Fic: "Acceptance pending", TVD, Damon/Alaric, PG

Dec 08, 2011 01:08

This one is for the lovely janie_tangerine: I'm sorry it's really late, not even on the 7th, but it has been a crazy day ;)

Title: Acceptance pending
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating/Word count: PG, 500 words
For janie_tangerine, who requested TVD, Damon/Alaric, "I hope this doesn't put a damper on our relationship"
Warning: The fic is spoilery for S3 of TVD

Acceptance Pending )

tvd fic: damon/alaric, holiday extravaganza, fic, tvd

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Comments 6

crowgirl13 December 8 2011, 14:55:16 UTC

Happy holidays to meeee toooooo! This is my favorite ship in TVD, and do love your take on how things get ~started. Damon is the most ridiculous. This though, is lovely. :D


gottalovev December 10 2011, 19:55:41 UTC
YAY! thank you bb! your excitement makes me glee! \o/

I do love those boy, and I'm thrilled you enjoyed this. Damon is, indeed, the most ridiculous but that's how we love him ;)


_profiterole_ December 8 2011, 20:08:08 UTC
C'est encore mieux que leur réconciliation dans la série ! ^__^


gottalovev December 10 2011, 19:56:19 UTC
lol! merci! si seulement ils s'embrassaient dans la série aussi, tout irait mieux ;)


janie_tangerine December 10 2011, 01:43:07 UTC
First: SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE between coming back from Paris and having to close myself to finish an exchange fic I totally missed this until now.

Second: THIS IS GLORIOUS. DAMON'S WOOING. ALARIC NOT BEING ABLE TO RESIST AND NOT SAYING THAT THEY WON'T SCREW LATER. DAMON REALLY APOLOGIZING. THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT KISS. Damon finally realizing he needs anger management lessons. HE'S WORRYING ABOUT LOSING HIS 'NOT GIVE A SHIT POINTS' OH DAMON BABY COME HERE <333 also Damon using the eyebrow waggle and Alaric totally not being able to shrug him off and

Alaric puts both hands on his face at that and groans. "Oh, god. I'm so screwed."

"Only if you want to be!" Damon says cheerfully in an attempt to relax the atmosphere.

I DIED. EVERY COMMA OF THIS WAS GLORIOUS. Oh this ship. Oh those two. This was absolutely lovely and I adored it and I'm all like :DDDDD now. Thanks so much! <33333333333333333 and sorry again for the lateness.


gottalovev December 10 2011, 20:00:35 UTC
it's more than ok, no problem darling!! I know you are very busy and THANK YOU, I HAD MY PARIS POSTCARD, YOU ARE WONDERFUL *KISSES*

Damon wooing is bound to be ridiculous and dangerous, no? lol! Damon is always a lot of fun to write and I'm glad you enjoyed it. thanks so much.

you know you are one of my favorites to write for, right? your feedback always makes me feel like a million dollars ♥ always stay awesome Janie, I love you.


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