My last 3 offerings for the 2010 lostsquee luau :)

Aug 29, 2010 13:20

This was made for primarycolors92 who asked for Team Science at the lostsquee Luau. I've been poking at it for a month but sadly it doesn't seem to modify itself into something good enough, so I'll go with it.

Title: Settling In
Characters: Horace, Richard, Radzinsky, other DHARMA folks
Word count: 1300 words, rated G
Summary: The DHARMA people get to the Island and ( Read more... )

lost fic: sawyer/charlie, fic, lost, lost fic: juliet, lost fic: richard/juliet, cliche bingo, au_bingo, lost fic: horace, lost fic: richard

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Comments 8

primarycolors92 August 29 2010, 18:27:12 UTC
Yay Dharma! I still love those wacked-out hippie dudes, even after they lost their mojo.

This is a great snapshot of the beginning of their time on the Island; it's a great combo of fear of the unknown, excitement, and innovation. Radzinsky is a nutjob. Horace is just great; you captured him really well.

I can sort of see where you struggled with it, but it's like nothing I've read in this fandom and I really like it <3

Thank you!


gottalovev August 30 2010, 03:13:48 UTC
there is so much we don't know about the DHARMA folks, so I wanted to try that but we don't have much to base it on. I am really happy you liked it, though, yay! thank you for telling me what you liked. =D


bold_seer August 29 2010, 23:31:45 UTC
One-sentence fics! Such a curious concept. I think my favourite was this one: The worst mornings were the ones where she woke up after dreaming she had wings. There's something so poignant about that image - very nice. I also loved the realisation that Juliet is the opposite of Isabella.

Being mortal again made him reckless.

Oh, yes. It's funny, though, that I was thinking about the original(?) six word story the other day. Powers of foresight? :)

And a drabble! Good last line there, yes.

Thank you so much! :D


gottalovev August 30 2010, 03:16:00 UTC
I am intrigued about the one sentence thing, even signed up for the challenge with another fandom but it's... not always that easy!

I'm glad you liked the wings one, I think it's my favorite too.

HA! see, you had picked up the signal I was about to make this *g* fandom hive mind is quite awesome =D

I am so glad you liked those, thank you!


haldoor August 29 2010, 23:58:10 UTC
Oh, those six words ones are so well done! And absolutely adore your Charlie/Sawyer. Had to laugh at Sawyer's distraction techniques! But yay for Charlie getting his man! ;-)


gottalovev August 30 2010, 03:17:23 UTC
thanks! it's always a nice exercise to try the six words fic, glad you like the result!

I think the Sawyer/Charlie one is my favorite of those, glad you liked it. they were fun to play with.

thank you!


blackwolf1480 August 30 2010, 01:45:56 UTC
Charlie/Sawyer <333 That was adorable and I loved the AU world you put them in. Yay, magic!


gottalovev August 30 2010, 03:18:22 UTC
magic is awesome! I am so happy you liked this, thank you! it was fun to play with that concept =D


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