were into bondage.”
Technically Alec doesn't know that yet either, but he's very willing to find out. “I’m into you,” he says. “And your magic.”
Super hot fic with Alec wanting to be restrained by Magnus's magic, and Magnus taking full advantage to explore and drive Alec wild.

Title: Bleed the Same
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,561
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, rough sex, rimming, felching, spanking, table!sex, face-fucking
Summary: That power is pouring off of Magnus in waves, his shoulders heaving with every labored breath, eyes still flashing golden. His face a mask of fury. Magnus is always so much more than a man, but it’s times like this when Alec can see the demon lurking in his depths, but he isn’t afraid. No, Magnus is resplendent in his wrath, commanding and sublime, and Alec suddenly can’t breathe for how much he wants.
Magnus needs to let off a little steam after that clusterfuck of a party at Lorenzo's, and Alec is more than happy to help.
Seriously hot fic! That is all.

Title: When you open me all the power in me moves
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,606
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec
Summary: "Just lie back, Alexander. I’ve got you.”
Magnus. And that smile of his.
Seriously freaking hot, and I just loved Alec's headspace in this one.

Title: IKEA
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,785
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, light exhibitionism, door!sex, semi public!sex, book!canon
Summary: Post!COFA. Set somewhere between Alec's return from Vienna and Jace's kidnapping. Based off of the Postcard miniseries by Cassandra Clare. Isabelle's out to redecorate Magnus' loft with help from a jealous Alec and an amused Jace. Only Magnus shows up earlier than planned and Alec is forced to stall him somehow.
So freaking hot. Loved Alec freaking out a bit that Jace & Izzy could hear him, but ultimately not really caring enough to stop.

Title: Wine and Honey Sweet
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,998
Content/Notes: AU: Historical, AU: No Shadow World, bottom!alec, praise!kink
Summary: Alexander has never been to a bacchanalian before, but, he thinks, if they are all full of men as beautiful as the one before him, he may find himself drawn here much more often in the future.
Wonderfully sensual little Roman AU with Magnus and Alec running into one another at a bacchanalian and being immediately drawn together.

Title: All That Pushes and Pulls
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,309
Content/Notes: established relationship, switching, bottom!magnus, bottom!alec, light D/s, bondage
Summary: Magus has been in love many times over the course of his life; it's never felt quite like this.
Just a really gorgeously hot fic.

Title: all that is loved does now glitter
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,468
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: Magnus leaves accidental traces of glitter behind. Alec likes it a lot. Only, as it turns out, it's not as accidental as he thought.
Fun and sexy fic with Magnus marking Alec with glitter, and Alec really, really liking it. :D

Title: Oh Glory
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus, background relationships
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,648
Content/Notes: AU: Mundane
Summary: “Alec, that’s a glory hole. It’s supposed to be there.”
Seriously freaking hot glory hole fic.

Title: try to hold back
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,695
Content/Notes: established relationship, sexual fantasy, implied bottom!alec
Summary: Alec wondered what would Magnus do if he saw him like this. If Magnus’ eyes would trail over Alec’s body, the look in them intense, following every movement of Alec's hand.
Super hot fic with Alec and Magnus still in the early stages of their relationship, and Alec fantasizing about what he wants. Loved Alec in this.

Title: Conquest
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,840
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: When it comes down to it, the only real mistake Magnus made was letting his guard down during the first round because he had thought Alec believed it when Magnus had said that he was a little out of practice.
Super fun and sexy fic with Alec and Magnus sparring together, which of course leads to smut... :D

Title: darling tonight, i've got you in my sights
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,994
Content/Notes: established relationship, rimming, bottom!alec, club!fic
Summary: Magnus nips at Alec’s perspiring, over heated flesh with an enthusiastic mouth, tongue flicking out to lap at the subtle rivulets of sweat and his groan reverberates through Alec, deep and intoxicating. His agile fingers stray under the hem of Alec’s shirt, sweeping blistering trails of fire across his abdomen, muscles quivering and tensing under the numbing ministrations. The pure skin on skin contact is devastatingly stunning, by the Angel, and Alec clenches his teeth to smother his cry, head tumbling back onto Magnus’ shoulder.
Crazy hot fic that starts with some sexy club dancing and ends with a lot of amazing sex.

