FIC: Because He Said He Loves You and You're Not Ready to Say It Back Yet (Draco/Harry, R)

Oct 19, 2016 08:00

Title: Because He Said He Loves You and You're Not Ready to Say It Back Yet
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: ~1,100
Content/Warnings: second person POV, established relationship, intergluteal, frottage, some angst?
Summary: "I love you," he says, like it doesn't cost him anything to say it, like cracking open ( Read more... )

pov: second person, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, kink: intergluteal sex, 50 reasons to have sex, fandom: harry potter, established relationship, kink: frottage, pairing: draco/harry, rating: r

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Comments 20

carpemermaid October 19 2016, 15:37:10 UTC
Awww, yay! I can't believe this has come to an end! Congratulations on finishing it! I still have a lot of the reasons to catch up on :D ♥


gracerene October 19 2016, 16:07:26 UTC
Thanks so much, lovely! Indeed, when I first started this series, I didn't realize that I was committing myself to over 80k worth of words! Luckily they come in bite-sized bits, perfect for reading slowly over a period of time. ;)


ravenclawsquill October 19 2016, 16:05:35 UTC
This is a spectacular piece of writing; a masterful use of the tricky second person narrative.

I could feel Draco's fear in the pit of my stomach.

You want to be close to him, as close as you can get. You want to crawl inside of him, exist in the beat of his heart and the rush of his breath.

He comes, and you follow, because you always follow him, Salazar, fuck, anywhere, everywhere.

Just lovely. My heart hurts.

What a bittersweet finale!


gracerene October 19 2016, 16:12:26 UTC
Thank you so much, hon! I've never written in 2nd person before, and I was a little nervous about it, but it just felt right for some reason. And it seemed a fitting ending, this sort of introspective bittersweet piece, given my feelings on finishing up the series!

Thank you so much for reading and commenting! <33


kerrilee75 October 19 2016, 17:16:41 UTC

Omg!!! Is it possible to hate you and love you at the same time?!? What am amazing and powerful 1100 words. Seriously, how did you put so much into them and wring so much emotion out!?! I'm wrecked over this. *clutches heart*

The POV is so perfect for this. What a brilliant note to end this on. Just brilliant. ❤️


gracerene October 19 2016, 20:42:00 UTC
LOL!! <333

Gosh, I'm so thrilled this worked so well for you, hon! I was a little nervous about the 2nd person POV, since I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but something about it just seemed right.

Thank you so much for such a lovely comments, and for all of your lovely comments on the series. ♥


birdsofshore October 19 2016, 18:00:18 UTC
This was BEAUTIFUL, grace, and I didn't even notice the 2nd person POV until I saw the comments. It worked especially well because I think we are all crazy for Harry in that way. This resonated for me:

He's the brightest fucking light you've ever seen.

I stopped and thought, he's the brightest fucking light any of us have ever seen, that's at least in part the reason why so many of us are obsessed with this bloody fandom! ♥

It's a gorgeous piece to end with and I love the way you didn't capitulate, but stayed true to the prompt and to Draco's reservations. I'm sure Harry understands. I loved the lyrical sex and the very sensual descriptions, so intense and emotional. Lovely stuff.


gracerene October 19 2016, 20:49:32 UTC
Thank you so much, Birds! Something about this ficlet just begged to be told in 2nd person, and I'm so thrilled it worked so well for you that you didn't even really notice. :D

Given the somewhat bittersweet feelings I have about completing the series, this definitely felt like an appropriate ending piece. I wanted to maintain Draco's fears and reservatons throughout the fic, but still show that the feeling is there, and hopefully give off the impression that he'll get there eventually, and Harry, being the brigth fucking light that he is, won't mind waiting for him. :D

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment and for being so amazing throughout my writing journey! Your comments on this series (and on all of my fics) have really meant a lot to me. <3


capitu October 19 2016, 19:22:09 UTC
Would you believe me if I tell you I'm brimming with emotions about this. This is simply fantastic. It's beautiful and powerful, Draco's POV is so fucking perfect, the way he feels, the way Harry makes him feel; it's mad and intense and absolutely perfect.

I don't know what to say. It's amazing. You are amazing. <3


gracerene October 19 2016, 20:43:21 UTC
Awww, I'll absolutely believe you! <3

I'm so glad you liked this one, hon! It's definitely one of my personal favorites.

You're amazing right back! ♥


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