Fic: "Acceptance pending", TVD, Damon/Alaric, PG

Dec 08, 2011 01:08

This one is for the lovely janie_tangerine: I'm sorry it's really late, not even on the 7th, but it has been a crazy day ;)

Title: Acceptance pending
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating/Word count: PG, 500 words
For janie_tangerine, who requested TVD, Damon/Alaric, "I hope this doesn't put a damper on our relationship"
Warning: The fic is spoilery for S3 of TVD

Frankly, Damon wonders if Alaric decided to put him in the dog house forever. He wouldn't be surprised. Damon does admit he fucked up royally, even if only to himself. Would confessing that he'd regretted killing Alaric the very moment his neck snapped make it any better? He'd lose a couple of hundreds 'I don't give a shit' points, that's for sure, but Damon has alienated one of the only friend he's had in decades and it sucks.

Damon really needs to work on his anger management and impulse control before he kills someone important that will actually remain dead. Speaking of, Damon leads Alaric through the cave below the old Lockwood place and hopes Mason is gone for good. Just knowing that ghosts are around, though, waiting for their chance to get back at him makes Damon a tad nervous.

When they reach the vampire-protected section, Damon catches Alaric's wrist. The recycled apology was good for laughs, but he wants to make sure the message was received.

"Thanks Ric," Damon says when Alaric turns to him with a frown. "For your help with this, Elena, and everything else."

Alaric nods; he could try to shake Damon off but he doesn't.

"I swear I'll never try to kill you again, except if I have a very good reason," Damon adds.

That makes Ric laugh, at least.

"You are impossible," Alaric says with a weary head shake and Damon is emboldened by the smile that doesn't completely disappear.

"Admit it, it's one of the reasons you like me," Damon tries to coerce with an eyebrow waggle.

Alaric sighs this time. "I really don't know why I like you, to be honest."

Losing the shaky hold on his self-control - he'll start on that tomorrow - Damon surges forward to kiss Alaric on the mouth lightly, lightning quick. Blink and you miss it and Alaric looks stunned, a hand going to his mouth. Thankfully, he doesn't look too put off.

"Huh," Alaric says. He then cocks his head to the side. "Are you serious? Dangerous vampire hunting, buying me enough drinks to destroy my liver, breaking my neck... that's the Damon Salvatore wooing technique?"

Damon winces. "Well not the neck thing," he says. "But pretty much."

Alaric puts both hands on his face at that and groans. "Oh, god. I'm so screwed."

"Only if you want to be!" Damon says cheerfully in an attempt to relax the atmosphere.

Unfortunately Ric shakes his head and goes through the protected passageway, leaving Damon behind. Crap. His 'let's finally make a move' plan could have been timed better.

"Not now," Alaric says. "Shut up and let me check this thing."

"There will be screwing later, then?" Damon asks, making his voice hopeful, and then ducks to avoid a rock aimed at his head. Stupid force field: at least it should stop projectiles.

Damon's smiling, though, because Alaric is not protesting too much. Or at all really. Damon's wooing technique might not be so bad, after all.

tvd fic: damon/alaric, holiday extravaganza, fic, tvd

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