Title: Perfectly Imperfect [or, The Five Times Spock's Hair was a Distraction (and the one time it was just hilarious)]
igrabPairing: Spock/Kirk
Written For:
st_xi_kink, for
this promptRating: R
Word Count: 1,447
Summary: Kirk is turned on by seeing Spock's hair messed up.
Notes: can anyone explain the difference between R and NC-17? I've never actually
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Comments 50
To answer your question "R" means that people under 17 are not supposed to see something but they can get tickets if someone 18 or older buys it for them. However "NC-17" means NO ONE under the age of 17 is allowed into the theater, even if their great-grandmother buys the ticket.
they're a switch for me ;D
I'll admit, I agree with Kirk. That hair needs messing with.
And Oh Bones. Ohhhhhhhhh Bones.
And your icon is winrarsauce.
NC-17 is like, obscenely pornographic, like, graphic descriptions/pictures bad. R's like, well, sex scenes with the sheet covering the naughty bits.
A PG-13 has sex acts mentioned, an R has them described, and an NC-17 has them graphically described. Ie: Kirk and Spock made love, Kirk gave Spock a blowjob, Kirk opened his mouth and went deep, throat opening, swallowing convulsively, Spock's cock nudging over his soft palate and making him gasp... I'd say yours is actually a soft rather than a hard R, you're allowed quite a bit more leeway before you hit the border.
That said, this was a lot of fun. :-)
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i would LOVE to see spock with messed up hair... maybe in the next movie, *hopes*
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