My last 3 offerings for the 2010 lostsquee luau :)

Aug 29, 2010 13:20

This was made for primarycolors92 who asked for Team Science at the lostsquee Luau. I've been poking at it for a month but sadly it doesn't seem to modify itself into something good enough, so I'll go with it.

Title: Settling In
Characters: Horace, Richard, Radzinsky, other DHARMA folks
Word count: 1300 words, rated G
Summary: The DHARMA people get to the Island and try to make their place.
Note: I'm using it for cliche_bingo , square for "backstory".

"Why here?" Glenn asks as they unload crates and containers full of basic necessities, construction material and even furniture in a natural cove.

"The DeGroots were really specific," Horace answers. To be honest, he's a bit surprised that they found the Island at the coordinates the captain of the ship had been given, since all the maps showed only ocean. The place is magnificent, though.

They don't lose time and start to build the barracks almost right away. Mr. Hanso surveys his investments closely; it's not the time to mess up. There is so much to do.


It turns out that the Island is inhabited, though it takes several weeks before they have actual proof of it. At first Horace hopes that it means good neighbors, even if they are shy, maybe even more people to believe in their project. It doesn't turn out like that. They send one of their men as an emissary, Richard, which doesn't go over so well. Under the charm, Richard is reciting a laundry list with a thin veil of menace: no one is allowed to go in this part of the jungle, no digging over here, if someone dies they have to be cremated; it goes on and on. The consequences are vague but ominous. Horace politely tells him where to stick it, and has Richard escorted out of the barracks area at gunpoint by Jerry and Paul.

That night, a terrible ruckus wakes everybody up: a house is destroyed and the three persons living in it are killed. It's not a freaky meteorological phenomenon and at least four people who got out fast enough to see what happened swear that they saw a monster made of deep black smoke pounding and ripping at the structure. It's still chaos the morning after, and almost all of the volunteers for the DHARMA Initiative want to leave. It takes a lot of persuasion to first calm them down, and then to keep everyone working together. The submarine is in transit, so it can't pick anyone up for at least two months. They'll have to deal with the whole situation the best they can.


Richard comes to visit in the afternoon, his hands raised in a peaceful gesture. There are whispers and many people hide in their houses, though they spy from behind their curtains. Horace meets Richard in the open, a little nervous. By his side Paul is clutching his rifle a bit tightly but Richard doesn't even look worried.

"I've heard about what happened," Richard says. He looks sad, as if he's feeling the tragedy himself.

"Why did you do that?" Horace says, because he's sure it's an act. The timing is too suspicious.

Richard scoffs.

"We didn't do anything, the smoke... well it acts by itself. It's why we have rules, to stay safe or at least safer."

"What is it?" Paul asks.

Richard turns his calm gaze to Horace's chief of security.

"I don't know. A demon, a devil, a malevolent God," he says with an apologetic shrug. "It's very dangerous."

The worst thing is that he looks completely serious saying that. Richard leaves a bit later, but he hasn't explained anything, only listed the rules once more. No one dares to ask who made them.


Between now and the possible escape that they can't try for another couple of months, they need protection. But how can you protect yourself from smoke? Someone from the security team suggest an alarm, so that at least everyone takes cover when something freaky happens. Watch is set and the next time the smokes visits, in plain day, the security personnel fires at it totally ineffectually; the smoke snakes forward totally nonplussed.

Radzinsky finally triggers the high pitched signal to send everyone who might have missed the gunfire for cover. It happens fast but one minute the smoke is making its way towards them and the other it recoils, turns around and leaves with roars of its own and weird flashes. It un-roots several trees when it gets in the jungle, as if pissed off.

Radzinsky cuts off the alarm after five minutes and the sudden silence is almost deafening.


"Why did it turn around?" Horace asks, hours later.

Everyone is still on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"I don't know!" Paul says. "Shooting at it didn't do anything, that's for sure."

"I think it was the noise," Radzinsky says. "It only turned when the alarm started."

"We startled it?" Horace says.

He's answered with shrugs. Who knows what it is, and how it will react next time.

There are still six weeks left before the submarine.


The smoke comes back at dusk several days later.

When the alarm blasts, it stops and turns away. Again.

That means they have repeatable results. No one is safe in the jungle, though, and everyone keeps close to the barracks.


After the sixth time, they start to experiment. They let the smoke that definitely seems sentient come more or less close to the barracks before putting the switch at on. Each time it leaves in a fury. It's definitely the alarm.

"We could build a sonic fence," June says one day.

All gazes turn to her and June blushes under the scrutiny. She usually stays quiet but she's a good technician.

