He Puts the Walls Up [Travis/Percy, PG]

Apr 15, 2010 14:14

Title: He Puts the Walls Up
Author: igrab
Pairing: Travis/Percy [dolphin!verse]
Written For: soxdamnxcute
Wordcount: 573
Rating: PG

"I'm sorry, just leave it on the table, I have to get to work," said Percy, because there was a first for everything.

Travis pursed his lips critically, then tossed the letter on the counter - just a little too hard, so it slid neatly off and fell behind the trashcan. If Percy really wanted to read another paragraph about how Annabeth was too busy to come see him (and five about the architecture in Olympus, to make a generous estimate), then he could go find it himself. Travis wasn't about to make it easy for him. "Where are you working?" he asked, more because he didn't want Percy to leave, but also because there was a pair of swim goggles on top of his bag, and he knew for a fact that Percy didn't need them.

He came out of the bathroom in a wetsuit and jeans, of all things, and smiled. "You'll see."


"Come on." He hiked the bag onto his shoulder and handed Travis the goggles. "You're coming with me."

Travis opened his mouth to automatically list the thousand and one things he should be doing instead of this, but Percy caught his elbow and tugged him with that inhuman Achilles strength, and Travis had to force his legs to work so he didn't fall on his face. "I, well, okay," and it was completely embarrassing, for a son of Hermes to be so tongue-tied.


As it turned out, Percy worked at a swank marine biology institute where he mostly played with dolphins. Travis thought this was the most brilliant thing this side of ever, and he soon forgot everything but the water and sunlight and the silky feeling of dolphin skin under his fingertips. Percy's eyes were, if possible, even brighter in the reflected blue, and they chased each other across the pool and raced on dolphinback and three hours later, collapsed up on the ledge and just... looked at each other.

Whether it was for other people (what other people? The building was full but out here, they were well and truly alone) or for him (which would be ridiculous. It was probably for the dolphins), Percy had let himself stay wet this time, and his hair was slick to his forehead and water dripped off his ear in an entrancing rhythm. Travis knew he was staring. He couldn't stop staring. Percy had always been beautiful but right now, he was beautiful for one pair of eyes only.

Except, you know, the dolphins.

Then Percy sighed, impatiently, and Travis only had a second to contemplate that - what was he waiting for? But then he rolled the last foot between them and kissed him, and oh... oh... oh.

Later, he'd find out that Connor, that little cheating bastard, had tattled. He'd find out that Percy had known for weeks, had been watching and waiting and learning him because he didn't want to fuck this up. He'd find out that him and Annabeth hadn't been in a relationship for months now, that they'd kept up a correspondence so Percy could keep seeing him. And seeing him and seeing him. He'd find out the bigger picture, later.

Right now, all he knew was that he must be dreaming, and he never wanted to wake up.

fandom: percy jackson and the..., rating: pg, pairing: travis/percy, fanfiction

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