I had more to say than I thought!

Oct 16, 2008 16:05

Since I finished my epic fic (18K!) I'm at bit at loss. My friend that will read it over for the worst grammar/spelling errors was supposed to check it out yesterday, but googledocs was a pain in the ass. I hope she can do it soon so I send another friend who is going to beta it some more. I am angsty, I hope it's not too crappy.

I got my assignment for the "Finish It All Off" Ficathon, and it's pretty awesome. The people in charge sent me the start of a fic and I must finish it. Sam/Dean again, and that pleases me, due december 7th.

But it's nearly Halloween and I'm in the mood to write Halloween SPN fic. Would it be bad form to elaborate on a prompt I gave last year at a SPN Halloween challenge? It got picked up at the time, and the person did produce a fic but it was VERY LOOSELY inspired by it, didn't include the idea much. *frets*

It's the Sommet de la Francophonie this weekend, at the Congress center across the street. There is police EVERYWHERE and tomorrow they will block the streets for security. Result? My office is closing in the afternoon! \o/ I come to work by bus, and those will be disturbed too, so I asked my boss if I could work from home in the morning. He said it was ok. And my task will consist on doing internet research because that is doable from home. My mad google-fu, let me show you it. (I have to check state by state the emission norms for heavy duty trucks, so not that fun though *sigh* EPA and dieselforum used to have a list, but it's not up to date anymore, making my life miserable. Although it will be miserable from home, which is a step better than miserable here).

to do, writing, real life

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