We Have a Barter System [Percy/Luke, PG]

Feb 15, 2010 14:26

Title: We Have a Barter System
Author: igrab
Pairing: Percy/Luke
Written For: pada_something, who's probably the only one who could make me write this.
Wordcount: 552
Rating: PG
Summary: Percy's clothes were going missing.

Percy's clothes were going missing.

This wouldn't've been a big deal, really - what's one orange shirt more or less, really - but it was his Owl City shirt that had gone missing this time, and the boxers with the whales. He liked those boxers, they were a present from his mom, and he wasn't ashamed to admit that, damnit.

The good thing was that he knew who took them. The bad thing, was that he knew who took them.

"Luuuuke!" he called out, tramping up the steps to the Hermes cabin. He stopped before opening the door - frowned - oh yes, he could sense that, a bucket of water over the door? Really? Wasn't that the oldest trick in the book?

He sent the water spilling over whoever was behind it, grinned when he heard a muffled sputtering noise, and opened the door.

To his surprise, there was only one person there.

Luke was standing in a puddle, soaked to the skin, looking halfway between 'extremely annoyed' and 'extremely pleased with himself'. It was sort of his default expression.

"That wasn't for you," he tried to say, as the water dripped off his nose.

"Obviously." Luke wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't've rigged a water trap if he'd known Percy was coming by. With a sigh, Percy magicked Luke dry - he was ticked off, not cruel.

"Thanks," Luke said with a warm smile.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Your-" He gave Percy a long once-over, lingering on the fit of his jeans and the lines of his bare chest. "No idea what you're talking about."

"My clothes, Luke! Where's my - "

And then he realized, which he should have realized the second he walked in but maybe Luke had been a little wet and just possibly distracting. "....shirt. Luke, why are you wearing my shirt."

His grin was full of mischief. "I like your shirt."

"I like it too. On me."

"I dunno, I like this whole shirtless thing you've got going on. It really works for you. Very heroic."

Percy shoved at Luke's chest and that became something of a chase, as they darted through the empty cabin, catching on bedposts and shelves and the thousand random stolen treasures of the Hermes children. Percy tripped on a shoebox and thought he felt fluttering, Luke stumbled on some sort of stuffed animal that may or may not have squeaked.

Percy caught him in the back corner, and pressed him into the wall without hesitation, one leg sliding between Luke's thighs with the ease of familiarity. "Are you wearing my boxers, too?"

Luke attempted to look innocent. It was the only thing he was terrible at. "Maybe."


"Don't you want to find out for yourself?"


That evening, as he lay in his bed and started to fall asleep, Percy realized that Luke still had his shirt.

Well, I suppose he can keep it, Percy thought with an internal sigh. It's not like he really needed it or anything.

Not because he liked seeing Luke in his clothes, or anything.

Of course not.

if you liked that, try these:
What Keeps You Awake . Stop Thinking

fandom: percy jackson and the..., pairing: percy/luke, rating: pg, drabble

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