November Daily Deviant Fic

Nov 10, 2016 09:00

Another month, another daily-deviant fic! One of my favorite parts about this comm, is that the various themes and the ways they can be interpreted mean that I often get a ready-made excuse to write random plot-bunnies that were already hopping around in my head. I wanted to write something like this after reading a particular scene in a book, but it likely ( Read more... )

pairing: ron/victoire, kink: voyeurism, my fanfic, pov: outsider, kink: table!sex, pairing type: het, comm: daily_deviant, kink: infidelity, rating: r

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Comments 4

my_thestral November 10 2016, 16:17:38 UTC
I'd love to read it (Hugo, Ron, of course I would, are you kidding me?!) but I can't find the link. Is it because I don't have the Daily Deviant account, you think?


gracerene November 10 2016, 16:24:15 UTC
No, it's because daylight savings threw my scheduled posts off, and I thought I had another hour to post this. Should be up now!


my_thestral November 10 2016, 19:18:14 UTC
I hope you don't mind if I comment here, because I don't have their account and I can't, for the love of god remember my LJ password, LOL ( ... )


gracerene November 11 2016, 20:21:47 UTC
No problem at all! I accept comments everywhere! :D

Ron is my favorite as well, but I admit I have a sort of guilty pleasure of him getting it on with younger women...filthy pervert that I am!

I'm glad Hugo's distress came across here, and that it made you think! Definitely not a easy, fluffy piece, but I'm glad you enjoyed.


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