Unwritten (One To Go)

Oct 21, 2010 00:33

Title: Unwritten
Author: Nat
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,690
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Characters: Gil Grissom, Nick Stokes and occasional cameos by other cast members.
Warnings: Adults only, please.
Spoilers: One To Go
Disclaimer: You know the "I don't own these two" drill, so I won't bore you.
Unbeta-ed: I'm too busy to spell check.  I do my best.
A/N 1: A fun little experiment.  This is the first of a series of short stories that are based directly on scenes in CSI Episodes. Much in the way that we were all subjected to  those build up episodes between Gil and She Who Shall Not Be Named, these are little drabbles about the build up of Gil and Nick's relationship with one little itty bitty catch - they will be starting at the end and working thier way back to the beginning. (Memento, anyone?)
A/N 2: GSR FREE ZONE.  They are my stories, right?  So canon be damned, I do what I want. 

“You’re the best student I've ever had, Nick.”

Gil Grissom had hardly ever found himself able to be so honest with anyone, let alone Nick Stokes. But in the light of his decision to leave CSI, he knew that his time with Nick was short. And he knew that making the most of that time would be the difference between remaining a part of Nick’s life and dwindling from it forever. Nick lowered his head to study the star charts that he had picked up from Gil’s table, but he was only pretending to look at them. And when Gil tried to continue the conversation he could tell there were things that Nick wanted to say…things that he had neglected to mention when he thanked Gil, in his own special way, for all the things he had taught him. Gil meant what he said - Nick was his best student. That was how he knew that the way he felt for Nick was no secret to him, no matter how they tried to hide it or ignore it.

Gil stopped midsentence and sat his work down on the table in front of them just as Nick was struggling to clear his mind enough to pay attention to Gil’s ‘forensic astronomy.’ The truth was his head hadn’t stopped clouding and spinning since the moment that he learned of Gil’s decision to leave the lab. Because deep down in places Nick was still struggling to not be afraid of, he knew he was the reason why.

“Close the door, Nick.” Gil spoke softly to Nick as he rested the papers down, topping them off with his glasses as he removed them. Nick turned slightly to face Gil, who nodded again towards the door to let Nick know he had meant what he said. Nick sat his work down beside Gil’s and headed back to the door, closing it gently with his finger tips. He hadn’t turned from the door when Gil spoke again. “The blinds, too. All of them.” Nick looked over his shoulder to listen to Gil’s commands, which he immediately followed. He had to quiet his fingertips from shaking slightly as he turned all the blinds closed.

Gil stood from the chair that he had been studying in and watched Nick’s strong form illuminated in near silhouette by the dim light that was still slipping through the cracks in the drawn blinds.

“Do you know why I am leaving, Nick?” Gil whispered to Nick as he crossed the room slowly, gaining on Nick who stood with his back to Gil. Trembling slightly against himself as he took in the question that Gil was posing.

“You said…it was time.” Nick damned himself as his voice hitched a bit, squeaking like a teenagers as he tried to retain some sense of cool in Gil’s suddenly aggressive presence. Gil reached Nick and rested his hand on Nick’s shoulder, gently turning him so that they were facing one another.

“That’s right, Nick. It’s time.” Gil released an infamously small smirk as Nick turned to meet his gaze. “Do you want me, Nicky?”

Nick’s face screwed up almost immediately. No way, he thought. After years of crossed lines and mixed signals, there was no way that in his final act Gil Grissom was just going to lay himself on the line. But it seemed like that was exactly what he was doing. Nick had to be sure before he went spilling his heart out all over the place.

“What?” Nick asked quietly, half of the word not making it any further than the back of his throat, which was growing increasingly dry. Gil took a step into Nick, closing nearly all the space between them.

“Do you…want me?” Gil’s blue eyes were steely and hard; intent as they seemed to bore right into Nick. Nick felt the tightness in his body escape…like it was pouring out of his toes. He went slightly limp under Gil’s hands, which rested firmly atop each of his shoulders.

“You know I do…” Nick whispered gently, almost sadly. Why would Gil force an admission of want from him now…just to turn around and leave him alone. Gil moved his palms from Nick’s shoulders, up the slopes of his neck until they rested on either side of it.

“I can’t stay in this lab and be with you, Nick. That’s why I have to leave. I have to leave you, to be with you. Does that make any sense at all?” Gil was all but pressing his face against Nick’s. The heat of their breath was crashing against the other, and Gil could feel Nick’s pulse racing in his neck as he listened to the words Gil had spent years aching to say to him. Suddenly a smile spread across Nick’s face…lighting it…chasing his tiny dimples from their respective hiding places.

