Title: Perfectly Imperfect [or, The Five Times Spock's Hair was a Distraction (and the one time it was just hilarious)]
igrabPairing: Spock/Kirk
Written For:
st_xi_kink, for
this promptRating: R
Word Count: 1,447
Summary: Kirk is turned on by seeing Spock's hair messed up.
Notes: can anyone explain the difference between R and NC-17? I've never actually
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Comments 50
My only concrit would be that the POV seems to shift a bit. It's very subtle, and dammnit, I'm an artist, not a writer, so I'd have trouble pointing out to you exactly where and why, but from 2 to 3 it seems to shift from spock's point of view to Kirks. And then later shifts back again. Again, it's subtle (and perhaps it's the way I'm interpeting it), but it confused me.
Don't take this as a crit on your writing, though. I really enjoyed this fic. It seems longer than it really is (in a good way) and that takes talent! I also love the way you write smut, without being graphic. This is the kind of fic that I'll remember as being graphic. Bravo!
i am glad for the crit though ♥
I liked this line, particularly:
god if it wasn't the hottest fucking thing in the world, seeing him all quivery and shaken and undone. .... Gaaahhhh... ;-)
PurpleFluffyCat x
5 is probably my fave, but 4 made me giggle SO MUCH XD
*is so glad you put these on here that she has bookmarked them*
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