"I think it could work," Radzinsky says, and runs with the idea as it always was his own.


It's said that necessity is the mother of invention. They have a great science staff and within two weeks a crude sonic fence is set up around the barracks. They install the experimental pylons a dozen feet apart and hook it up to generators. By the time it's done, Radzinsky seems to wish for their smokey enemy to show up; he's always been strange.

"Are you enjoying this?" Horace asks him one night when it's his turn to take guard (it doesn't make a happy Amy). It seems that Radzinsky's always there, ready to push on his button. Maybe he doesn't need to sleep.

Radzinsky chuckles.

"I've always loved a challenge."


The problem with the smoke is that it doesn't have a schedule. A couple of days pass, then two weeks with no sign of it. It lulls everyone into a false sense of security, until one Friday afternoon the smoke comes back, and it's moving fast. Horace himself manages to run to the orange button to activate the sonic fence. If their theory is right, it will stop the smoke but just in case, Horace's hand is hovering near the red button of their 'regular' alarm.

As people dart and run for cover, Horace holds his breath watching the distance between the smoke and the fence diminish... and it's the collision. It's visually stunning how the smoke is just stopped, right there, like a bug crashing in a windshield. It sorts of bounces before trying again, flashing and roaring, then follows the perimeter like a shark making a circle around a prey. It flies faster and faster completing the circle before abandoning, snaking back in the jungle.

Horace realizes he's still holding his breath and forces himself to breathe in and out, his heart beating double time. His right hand is still poised to press down the red button, and it takes a conscious effort there again to relax and let go. He takes the executive decision to keep the sonic fence running, since the frequency has been made high enough that the bother lies more on the noise the generators powering the system do than the fence itself.

"It worked, it worked!" Radzinsky is yelling as he bounces over.

Slowly, a smile spreads on Horace's face: this changes everything. They can have material shipped over and build a larger perimeter, and be sure to enclose enough of the island to live well. Of course they'll still be vulnerable in the jungle, out of the fence, but they can deal with that when they get to that particular bridge.

With a little caution, maybe they'll be able to stay.

The End

This was made for yersi_fanel who asked for Charlie and Alternative universes :)

Title: The Apprentice
Characters: Charlie/Sawyer
Word count: 1000 words, rated PG
Summary: Controlling a feather with his mind was sadly becoming rather boring really fast.
Note: I'm using it for au_bingo , square for "Fantasy & Supernatural: Witches and Wizards".

The feather lifted, and then swayed from side to side back to the table until Charlie made it lift again. Controlling a feather with his mind was sadly becoming rather boring really fast. Charlie sighed as he did it again. Professor Alpert had said it was his exercise for the day, and that he had to master it perfectly.


"Hey, Charlie-boy!" was almost shouted and Charlie raised his head to see Sawyer sauntering in. "Whatcha doin'?"

Charlie made the feather lift and go towards Sawyer, who gave him some dimples.

"Practicing," he said. He'd have preferred something showier to impress his friend, but it would have to do.

"Nice," Sawyer approved. "Come on, let's go to the market, I'm starving."

Now that he had been selected to become Professor Alpert's student, after years of nagging him, Charlie should do his best to keep out of trouble. He knew very well that Sawyer had every intention to steal his dinner: even if was one hell of a thief, there was always the chance that they'd get caught. On the other hand? He could spend time with Sawyer and watch him in action. Charlie sighed as he stood up since he had absolutely no will to resist that.

"So, learning anything cool?" Sawyer asked.

Obviously flying feathers were not cool enough, and frankly Charlie agreed with the sentiment. He thought of the long lecture on the dangers of using magic for personal gain, then at the meditation session followed by at least one hour of staring at candles.

"For the moment? It's a bit disappointing," Charlie said. "Hopefully, we'll move to the fun stuff soon."

Sawyer shrugged.

"I guess you have to go with the basics first," he said. "There."

Charlie frowned as Sawyer put a peach in his hand. Even if he tried, Charlie didn't remember passing in front of a fruit stand. Sawyer smiled when Charlie took a bite, and then started scanning the market again. It was a good day with many boots full of goods and lots of visitors to buy them. It was like opening the hen house's door to let the fox - in this case Sawyer - in.

They were getting to the hot food merchants stands when Charlie spotted Professor Alpert. He was in deep negotiation with a woman selling herbs and gris-gris, but he was smiling and Charlie knew without a doubt that the game was over for the saleswoman. Professor Alpert swore he didn't use magic to influence people in every day actions, but no one could resist his charm and long lashes. Maybe there was a spell or two at work, after all.