“No, man…not really…” Nick started to chuckle to himself, and Gil let himself join in. He knew it didn’t make sense. None of what he felt for Nick made sense. And that was why he had to move away from the lab. He had to stop being a man of science, and start being a man of faith. Listening to his heart and not his head had never come easy for Gil - and he knew that it would be a full time job. Nick felt his laughter start to subside in the warmth of Gil’s breath on his face. He swallowed hard as he watched Gil smile, their lips nearly touching…every fiber of every muscle of Nick’s body was hot with want for him. But he had waited so long - struggled through years of being teased with the idea of Gil Grissom, that he figured he could try to wait a little longer.

Gil, on the other hand, had reached his limit.

He kept a soft hold on Nick’s neck, gently pressing his finger tips into the warm skin at the beck of Nick’s head as he pulled him into a kiss. It wasn’t their first…and Gil had every intention of keeping it from being their last. Nick cocked his head slightly to the side, accepting Gil’s advances and moaning softly against him as their lips parted in unison and their tongues played at each other like long lost friends. Nick quickly flicked his tongue around Gil’s teeth, feeling Gil’s tongue pulsing in and out of his own lips with a rhythm that sent a charge through every aching, wanting part of Nick’s body. They kissed deeply and passionately, immune to the questions and fears that had kept them from letting go for so long, opening themselves to each other as they pressed closer into one another…softly calling to each other.

Gil pulled back from Nick, still massaging his neck, feeling the tension leave it only to rise and fill it again. Gil pressed his forehead against Nick’s and their breath came hard and heavy against each other. Nick was so incredibly turned on that he was moaning softly in spite of himself, growing harder with each pant of Gil’s that hit his face. Gil’s brow was beading with sweat despite the relative cool of his office. He lowered a hand from Nick’s neck and reached for the door handle - making sure it was locked. And once he was sure that it was, he spun Nick away from the wall, pushing him towards the center of the room as he clamped his mouth over Nick’s once more. Nick dutifully opened wide to the pumping of Gil’s soft tongue into his mouth. Gil was backing Nick into his desk, and without looking, Nick swiped his left arm against the top of it, spilling files and clippings and books to the floor. Gil moaned aggressively into Nick’s hot mouth as Nick continued to clear Gil’s desk with his arms. Gil reached down and pulled Nick’s shirt from his pants, tugging at it mercilessly as he freed it from Nick’s buckle, running his hands up the front of Nick’s body and marveling at the feel of his tightening abdomen. Nick’s hands mirrored Gil’s aggression, fumbling not only with Gil’s shirt, but at the button and zipper than kept him closed off from Nick. And soon Nick had maneuvered Gil’s pants open wide enough to slide his hand inside. Gil pulled from their kiss when he felt the strength of Nick’s fist closing around his cock. He threw his head back and Nick watched him - excited beyond words at the idea of causing Gil that kind of ecstasy. Gil was bucking against Nick’s hand with a firey urgency that shocked Nick…and he wasted no time. Nick slid down the front of the desk until he settled squarely onto his knees. He pulled Gil’s erection from his pants and took only a moment to marvel at it before he closed his mouth around it tightly.

“My God, Nick, please don’t. I’ll come.” Gil’s voice was husky and so thick with want and need that Nick reached into his own pants to hold onto his cock from just the sound of Gil’s pleading. Nick let himself slide down the length of Gil’s shaft a few more times before tightening his lips around the head and then releasing Gil from his mouth…a tiny string of Gil’s pre-come beading from Gil to Nick’s lip…connecting them.

“Just to get you wet.” Nick whispered to Gil as he rose to his feet. Gil hadn’t been sure how Nick would respond to his affections. He was pretty sure he knew that Nick felt the same way. but he couldn’t have imagined in all his years of fantasizing about Nick Stokes that it would have led to this: Nick was turning himself against Gil’s desk, slipping his jeans down over his impressive ass and leaning over the top of the table, bracing himself with one arm while the other jerked at a cock Gil was dying to see.

“Please, Gil. Please fuck me.  Like you’ve wanted to. All this time. Like I’ve wanted you too.” Nick begged, his voice so hot with need to be filled by Gil that it almost sounded like crying. Gil took a hold of his cock and massaged it slowly, covering it with the moisture from Nick’s mouth and his own pre-come…sufficiently preparing himself to enter Nick. Nick spread his legs against the desk and Gil noticed his pace quickening…he watched his arm move faster as he jacked himself off, waiting for Gil to finally be inside of him. Gil pressed himself against Nick’s backside, which elicited a moan and cry from Nick as he rolled his ass gently back against Gil’s hard on.