Title: Show Me Off
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,105
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, desk!sex, accidental exhibitionism
Summary: Alec accidentally discovers a new kink, Magnus mistakenly assumes that Alec is still in love with Jace, and Jace resolves to start knocking before he enters a room.
I love fics where the pairing is interrupted during sex and this one was basically everything I could want.

Title: don't break my faded heart
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,338
Content/Notes: AU: Alternate First Meeting, first time, bottom!alec
Summary: It's not entirely unheard of for a Shadowhunter to be in Pandemonium, but it is unusual for one to be here alone. Magnus will have to deal with that, but not yet. He's having too good a time.
Really lovely, sensual fic. I adored Magnus's POV and the whole thing was gorgeous and dreamy.

Title: Cut Him Out In Little Stars
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,441
Content/Notes: established relationship, sex magic, light bondage
Summary: Angel Runes were designed to give protection and advantages in battle, not to give warlocks sexy ideas.
Warlock magic, however, has no such restrictions.
Alec and Magnus's nice night together turns into a romantic evening full of sex magic.
Lovely fic with a really wonderful relationship between Alec and Magnus, and some seriously hot sex between them.

Title: maybe you're my perfect fit
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,581
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, wall!sex, praise!kink, light D/s
Summary: Alec never dreamed he'd have this. Or a slice of Alec's life in a few years.
Super hot fic with Alex wanting to blow off a little steam and Magnus being more than happy to help.

♥ Title: Convince Me
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,662
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, dirty talk
Summary: When Magnus teases Alec about having sex in the Institute, Alec says no. When Magnus admits that it's a two-hundred-year-old fantasy, Alec says no.
But when Alec thinks about it a little more, he starts to see the appeal. And, technically, it's not forbidden. And it would be fun to give his boyfriend his well-aged fantasy.
Alec just needs a little convincing.
Super freaking hot fic with Magnus fucking Alec in the institute. Love the sexy illicitness of it all.

Title: Heart Aflame, Every Part Aflame
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,663
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: "You know," Magnus said, tilting his head back to allow better access and sighing when Alec bit at the juncture where his neck dipped into his shoulder, "your friends aren't as oblivious as I thought they were."
Alec hummed agreeably against his skin and Magnus groaned.
"Remind me to get the girls extravagant Christmas presents," he gasped.
"I can do that," Alec agreed, shifting the coat out of the way and trailing his fingers from Magnus's sternum to the waistband of his pants. Magnus sighed and shivered under Alec's touch.
"Do you maybe," he asked, threading his fingers through Alec's hair, "want to take this somewhere more comfortable?"
Lovely, lovely! Really enjoyed Magnus and Alec's connection in this one, and the glimpses of the other characters were quite fun.

Title: Firsts
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,939
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: Everything with Magnus is so new, there’s just first after first, so many things Alec never thought he would think or feel.
(Or: Alec really wants to give his first blowjob)
Super sexy fic with Alec really wanting to blow Magnus. Loved Alec's headspace in this one.

Title: the medication flowing through my veins was you series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,961
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, club!fic, song!fic
Summary: Isabelle strides on her ridiculously tall stilettos towards the dance floor, intent on working her way through the crowd until she can reach the stage. Before she even takes three steps though, Alec’s hand snaps out and grabs her arm, halting her in place.
Izzy whips her head around to him and rolls her eyes. “What?”
“You know,” Alec muses, “I get the feeling you might not be our targets… type. I get the feeling that he might be more of my persuasion than yours.” With a pointed raise of his eyebrows and nod of his head, all three of them turn to look at their target. It’s only now that Clary realises he’s completely ignoring the gorgeous girl behind him, focusing on the guy he's dancing with.
“See you on the flipside,” Alec says, before turning away to merge into the crowd, heading straight for their target.
A bit song!fic, which isn't usually my cup of tea, but I loved seeing a confident, seductive Alec, and the whole things was seriously hot.

