Unwritten (Eleven Angry Jurors)

Nov 06, 2010 07:39

Title: Unwritten (Eleven Angry Jurors)
Author: Nat
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,150
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil Grissom, Nick Stokes and occasional cameos by other cast members.
Warnings: Adults only, please.
Spoilers: Eleven Angry Jurors
Disclaimer: You know the "I don't own these two" drill, so I won't bore you.
Unbeta-ed: I'm too busy to spell check.  I do my best.
A/N 1: A fun little experiment.  This is the first of a series of short stories that are based directly on scenes in CSI Episodes. Much in the way that we were all subjected to  those build up episodes between Gil and She Who Shall Not Be Named, these are little drabbles about the build up of Gil and Nick's relationship with one little itty bitty catch - they will be starting at the end and working thier way back to the beginning. (Memento, anyone?)
A/N 2: GSR FREE ZONE.  They are my stories, right?  So canon be damned, I do what I want.

"You know I'm always getting criticized for empathizing with the victims and their families but so what. That's who I am. That's how I do my job. As far as the promotion goes, it's all good man. I can live without it. I'm not you” Nick swallowed hard and could hardly believe he had just mustered the balls to basically call Gil on the carpet. And what’s worse…to insult him. That’s a great way to earn a promotion, he thought. And the look on Gil’s face as he sat back down at his desk scared him even more until he opened his mouth.

"Good. We certainly don't need another me around here." Nick nodded and tried to smile before turning to leave Gil’s office. Suddenly he was filled with the regret of what he said - knowing full well he had just blown his promotion, and might even have risked his job in general.

Gil smiled comfortably to himself as he drafted the first of many versions of the email he would send to recommend Nick for promotion to Lead CSI.

Strongly recommend...maybe too much. I would like to recommend...too wordy. It is my opinion...too cocky.

He fumbled nervously over the email for a few minutes longer, his anxious fingers tapping over the keys as he thought of the words to say that would guarantee Nick the promotion he so rightly deserved. He heard Nick bustling down the hall, joking with Warrick...saying his goodbyes, even if he could no longer see him.

"Night, Grissom." Catherine barely paused as she breezed past Gil's door, digging through her purse for her keys.

"Goodnight, Catherine." Gil looked up from his computer and cocked an eyebrow as he continued unexpectedly, calling to Catherine as she drifted down the darkening hall. "Send Nick down if you see him." Catherine nodded an answer as she wandered further away. Gil quickly settled on a wording for his email and sent it off willingly towards the world wide web. He looked up expecting to see Nick, but he was still alone in his office. Maybe Catherine hadn't caught him, he thought. He shrugged mindlessly and stood, turning to pull his overcoat from a hanger.

"You wanted to see me?"

Nick's voice floated into Gil's office and Gil was glad to have his back to Nick to conceal the smile that warmed his face at Nick's return. He turned slowly to Nick and glanced just past him to confirm that, aside from the two of them, Catherine was just about the only other warm body in the lab...and she was out the door.

"I did. I just had one more thing, Nick."


"I want you to know that regardless of what happens with this promotion, it has nothing to do with anything that has happened between us." Gil's sentiment took Nick by surprise and he turned sharply to scan the hallway for signs of life before slipping the door closed for good measure. He turned to face Gil, still fighting the anxious stomach he had gotten when he expressed pride at being different than Gil.

"Yeah, about that, Grissom. What exactly has happened between us?"

Gil scowled a bit as he stood his ground across his office from Nick.

"You don't remember?"

"Oh no I remember just fine. I'm just not sure what any of it means anymore. I mean...one minute you're taking my clothes off with your eyes and the next minute you're ripping me a new asshole. I mean...figuratively. I just...I don't know what it is you want from me."

Undressing me with your eyes, Nick's voice echoed. He's noticed.

"I don't want anything from you, Nick. Nothing that you don't want to give."

"Come on, Grissom. Stop fucking with me. It's not some riddle or some puzzle. This is my life, man."

Grissom stood in place, for the first time faced by the fact that what had been going on between he and Nick was taking a toll on him. Maybe it was their sizable age difference that made the thrill of it more exciting for Gil and more stress inducing for Nick. But even as Nick stood in front of him begging for answers, all Gil could think about was how handsome he looked. He felt himself doing it subconsciously...letting his eyes wander over Nick's body the way he had done so many times before. Only this time, in a near empty lab and the dark, cool confines of his office...somehow it felt more invasive. Especially when Gil noticed Nick swallowed audibly hard and shuffle uneasily in his shoes.

"Please, don't..." Nick started, his shaky voice pleading with Gil for some form of respect.

"Don't what, Nicky?"

"Don't look at me like that. And maybe don't call me Nicky."

"Look at you like what? And everyone calls you Nicky."

"Not everyone says it like you do. And don't look at me like..." Nick hesitated for a moment and Gil stepped in to him. Not aggressively, but close enough to invade his space.

"Say it, Nick. It's ok. Don't look at you like what?"

Nick swallowed hard and batted his dark lashes against the threat of tears. His voice was a near whisper as he spoke.

"Like you want me."

Nick was stoic and unmoving. He moved his eyes from Gil's and instead looked forward, trying to become immune to Gil's eyes on him. It worked right up until the point that Gil innocently brushed against his ear and Nick felt his knees go weak with want. He closed his eyes and damned himself for not being stronger. He shivered. And he knew Gil had felt it. Gil moved to kiss Nick, just at the side of his face, but Nick gathered his wits and recoiled, almost hissing as he created space between himself and Gil before bracing his hands on his hips and trying to come up with the right words to say. His back was to the doorway - an easy escape if he needed one.

"Look, Grissom, I appreciate what you said about the promotion. I thank you for that. But as far as what's happening between us? I can't do it like this anymore. I don't want to be some piece of ass to you. You wanna look at me like that? Touch me again? Kiss me again? You have to earn that from now on...no more fuckin' around at work and feelin' sick over it for days. I won't have it affect my job. Promotion or no promotion."

Gil stood and listened to Nick, taking in what he needed to hear, regardless of how hard it may have been. He paused for a moment before lowering his voice.

"How do I earn you, Nick?"

Nick reached behind his body and pulled the door open.

"You're a smart guy, Grissom. You'll figure it out." And Nick once again disappeared down the hall.

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