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  • a teacher day for spirit week is in order..

    grabkeester Mar 28, 2007 16:34

    Aside from Comix Café's mandatory sit down & order food scheme, the hpynosis show was pretty hilarious. There is nothing quite like the humor of random people pleasuring themselves onstage in bizarre manners. Ive already told several ppl the stuff that happened so I won't bother repeating again here. Good show, somewhat pricey, I'd give it an 8 out ( Read more... )
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  • SK+

    grabkeester Mar 21, 2007 21:19

    Because the hypnotist @ the 100 Days Celebration was so awe-inspiring, Douglas and I have gotten tickets to a show at Comix Café next monday for an x-rated showing of Mr. J Medicine Hat's performance. For those unfamiliar, he did an outrageous show involving donuts.. and cucumbers.. @ a Comix Café recently. This should be quite a hilarious ( Read more... )
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  • speed up... now fall back!!

    grabkeester Mar 14, 2007 16:07

    Alright lets back-track a bit.. friday I got some sweet threadz @ the mall and then saw '300'. I would not go over the top & say BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME, HANDS DOWN, CETERIS PARIBUS. It was pretty awesome, but not that awesome- idk, I just dont like action flicks that much I guess. Had a profitable session @ Turningstone on saturday... Tron is also ( Read more... )
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  • not in the mood

    grabkeester Mar 11, 2007 21:30

    im not updating this shit consistently or up to standards b/c im too fuckin busy all the time

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  • "OH YEAHHH!"

    grabkeester Mar 02, 2007 16:19

    Im working wayy too much. Waking up, going to school, going to work, & any leftover time devoted to HW and sleep is such a vicious cycle. O well. I filmed a scene for Ryan's movie a couple days ago. I don't know much about the plot but the randomness of my scene better account for a 5-star film. Or an Incredible Red pornography with BZ, whichever ( Read more... )
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  • why wouldn't you want to play in the WSOP Stock?.....

    grabkeester Feb 24, 2007 22:12

    The ski trip was an excellent time had by all. Long profited a cool $230 after getting 6th in the "Icy Hills" competition, Matt paid about $50 for his skis, I spent $60 on swim gear, and Stock cashed in his life savings to buy a snowmobile ( Read more... )
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  • another day another dolla

    grabkeester Feb 19, 2007 21:15

    Ive put away a little over $2K in the bank from working now :D (as much as I complain about freezing @ Delta, it is so much more legit than ESL & generates some major bill$) I also plan to blow a good $200 @ Turningstone a ski trip this upcoming Thursday..
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  • "chevy-poop"

    grabkeester Feb 14, 2007 19:01

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