What Keeps You Awake [Percy/Luke, NC-17]

Mar 01, 2010 09:10

Title: What Keeps You Awake
Author: igrab
Pairing: Percy/Luke
Written For: venacavaa, to the palette 2nd Thoughts
Wordcount: 678
Rating: NC-17

But really, the greatest thing about being the only one in your cabin is, you can have someone over and no one else will care.

Not that it would've worked if Luke hadn't been the son of the God of Thieves and Tricksters, but he was, and some time after lights out - ten minutes, twenty, never over an hour but he cut it close sometimes - he'd hear a familiar step on the floor, and shadows crossing the moonlight, and they'd fall into bed like dominoes.

Except tonight.


Percy looks at his watch again and does a few calculations. An hour and fifteen, honing in on twenty. No sign of Luke. No nothing.

He tried telling himself that it was for safety's sake - that Luke knew best, when to arrive, and if staying in his own cabin was a better option tonight, Percy could live with that. He could totally live with that. He'd spent years and years of his life sleeping alone, he could absolutely handle it now.

When that stopped working, he reassured himself that he'd be there, that Luke wouldn't leave him hanging like this, that he'd just gotten sidetracked or whatever.

There was the other thought - and he veered away from that - the thought that he might've been caught, and Mr D was pretty firm about the whole lights-out thing. He didn't want to think about Luke getting in trouble because of him.

Suddenly - and he had gone back to resigning himself to a night alone, so he wasn't expecting it - there was a rush of footsteps, bare feet, and suddenly Luke was there, tackling him to the bed, pressing a cool faint kiss to his forehead, his cheeks, one on each eyelid.

"What took you," he mouthed, tugging off Luke's dark red shirt and throwing it carelessly aside.

But Luke shook his head, gestured for him to be quiet. And still. Percy did so, frowning.

Somehow, without seeming to move at all, Luke insinuated himself under the covers, until they almost looked like one person.

Lights flashed at the windows, and Percy understood.

So he pretended to be fast asleep, utterly so - ignored how Luke was slowly sliding his boxers off his hips, or the way his fingers were curling into soft skin on the inside of his thighs.

Percy bit his lip, unable to help it. Jesus, Luke, he thought, but he didn't stop him - didn't want to move.

Luke must've figured that under the blankets was hiding enough - he licked delicately at the tip of Percy's cock, Percy, who had been hard for at least an hour by now. Fuck.

But he couldn't move, couldn't say a damn thing.

Luke licked and sucked in utter silence, until Percy's limbs were trembling all over and he was rapidly losing any hint of a pretense. "Luke," he finally whispered. "Shit, Luke, they have to be gone by now."

He didn't stop, but then, he didn't tell him to shut up, either, so Percy figured it was okay to make a little noise now - and he did, a water-deep gasp as Luke swallowed him to the hilt, and a ragged curse when he pulled away.

It wasn't long after that - one, two, three more perfect motions and Percy was coming hard, his hands clenched in the sheets and mewling out a pathetic whimper. Fuck.

"Maybe I should be late more often," Luke whispered in his ear, scratchy and breathless and utterly teasing. Percy, too tired to even care, shoved weakly at his shoulders.

"Don't you dare," he mumbled, and Luke's answer to that was to gather the younger boy into his arms.

"I guess we'll see. Sleep tight, Perce."

Percy mumbled something that might have been 'I love you', but it was muffled in the skin of his chest, and he fell asleep, utterly contented.

if you liked that, try these:
We Have a Barter System . Beautiful Contradiction

fandom: percy jackson and the..., pairing: percy/luke, rating: nc-17, fanfiction

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