“You have no idea, Nicky. How badly I’ve wanted this. How often I’ve played this out in my head…”

“Yes. I do.” Nick purred, turning to make eye contact with Gil…an utter seriousness and understanding filling his deep brown eyes. “Please. I need you.”

Nick was still professing his need for Gil as he felt himself opening to the intrustion that was the slippery tip of Gil’s hot cock…entering him…owning him. Nick’s back arched as he tried to relax himself, but he was pushing against Gil uncontrollably. Gil took a hold of Nick’s hips and pushed himself deep, fidning himself nearly half way inside of Nick as he started to find a rhythm…gliding easily in and out of Nick’s heat like he was dipping in and out of a hot tub. They found a unison with each other almost immediately…Nick’s stroking matching the intensity of Gil’s slick pumping against Nick. Gil reached under Nick’s stomach to raise his body, until Nick’s back was pressed firmly against Gil’s chest. Aside from being connected in the most intimate of places, they were still fully clothed. And as much as Gil would have rather been completely naked to take Nick properly…he knew they were limited in more ways than one. Nick threw his head back and laid it on Gil’s shoulder, moaning his name…begging for more. Gil in turn leaned forward over Nick’s body, watching him jerk off. Instructing him quietly.

“It’s perfect, Nick. The way you touch yourself. I love watching you. I want you to come for me. I want your come all over this office when I leave it.”

“Shit, Grissom…you’re gonna make me come…”

Nick had barely uttered the words when Gil felt his body clench, closing around his cock like he intended to keep it there. Gil’s eyes were locked on the length of Nick’s impressive cock as it began to shake and sputter in Nick’s hand. Nick tightened and twisted…pulling and tugging so hard that he did, in fact, cover Gil’s office. A hearty stream of Nick’s thick come flew from his body and traced it’s way onto Gil’s nearly empty desk. Another hot spurt of Nick’s lust peaked and then fell to the floor. Gil was so entranced that he hardly noticed his own orgasm taking over him. But it wasn’t lost on Nick, who was flooded with heat and slamming his eyes shut to feel the pulsing of Gil’s ejaculation inside of him. Nick felt himself go limp and he fell forward, but Gil wrapped his arms around his torso and held him fast…keeping their bodies locked together for as long as possible.

They fell back to earth together. Their breath slowing, their erections dwindling, their minds clearing. Gil finally slid from the warm embrace of Nick’s body, but he didn’t bother to clean off…instead he just refastened his pants - content with being covered in Nick. Nick did the same. He turned to face Gil as he tried to regain some kind of composure. They stood, staring, for a long moment. Gil reached for Nick’s face and brushed his cheek lightly.

“Why did you wait so long?” Nick’s voice was still shaky and frail as he spoke. And Gil was asking himself the same question.

“We are commanded to love with all our minds; as well with all our hearts. And we commit a great sin if we forbid or prevent that cultivation of the mind in others which would enable them to perform this duty.”

Nick smiled and ran a hand over his head.

“Yeah, Grissom. I don’t know what any of that means.” They both chuckled lightly, a laugh that masked the placid nature of their recently finished love making.

“It means I love you, Nick.”

The words wiped the smile from Nick’s face. He hadn’t been expecting them and he felt like he had been sucker punched. He felt light headed. He felt elated. He felt…he just felt. He wanted to say the words back to Gil. But they caught behind another, more urgent sentiment.

“Then don’t go. Stay. With me. Please, Grissom.”

Nick felt pathetic making a last ditch effort. But he had to try. Maybe now, things could be different. Gil just sighed and moved towards the table to reach for his glasses which he diligently put back on, slipping them over the bridge of his nose.

“I have to go, Nick. But I’m leaving the lab. I’m not leaving you. I’ll never leave you…as long as you’ll have me.”

Gil smiled warmly at Nick. A shy, natural smile that Nick was sure he had never seen before.

“I love you.” Nick finally managed.

“I know you do, Nick. I know you do.”

There was a light rapping at the door. Nick jumped for a moment before looking around to remove any evidence. He quickly grabbed a latex glove and bandage from the side of Gil’s desk and used it to take care of the mess he had made.

“I’ll get it, Nick. You can distract whoever that is.” Nick nodded as he moved to answer the door. He heard Catherine’s voice and breathed a sigh of relief. Catherine wouldn’t care what they had been doing, other than maybe being disappointed she hadn’t been able to watch.

“Oh, and Nick?” Gil called to nick just as his hands found the lock on the door handle. Nick turned to him quickly but silently.

“I just came inside of you. Call me Gil, for God’s sake.”

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