By the Professor's side, darting eyes left and right suspiciously, was Miles, Richard's other apprentice. For the moment they had not interacted much, but Charlie knew the guy was one of Sawyer's friends, too. And huh, how interesting that Sawyer was probably friendly with anyone who had a hint of power. Charlie evaluated if he was taken advantaged of and came to the conclusion that it was probably the case, but also that he didn't really mind all that much. He got to spend some time with a hot guy, and he'd eventually see what Sawyer wanted from him.

"This would go better if you'd make a distraction," the object of his daydreaming said.

"What?" Charlie said. There was a difference between being a witness of Sawyer in action and to actually participate in larceny!

"Nothing big, just so they look the other way," Sawyer said, probably planning his fifth move from now.

"I can't, really," Charlie said, longing a bit for the days where he could have done whatever he wanted. But right here, in front of Professor Alpert? And with Miles who saw almost everything and heard a whole lot more? It was too risky. "I'll make it up to you later," Charlie apologized.

Sawyer smirked at him, eyes twinkling.

"Really? I like the sound of that!" he said, showing the dimples again.

Charlie frowned, wondering what the hell he was talking about. It sounded like flirting, and if Sawyer was indeed the biggest flirt ever, he rarely flirted with Charlie. To his dismay. The confusion increased when in the middle of the market in this fine Thursday afternoon, Sawyer framed Charlie's face with his hands and leaned in to give him the lewdest kiss of his entire life. It's like his neurons fizzled up and overloaded, which explained why once Sawyer let him go and grinned - the smug bastard - Charlie could only gape and dropped his half eaten peach.

As if nothing earth-shattering had happened, Sawyer then just turned and sashayed away. Charlie stared at his back and seriously wondered if he had fallen asleep in the meditation session and was dreaming all of this. He started to follow but since he was definitely not totally back to his senses yet he walked right into a customer at the booth next to him, which pushed the little woman into the display and caused a chain reaction of wooden bowls and spoon falling to the ground. Blushing furiously at his clumsiness, Charlie made excuses and helped straightening things up before doing a hasty retreat.

With all of this he'd lost sight of Sawyer, but two minutes later a hand gripped his tunic in the back and yank him between two stands selling fabric. He yelped in alarm but it was only Sawyer, smiling again, who offered him a chicken kebab.

"There you go short stuff," he said as they sat down side by side on a box.

Charlie took the offered dinner - because hey, food! - but his heart pummeled down as he realized that the whole kiss thing was probably a set up to have him make a fool out of himself. He nibbled on it, not that hungry anymore.

"Hey, are you OK?" Sawyer asked. He looked concerned and Charlie forced a smile.

"Yes, everything is fine," he said.

Sawyer leaned in, and this time the kiss was just a brush of lips, soft and sweet. Charlie started to grin.

"Everything is just perfect," he added.

The End

This is for bold_seer and  angeldylan628 who asked us to be brief, and like Richard and Juliet. I frankly wished I could have done more!

Title: Various snippets
Characters: Juliet, Richard, Juliet/Richard
Word count: 214 words total, rated PG
Note: 6 sentences, 2 six words fic, 1 drabble.

Inspired by the 1sentence challenge, I took several words and worked them up in sentences trying to convey the sense of something.

Box: All those years and his personal belongings wouldn't even fill a single box

Run: Richard tried to escape Jacob the first time he was allowed to get off the island but found out the world was not big enough to run away.

Wings: The worst mornings were the ones where she woke up after dreaming she had wings.

Red: After one too many miscarriage, all her dreams were tinted red.

Temptation: It didn't escape Richard's attention that Juliet was the complete physical opposite of Isabella, but it made her even more desirable.

Ice: She used an ice cube to make trails on his body, following it with kisses that burned in contrast.

And there's also the fic in 6 words that is hard, but I tried:

Being mortal again made him reckless.

Richard inexplicably made her feel safe.
And a 100 words drabble:

Déjà vu

When he reads Juliet Burke's file, the fertility doctor Ben wants for the island, her picture makes Richard frown. She looks awfully familiar. It's only at the job pitch for Mittelos Bioscience that Richard realizes why: he's met her before. The problem is that he remembers it was almost twenty years ago, on the island, and that shakes Richard to the core. It should be impossible, since he's positive she died in the incident in 1977. Then again he works for a demi-god and is immortal himself, so it puts everything in perspective.

Richard smiles and switches to the next slide.

The End

lost fic: sawyer/charlie, fic, lost, lost fic: juliet, lost fic: richard/juliet, cliche bingo, au_bingo, lost fic: horace, lost fic: richard

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