The muse did love the white shirt prompt.

Aug 18, 2007 14:46

oh, dear Queen
lillyjk , one of your royal gifts, in
halfdutch 's picspam, inspired my muse.

just to be clear, this one.

let's just stare a bit. ahem.. ok.

so I checked on your user info (because what I had in mind is not everyone's cup of tea), and you don't seem averse to RPS, since I saw Foxshy listed as an interest. That's what I have for you, I hope it makes you happy!

See my Mark
RPS Foxshy drabble (Foxy/Josh), 100 words, rated PG

Josh Holloway has a peculiar sense of fashion. It's even a game for Foxy: the loudest the print on the shirt, the fastest Matt finds a way to take it off and replace it with his hands and mouth.

When Josh walks on set with jeans and a v-neck t-shirt so blindingly white they make him fucking glow... Matt can't even breathe for a while.

At the breakfast table, he fakes an accidental touch on Josh's lower back and is satisfied by the small blueberry jam stain he leaves. His mark.

It says: enjoy looking at him. But he's mine.

The End


drabble, fic, lost fic: foxshy, lost

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