Unwritten (Way To Go)

Nov 02, 2010 20:45

Title: Unwritten (Way To Go)
Author: Nat
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,487
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil Grissom, Nick Stokes and occasional cameos by other cast members.
Warnings: Adults only, please.
Spoilers: Way To Go
Disclaimer: You know the "I don't own these two" drill, so I won't bore you.
Unbeta-ed: I'm too busy to spell check.  I do my best.
A/N 1: A fun little experiment.  This is the first of a series of short stories that are based directly on scenes in CSI Episodes. Much in the way that we were all subjected to  those build up episodes between Gil and She Who Shall Not Be Named, these are little drabbles about the build up of Gil and Nick's relationship with one little itty bitty catch - they will be starting at the end and working thier way back to the beginning. (Memento, anyone?)
A/N 2: GSR FREE ZONE.  They are my stories, right?  So canon be damned, I do what I want.

“Thanks. That will help me distinguish it from the other severed heads I find out here.”

Nick’s not so subtle flirtatious humor took Gil back for just a moment as he allowed himself to smirk a little bit, turning his head to protect his personal invasion from being spotted by either Nick or David - who was already making short work of rolling the body off of the tracks. Gil was never sure what it said about him that he could be standing over the decapitated remains of a human being and be able to think about nothing but Nick Stokes. But he had started to wonder if Nick wasn’t his guardian angel. It was as if somehow his very presence at these grotesque scenes was just enough to keep him from going insane. And somehow, in his prouder moments, he hoped that he did the same thing for Nick. He kept himself busy for a moment longer before he let his curiosity get the best of him and he peered over his shoulder after Nick, who was starting to climb down the hillside away from the tracks, lead along the way by the small pool being cast off of his flashlight.

Gil watched him walk for a moment, half assessing his ability to maneuver the rocky terrain and half curious, as he always was with Nick, what wheels were spinning in Nick’s head. And what he was thinking. It wasn’t long before Nick had all but disappeared into the tree line surrounding the train tracks and Gil squinted for a while longer until he could hardly make out even the faint light of Nick’s flashlight. He huffed a little to himself, hoping that Nick would have already called out to him with some form of evidence that needed his approval. But there was nothing. Gil returned to his work and diligently browsed up and down the blood stained tracks for some sign of what had happened…but he kept coming up short. Dave was mumbling to himself behind him and Gil nodded a long enough to at least feign interest, but his mind was somewhere else. And before long he had to go after it.

He excused himself from what they were referring to as their primary scene, although no one was altogether sure that it was. He sloppily stumbled down the rocky hillside, making an effort to follow somewhat of the same path that Nick had taken. He stopped as he hit the tree line and thought about calling out for Nick. But instead he just turned his flashlight towards the dark woods and began to make his way through the thick trees. He shone his light on the ground and illuminated some slight tracks through the leaves….and he was sure they were Nick’s. He followed them like a bloodhound. Intent on finding his prey. He made a sharp turn when he thought he heard something in the trees, but by the time he made a circle in the brush with his flashlight…there was no sound. He listened for another moment…trying to not be disconcerted that he was deep in the woods now with little sense of where he had come from and even smaller confidence in where he was going. He peered ahead in the trees and spotted a small opening. He thought he saw the faint glow of Nick’s flashlight.

“Nick?” he called, as loud as he could muster. But there was no answer. And not only that…the small flicker of light he had seen was extinguished, just as quickly as Gil had first spotted it.

“Nick!?” he called again. He fought off the sudden pang of fear that something had happened to Nick, and thought about making a run back to the crime scene for something to arm himself with. But he had every reason to believe that Nick could take care of himself and that the surrounding woods had been secured. Besides, even if Gil wasn’t armed…he knew Nick was.

Gil walked slowly along the path that led to the dark opening in the trees. He was hesitant and slow, listening and watching for anything that seemed out of the ordinary as he continued to scan the trees for a sign of Nick. Suddenly there was a jerking at his shoulders. He dropped his flashlight, which fell to the ground with a thud even as his hands were grasping the air to catch it. A hand clamped over his mouth and interrupted what was sure to be a scream or at the very least…a gasp. Gil was being pulled backwards into the trees, and his feet were all but dragging as he attempted to fight off the attacker without falling to the ground. Suddenly there was a jerking stop as the body behind him seemed to hit something. Gil was in a panic, wondering why whoever it was hadn’t just shot him. The body behind him released his shoulders and Gil’s flung himself forward with a good deal of force to create as much distance as he could between the perpetrator and himself. He turned swiftly to see who had attacked him, knowing he would be ill equipped to out run whoever it was…especially since he had lost his flashlight.

