I had more to say than I thought!

Oct 16, 2008 16:05

Since I finished my epic fic (18K!) I'm at bit at loss. My friend that will read it over for the worst grammar/spelling errors was supposed to check it out yesterday, but googledocs was a pain in the ass. I hope she can do it soon so I send another friend who is going to beta it some more. I am angsty, I hope it's not too crappy ( Read more... )

to do, writing, real life

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Comments 17

siluria October 16 2008, 20:46:41 UTC
Would it be bad form to elaborate on a prompt I gave last year at a SPN Halloween challenge?

I wouldn't say so. When you give a prompt you have an idea of what you want, and when you don't get it, then you tend to feel a little unfulfilled. If you had a good idea then I say go with it :)


gottalovev October 16 2008, 23:56:33 UTC
unfulfilled, exactly! I thought it had a lot of potential and obviously the person loved it (it was snatched super early!) and then she didn't really write it and... yeah. ;)

I'll try, see how it goes =D


ilovemybaby October 16 2008, 20:51:28 UTC
OMG, you write SPN stuff? WEEEEEEE!
You can see how I only payed attention to your tattoo post the first time I came here =P

We really do have a lot in common, which is so damn awesome!!! I just saw keyweegirlie's post saying you write one hell of a good porn, AND OMG YAY FOR THAT!

Halloween SPN fic sounds like an awesome idea!! Reminds me of the Pilot, that they show a Halloween party and all ♥


gottalovev October 16 2008, 23:58:59 UTC
I do, I do! lol! Overall I haven't written that much of it, but I'm working on that. it was up until now mostly gen fic or J2, but this is my first explicit wincest, I am a bit nervous. for sure Cassie totally made my day with her post! lol!

yes, Winchesters + Halloween is a great combo. I did a wee!chester one last year and loved the experience =D


ellel October 16 2008, 21:02:50 UTC
I want to read that porny 18 K Wincest!I WANT IT!!!

And awww,I just saw the cutest header of a hedgehog on your LJ!Awwwwww:)


gottalovev October 17 2008, 00:00:44 UTC
LOL! you are too nice darling! it will be ready soon, but I don't know when it will be posted, alas. must contact the mods of herogetstheguy

OMG, that hedgehog is so very cute, I agree. I even have a matching icon. poor little thing.


emiliglia October 16 2008, 21:16:46 UTC
I think there's still a bunch of open prompts for spn_halloween. Which is the fic I keep procrastinating.


gottalovev October 17 2008, 00:08:27 UTC
yes, I did that challenge last year... I didn't think I would have time this year but I finished my epic early *gasps* I went to check the prompts and none tempts me as much as the one I am thinking about. BUT it seems that comm allows posting of fic about halloween without having picked a prompt, so that's cool!

good luck with yours babe!


elliotsmelliot October 16 2008, 22:58:14 UTC
Congratulations on finishing your fic. 18k? That is amazing! Is this the James Bons/SPN one?

Enjoy your day working from home. Maybe you can slip in some fandom research in between all the fumes!


gottalovev October 17 2008, 00:11:24 UTC
thank you! :)

yes, it had to be 15K and finally I made it over. quite surprising! it's indeed my Bond!Sam fic, inspired by elements of Casino Royale. It was a lot of fun to do!

oh, I think I will probably not use all of my google-fu for work. hee! it will be fun to stay home.


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