FIC: Because He Said He Loves You and You're Not Ready to Say It Back Yet (Draco/Harry, R)

Oct 19, 2016 08:00

Title: Because He Said He Loves You and You're Not Ready to Say It Back Yet
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: ~1,100
Content/Warnings: second person POV, established relationship, intergluteal, frottage, some angst?
Summary: "I love you," he says, like it doesn't cost him anything to say it, like cracking open ( Read more... )

pov: second person, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, kink: intergluteal sex, 50 reasons to have sex, fandom: harry potter, established relationship, kink: frottage, pairing: draco/harry, rating: r

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Comments 20

writcraft October 19 2016, 20:51:30 UTC
This is absolutely beautiful, Grace. What a triumph of delicious, varied, fun and HOT fics you've produced during this process. It shows not only your lovely writing but also your amazing organisation skills and hard work keeping this series going. I'm so proud of you, many congrats for completing the series!

On this one in particular I'm such a sucker for second person and this works so perfectly, emphasising the cautious way Draco attempts to keep that distance even when the reader can gauge he's already falling (or fallen) for Harry. Poetic and lovely, with some super imagery.

Loved it!


gracerene October 20 2016, 00:50:39 UTC
Thank you so much!! I'm really pleased that I managed to finish all 50 Reasons, though it's definitely a little bittersweet!

And I'm glad you enjoyed this one! This is my first 2nd person POV, and it's a POV I tend to be much pickier about reading, but it wasn't even really a conscious decision to write this one in 2nd person, it just sort of happened. :D

Thank you so much again for your lovely words here and your support/comments on many other fics in the series. <3


_melodic_ October 20 2016, 00:23:32 UTC
This is just divine!! Wow, so damn gorgeous. I have such a guilty pleasure for 2nd person POV when it's done right and damnnn was it done to pure perfection here.

The imagery is so vivid and rich and beautiful. My heart just ached along with Draco, with all his fears and deep scars that caused him such reluctance and trepidation in repeating the words back to Harry.

What a wonderful way to finish this series off.

Congrats on the whole thing! What an ambitious project that you pulled over so perfectly! I think I still need to catch up on the earlier ones!

Thanks for sharing such lovely pieces! <3


gracerene October 20 2016, 00:53:25 UTC
Thank you so much, hon! I'm really particular about 2nd person POV myself, so I was a little nervous about this one, but I'm really pleased it worked for you! <3

You're the sweetest, hon! Your comments have been so lovely, and I've really appreciated the support! I hope you enjoy the earlier fics if you find time to give them a read! <33


lauren3210 October 20 2016, 09:02:37 UTC
Oh my fucking God, Grace! This ficlet is fucking brilliant, in all kinds of inspirational, awe-inspiring, and slightly intimidating ways, and I fucking love it!

2nd person is so fucking hard to write, and I have never, not once, even attempted to do it myself, because it really only belongs in the hands of the extreme professionals. 2nd person exists in the fine balance between introspection and revelation, and it's almost impossible to get it right without sliding into either lecturing or a disconnection from the character. And you did it perfectly, with ease and such beautiful, powerful imagery, and I am fucking speechless over it. You are an absolute fic-writing Goddess, my darling.

Some of my fave lines (although I could just quote the whole thing back at you and be done with it tbh):

"I love you," he says, like it doesn't cost him anything to say it, like cracking open his ribs and handing you his heart is as easy as breathing. -- God, what a fucking way to begin, the visceral quality of the metaphor and how it perfectly ( ... )


gracerene October 20 2016, 16:45:06 UTC
Oh my goodness, hon, this comment was SUCH a treat to wake up to!!!

I am totally with you on 2nd person, which was why I was a little nervous about this one. I never thought I would ever write in it, but it wasn't even really a conscious decision. I sat down to write, and 2nd person just flowed out. It was a little bizarre, actually! I can't tell you how happy I am that it worked so well for you!

The lines you pulled out are some of my favorites, so I'm so thrilled they resonated with you! The Veela line gave me some trouble, as I really loved the comparison and I had a perfect idea of what I wanted to convey, and nailing it down into words was a little trickier!

Seriously, this comment made me beyond happy, and I'm so grateful that you took the time to leave me these lovely words! Your support of the series with your comments and especially your betaing, has been just the best! Thank you so much for everything, hon! ♥ ♥


fantasyfiend09 November 6 2016, 22:39:24 UTC
Oh my god this was good. I feel worn out from the emotional journey I went on with Draco. My heart was pounding right along with his.

I love that you created so much tension and it all felt so organic: growing from who Draco is. It was not at all the writer-delaying-the-happy-ending tension that created just to torment the reader. It was a perfect slice in time of where things are between these two complicated men who have lived through so much. Draco was completely in character and that made it even easier to share his fears and needs.

I also love that the story is about Draco not saying he loves Harry, and yet the whole story shows just how much he does. Beautiful.


gracerene November 7 2016, 02:56:42 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you so much, lovely! You are the best!!


felixfvlicis March 12 2017, 03:14:33 UTC
This broke my heart but in the best of ways. I ache for Draco, because I am him, here, suspended in this moment, which is probably why it affected me so much.

Like Harry, Draco has experienced the familiar pain of being the other. Yes, he was loved, but it was never enough, it never fit quite right (but Harry's love does, and that's what scares him). He had expectations to live up to, and unlike Harry, he failed, but that is where his loss comes from.

His fear runs so deep, it's shackled to his ankles, and he just can't, no matter how much he wants to. It breaks my heart.

My god, what a wonderful story. The way you used the sex as a vehicle for Draco to tell his story ... it was perfect. I'll be bookmarking this.

You are immensely talented. I hope you know this. Please never stop writing.


gracerene March 12 2017, 19:57:37 UTC
Oh gosh, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment!! This was a really special reason for me, and I'm always so thrilled when it speaks to people. <3


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