There, plastered against the tree, with a flashlight shining up from his chin and over his strong dark features, was a positively giddy and grinning Nick Stokes, who had posed his eyebrows into a menacing glare even as his smile and laughter belied his evil attempt. He let out an imposing “mua ha ha ha” before breaking back into a wicked chuckle.

“Man, Grissom. I scared the shit out of you.”

Gil tried to see the humor in Nick’s attack but he was too busy catching his breath. He leaned over, his hands resting on his knees, as Nick walked towards him slowly, shining his flashlight on him.

“Hey…you alright? I didn’t give you a heart attack or anything did I?” Nick was genuinely concerned even if he was still deriving great pleasure at chiding his boss. Gil stood sternly for a moment, before he let a small smile spread across his face.

“You didn’t scare me Nick. I was playing along.”

“Playing along?!” Nick guffawed and called Gil out loudly, knowing they were far enough away from anyone to be heard. “You would have pissed your pants if I hadn’t let you off the hook when I did.”

Gil laughed a little to himself. He had to admit…Nick had scared him. But he would sooner fall over dead of a heart attack than give Nick any clue that his attempt at scaring him had been successful.

“You know, you’re supposed to be out here looking for that head.”

Gil tried to regain control of the situation as his composure returned, but nick’s slyly wicked grin at Gil’s order made him realize almost immediately that he had maybe not chosen the exactly appropriate turn of phrase to quell the situation. Nick smiled out of one side of his mouth as he shown the light around their surroundings a bit.

“Is that why you’re out here, Gil? Looking for head?”

Nick’s voice was deeper than Gil was used to, and it made every hair on his body stand on end. He watched Nick in the dim light and he was sure he caught him running his tongue over his lips. Gil shuddered a bit and then took a quick glance around the area as Nick illuminated it.

“I…I was coming out here…to…I needed to…”

Gil’s ridiculous stuttering humiliated him, which in turn only made it worse. And as Nick managed to saunter in Gil’s direction, he knew he was done for. There was a firey heat in his crotch that he was begging and praying was covered by his coat. And Nick wasted no time approaching him and testing him further.

“Hold this?” Nick asked softly, his voice barely audible as he handed Gil his flashlight. Gil took it and shined it on the ground between them. Nick moved his fingers deftly over the buttons of his own coat and quickly and surely dropped it to the ground between them where Gil was shining the light. Just as soon as the ground was covered in Nick’s jacket, he knelt on it, falling squarely onto his knees in front of Gil, grabbing gently at the sides of Gil’s hips as he looked up at him. Gil inhaled deeply.

“Nick…we shouldn’t…it’s gone too far as it is….”


Nick hushed Gil gently, still smiling up at him as Gil illuminated his face with the flashlight.

“Tell me you don’t want it. I’ll stop.”

Nick’s hands were resting on the soft flesh about Gil’s sides, and his fingers were gingerly massaging Gil, pulling him closer a little bit at a time. Gil knew he should call it off. There had been plenty of times when things had happened between the two of them that Gil knew he should have stopped. But it would take a stronger man to be glancing down at Nick, watching his chest heave in lustful anticipation, and try to tell him no. So Gil remained speechless. Even as Nick swifltly moved his hands over Gil’s zipper…unfastening it and quickly tugging his shirt from the confines of his pants, until they hung open directly in front of Nick’s face.

Nick moaned softly to himself as he reached into Gil’s boxers and pulled out an already impressively hard and aching cock. Gil was almost embarrassed at how aroused he already was until he could see on Nick’s face how hot it made him. Nick licked his lips and then reached his tongue from his mouth until it made contact with the glistening tip of Gil’s cock…his pre-come already beading on the head. Nick lapped it up dutifully, tasting Gil for the first time. Gil nearly dropped the flashlight as every muscle in his body jerked at the feel of Nick’s hot mouth closing around his cock. The air was so cool and Nick’s mouth so warm, that Gil was sure he saw steam escaping in the dim glow of the flashlight.