Title: Falling
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 5,632
Content/Notes: established relationship, outsider!POV
Summary: Two missing scenes from 2x10: Jace tries to talk to Alec about what happened with the soul sword. Afterwards, Magnus and Alec take some time for themselves to deal with what just happened between the two of them, and where to go from here.
Really wonderful written fic dealing with some of the aftermath of season two. I really liked the characterizations here, and the relationships between both Alec & Magnus and Alec & Jace were fantastically rendered.

Title: a little too much, could never be enough
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,778
Content/Notes: established relationship, piercings, face-fucking
Summary: His entire life, Alec had worked his body to be better, to be the best at what he needed it to do, and he figured sex worked the same way. He might not be the most experienced, but he knew how his body worked, and he knew how to train.
To master anything, he needed to observe, try it out to see how to move, and then practice, practice, practice until everything became an automatism. He didn’t think anything with Magnus could ever become habitual-Magnus seemed too much like a wildcard for that-but at the very least he’d like to stop wondering about where to put his hands.
Crazy hot fic with Alec knowing what he wants and going for it. Loved them both in this, and pierced, jewelry'd-up Magnus is always amazing.

♥ Title: wrong in the dark
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6,773
Content/Notes: massage!fic, rimming, implied bottom!alec
Summary: After Magnus crashes Alec's wedding and Lydia is attacked, the Institute goes on lockdown. Magnus stays the night in Alec's room.
Wonderfully hot fic that takes place pretty much immediately after the wedding kiss in season 1. Magnus and Alec lock themselves up in Alec's room and spend some time tiring one another out.

Title: Waiting Game
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: General
Word Count: 7,460
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: Magnus has never hid the fact that he’s endlessly curious and an unabashed snoop, but the ring he discovers in Alec’s dresser is genuinely by accident. He thinks he can wait for Alec to reveal this secret in his own time.
Really fabulous post-season 2 fic. Amazing characterizations and just a really beautiful and satisfying read.

Title: Cut to the Feeling
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,703
Content/Notes: established relationship, face-fucking, first times
Summary: Magnus and Alec get into a scuffle with an incubus and are hit by incubus sex pollen. Set after Ep 1x12, but before 2x6.
Lovely, sexy fic, with Magnus and Alec getting hit with "sex pollen" and then getting down. Loved the feelings in this one, and the whole thing was super hot.

Title: Lionheart
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,350
Content/Notes: bottom!alec
Summary: Magnus’ bed hasn’t felt like his own without Alec in it. His body hasn’t felt the same without Alec’s warmth pressed up against it. From the second Alec takes his hand, Magnus doesn’t waste any time fixing either of those things. [Coda to 2x20]
Really love post season two fic that deals with the aftermath of that final episode. I loved the connection between Magnus and Alec and the way the author handled the issues between them. Magnus's voice was perfect, and the whole thing was super hot!

Title: Love is Not a Victory March
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,850
Content/Notes: AU: Royalty, AU: No Shadow World, AU: Historical, prince!magnus, servant!alec, bottom!alec, massage!fic, first time, mild dub-con
Summary: Two years ago, Magus returned to his father's kingdom to find his old friend - well, possibly more than a friend - Alec Lightwood pressed into service in his household. In those two years, Magnus has fallen deeper and deeper for him, but can't break through Alec's walls of propriety.
Now, in the run up to the Seelie Queen's visit, more and more is happening within the court that could push Alec out of his grasp forever, from potential arranged marriages to his own father wanting to steal Alec to his own bed. And Alec still has no idea what a simple touch from him can do to Magnus - but is about to find out.
Really fabulous AU with prince Magnus being totally in love with servant Alec.

