let's try something light ;)

Aug 17, 2007 13:21

I was definitely in the mood for something fun after all that weirdness... so...

I have a silly little fic for Queen
do_not_confess  :)

Is that old for a dog?
Silly fic from Aaron's POV, with Vincent, Claire, Sawyer, Hurley and implied Jack/Kate
About 400 words, Gen

Aaron asks his mom how old Vincent is. She thinks for a minute and admits she doesn't know, but that he was a grown dog when they arrived on the island, 6 years ago.

"Is that old, for a dog, mommy?"

She ruffles his hair with a little smile.

"A bit, love. But thing are different here."

Vincent doesn't look old, even if he sleeps a lot. So Aaron goes to ask Uncle Sawyer. Uncle Sawyer knows things from all those books he reads.

"Vincent? I think he bit Richard once. I predict him a long life."

He says, going back to his magazine. Aaron blinks. Huh? Uncle Sawyer says weird things sometimes. So he goes to see Uncle Jack. But Uncle Hurley stops him before he enters the tent.

"What do you want, little dude?"

Aaron points to the tent.

"I want to ask Uncle Jack if Vincent is about to die."

Hurley takes him by the shoulders and drags him away while he talks.

"Humm, see, Uncle Jack is kind of busy I think..."

Aaron pays attention and he hears Aunt Kate who does a weird sound. She must have hurt herself and Uncle Jack is doing is doctor thing. Aaron nods. It's better not to bother him when he works.

".. but I don't think Vincent is going to die. Is he sick?"

Aaron shakes his head.

"No. Just wonderin' "

Hurley pats him on the back.

"He's going to be fine, little dude. Vincent is always fine. Look, I think he's waiting for you to play."

Aaron looks at the edge of the jungle and yes, there he is, just waiting. Aaron laughs and runs to him, falls on his knees and burrows his face in the soft fur while Vincent tries to lick his face.

"You are not going to die, huh, Vincent?"

The dog just pants, wagging his tail. Aaron shrugs. He's probably a super special dog, anyway: he once fell from a plane and was ok!

Aaron looks around, wondering what game they could play. It's too hot to play fetch the stick, and he doesn't want to go swim in the ocean. He looks at the fronds on the ground.

"I'm going to make you a hula skirt and a flower necklace. What do you think, Vince?"

Vincent barks once and wags his tail some more.

Aaron laughs and starts making knots with the palm leaves. He's pretty sure his mom is going to find it funny.

The End


lost fic: aaron, fic, lost

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