“Suck it, Nick…suck me…”

Gil’s voice surprised himself almost as much as it surprised Nick. Within seconds Nick had relaxed his throat and was managing to fully lodge himself on Gil’s erection. Gil could feel the warm waves of Nick’s attempts to swallow around him, and he had clamped his free hand onto the back of Nick’s head…pushing him and pulling him off of his cock. The flashlight created a pool of a spot light on Nick’s face…and Gil was transfixed watching his deep pink cock disappear in and out of Nick’s swollen mouth. He raised his brown eyes to look up to Gil for approval like he had so many times before…but never like this. Nick let Gil slip from his mouth, but he caught him immediately with his hand and continued to jerk him off as he caught his breath.

“You like it?” Nick whispered, his voice wet and hot like his mouth had been.

“I want to come in your mouth, Nick. Will you let me?”

Nick smiled devilishly.

“There’s a first time for everything…”

Nick moved his hand to the base of Gil’s cock, continuing to squeeze his shaft as he closed his mouth over the tip again. Nick was forcing himself to suck and swallow as hard as he could, while Gil manipulated his head back and forth. Gil felt his stomach tighten, and he knew he was moments away from exploding into Nick. He clutched the flashlight and watched the whole thing as Nick kept his eyes on Gil.

“Oh Nick. I’m coming..”

Not that Nick needed the announcement. Gil’s cock began to sputter and burst in Nick’s mouth, and he watched as Nick’s eyes went wide. The sheer force of Gil’s orgasm shot his load down Nick’s throat so fast that he barely had time to taste it or feel it. All he felt was the slick heat of Gil’s seed running into his throat…his stomach…like he could feel it filling him. Gil grabbed at Nick’s hair and clamped his teeth shut, trying to hold back a scream that he was terrified would alert SuperDave. Gil felt Nick choke a little, and his eyes were running. Gil let go of Nick’s head, and he immediately slid from Gil’s body, falling back onto his haunches and coughing a little as he tried to catch his breath. A final spurt of Gil’s orgasm escaped his quivering cock and landed on Nick’s neck, surprising him. Gil took a step back and caught his breath, letting himself hang exposed for a moment before he collected his thoughts enough to cover himself. He kept the flashlight on Nick, who was sitting on his heels, watching Gil recover, and attempting to locate the stray stream of come that had found its way to his neck.

Gil watched Nick for a moment as he closed his pants and attempted to re-tuck his shirt in inconspicuously.

“Are you alright?” he called gently to Nick as he walked back towards him, slowing what little space there was between them.

“Are you?” Nick answered shyly, finding his feet and standing face to face with Gil. They both inhaled and recovered in each other’s presence…struggling to find the words to say to each other that never seemed to come.

“You know, Doc Robbins isn’t going to like getting this body to the morgue with no business end.”

Dave’s voice came crashing through the trees. Luckily, both Gil and Nick could tell it was from a safe distance.

“I’m on it, SuperDave!” Nick called back over Gil’s shoulder. He cocked his head to the side a little bit. “You keep that flashlight. I think I saw where you dropped yours. I’ll grab it and keep looking.” Nick smiled a little as he walked away from Gil, who was left a little dumbstruck.

“Um, Nick?”

Nick was bending over to grab the lost flashlight which he tossed casually in his hand.

“Yeah, Grissom?”

“About what just happened…”

Nick walked slightly back towards Gil, smiling softly.

“I fell. Sure glad you were out here to help me.” Nick winked a little bit, and Gil grimaced. Nick seemed content this time to just let things lie, but Gil knew from prior experiences that it wasn’t always that easy. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I’m gonna go wash you off my shirt before Dave gets jealous.”

Nick breezed past Gil and headed further down the hill towards the sound of running water. Gil knew they were close to the river bank, and he hoped Nick would make his way down and back safely. He turned, double checking himself, and made his way back towards the tracks.

“Hey, Grissom?”

Nick called loudly from just down the hill.

“You were right. Our vic is bald.”

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