♥ Title: Shadowhunter Codas Series (4 Fics)
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 19,288
Content/Notes: established relationship, first time, bottom!magnus, dirty talk, light praise!kink
Summary: Hi,” Magnus says, moving closer and smiling softly like he knows what’s going on in Alec’s head, running his thumb over one of Alec’s eyebrows and cradling his jaw. “Are you ok?”
Alec swallows and nods, fingers splayed over Magnus’ ribs as he takes a shuddering breath at the contact. It takes a little while for the words to come, and when they do his voice is low and thick. “I never. I didn’t think I could have this.”
Super sexy and sweet fics that work so perfectly as little additions to season two. Wonderful first times between these two, and it all felt very in-character and just right.

Title: Practice Makes Perfect, blow me (one last kiss), Let's Put that Mouth to Good Use, and Wake Me Gently
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit overall
Word Count: 1,255; 3,290; 5,027; 1,695 (11,267 total)
Content/Notes: established relationship, bottom!alec, praise!kink, dirty talk, rough sex, rimming, felching, somnophilia,
Summary: To be fair, Isabelle had told Alec to come to her when he wanted to talk.
A collection of fics that are all in the same universe (though they're not all connected on AO3). Fun and seriously hot.

Title: No Sweeter Innocence
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus, background relationships
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 17,195
Content/Notes: established relationship, first time, bottom!magnus, implied switching, light bondage, sex pollen, praise!kink, light D/s dynamics
Summary: Five times Alec accidentally 'finished' early, and the one time he finally outlasted Magnus.
Wonderfully written fic that gives us snapshots of Alec and Magnus's relationship. Really lovely and sexy.

*NEW: 7/16/2020*
Title: Vidit, Vicit, Venit Series (4 Fics)
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 26,099
Content/Notes: established relationship, intercrural sex, talk of knotting, face-fucking, sex toys, bottom magnus, implied bottom!alec
Summary: His entire life, Alec had worked his body to be better, to be the best at what he needed it to do, and he figured sex worked the same way. He might not be the most experienced, but he knew how his body worked, and he knew how to train.
To master anything, he needed to observe, try it out to see how to move, and then practice, practice, practice until everything became an automatism. He didn’t think anything with Magnus could ever become habitual-Magnus seemed too much like a wildcard for that-but at the very least he’d like to stop wondering about where to put his hands.
Awesome series with Magnus have a secondary warlock mark (a knot!) and Alec finding that very, very hot. The characterizations here are fabulous, and the relationship and dynamic between Alec and Magnus is really wonderful.

Title: Adventure XXL
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus, background relationships
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 26,858
Content/Notes: AU: Mundane, AU: Reality Show, bottom!alec
Summary: Jace signs himself and Alec up for a stupid reality show. Once Alec’s there, he meets fellow contestant Magnus, and suddenly the stupid show doesn’t feel quite so stupid anymore.
Really fun and funny Reality Show AU. Honestly, it was just a delight to read.

Title: The Arrangement
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 42,411
Content/Notes: AU: Human, switching, bottom!alec, bottom!magnus
Summary: When a meeting with a debt collector at a randomly chosen night club starts to go wrong, Alec meets a man who might just change his life with one unique offer.
Enjoyable and sexy read with Magnus offering to help Alec pay off some debts in exchange I like how surprisingly non-skeevy and consensual the author manages to make this, despite the set-up. Good fun!

♥ Title: Angelus ex Machina Series (3 Fics)
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus, background Clary/Jace & Izzy/Simon
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 138,025
Content/Notes: established relationship, switching, bottom!alec, bottom!magnus, bonding!fic, outsider POV
Summary: Demons have disappeared from the city and the local Shadow World has discovered the hard way that the only thing worse than demons is an institute of Shadowhunters with no demons to fight. But that situation is (hopefully) temporary. The whole thing with the parabatai bond being weird is something else entirely.
Awesome series that takes place sometime after season two. I loved the characterizations here, not just of Alec and Magnus, but the side characters as well. The premise of the first fic was super interesting, and the second fic gave me ALL THE FEELS. Loved them both.

♥ ♥ Title: Reconstruction
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus, background Clary/Jace
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 80,115
Content/Notes: non-linear timeline, getting back together, post-season 2
Summary: It takes months for Valentine to find the Mirror, and longer still to defeat him. Afterward, Alec has another first that he shares with Magnus: the strange and tentative transition from being not together to back together.
He’s not handling it as well as he’d like.
This fic is AMAZING. Everything I ever wanted from a post season 2 fic and more! Beautiful Alec (and all the characters, really) and it made me feel ALL THE FEELINGS. Absolutely recommend all fans of the pairing give this one a read ASAP.

Title: A Dream of Peace
Pairing(s): Alec/Magnus, background Clary/Jace
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 87,642
Content/Notes: AU: Medieval, AU: Royalty, prince!magnus, bottom!alec
Summary: A long time ago, King Valentine, of the rich kingdom of Alicante, attacked the southerner kingdoms. He searched for triumph and annihilation, for uniting the realm under his rule and his alone.
Instead of the easy victory, though, the greedy king found defeat and death, for the four kingdoms united for the first time in history, forging the Downworlder Alliance. As a result, the great families of the north were forced to deliver their firstborns to the Kings and Queens of the Downworlder Alliance, and so ensure their fielty and crush any further rebellions before they even sparkled.
Only, boring history lessons had always annoyed the Prince of Darkness and heir to the Kingdom of Edom, Magnus Bane. As the anniversary of his Mark Day arrives and with it the Victory Tournament, he figures the only good thing the Mortal War really brought was his father’s hostage, the quiet Alec Lightwood, eldest son to the once great Lightwoods of Alicante.
Good could become great, though. Magnus needs only figure out a way to get that boy away from the practicing arena and into his bed.
After all, he couldn’t possibly celebrate his day of honor without a suitable gift, could he?
Really fabulously written AU. The characters were brilliant and the way the author wove in the Shadowhunter canon with the world she created was awesome. Honestly, just a really fantastic fic.

Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland

Title: Demons Lurking In Dark Shadows
Pairing(s): Alec/Jace
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,924
Content/Notes: bottom!alec, first time
Summary: Since Alec was nothing but a child, all his personal demons have always had only one face.
Really beautifully written fic. I liked that the sex was almost platonic in a way, a way of reaffirming their connection as parabatai, and I loved the implication of future Magnus/Alec.

Jace Wayland/Simon Lewis

♥ Title: Runed Series (2 Fics)
avashida |
Pairing(s): Jace/Simon, background Jocelyn/Luke, Alec/Magnus, Clary/OFC, mention of past Simon/OMC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 336,461 total
Content/Notes: AU, simon is a fray & clary is a lewis, incest (possibly pseudo?), bottom!simon, bottom!jace, switching, book!canon
Summary: When Simon Fray follows a blue haired boy into a storage room, he has no idea how weird his life is about to get. Mortal Instruments rewrite. Eventual Jimon.
God, this fic is just fantastic. So interesting and clever the way canon people/events are switched around. I loved all the background the author added to this fic and holy god was the chemistry between Jace and Simon electric! Super freaking hot. This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

fandom: shadowhunters, pairing: alec/jace, kink: knotting, kink: rimming, pairing type: slash, kink: praise!kink, kink: public!sex, kink: desk!sex, kink: bondage, kink: incest, au, fandom: the mortal instruments, kink: exhibitionism, au: human, pairing: jace/simon, trope: club!fic, kink: d/s dynamics, rec: fic, switching, kink: rough sex, kink: somnophilia, pov: outsider, kink: wall!sex, au: reality show, established relationship, kink: dirty talk, pairing: alec/magnus, kink: face-fucking, kink: first time, kink: felching, au: alternate first meeting

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