This Hannibal Show Is Driving Me Crazy

Mar 30, 2014 00:09

Thanks to a crazy busy life right now, I didn't get a chance to watch Hannibal until today. And I barely have a coherent thought in my head, but I've got to get the feels out, so here they spill. It's basically a play-by-play of whatever nonsense ran through my head all episode.

[SPOILERS GALORE]The music at the beginning--WHAT IS THIS? It's the same music that I Read more... )

what's going on?!, will graham, hannibal lecter, alana bloom, mads mikkelsen, fangirling, jack crawford, hugh dancy, hetienne park, hannibal

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Comments 17

xerinmichellex March 30 2014, 14:59:28 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]

I wasn't as traumatized with Bev's death tableau; probably because Fuller had given an interview prior to the show and explained what it looked like. (Chilton being disemboweled still remains as the grossest thing the show has ever done.) Will "putting her back together" was the most beautiful and heartbreaking thing the show has done as of late. And yes to keeping Bev around as a comfort to Will!

I TOTALLY thought that Hannibal killed the judge (at least) because it's reminiscent of a death in Hannibal, the book and movie; so I am so glad they went that route. Heh. It was also like Hannibal was trying to one-up the Admirer while also getting Will's attention. ("Will is my BFF!")

I really thought that orderly stood NO CHANCE of getting the drop on Hannibal, considering we'd just seen him take down Bev. But, man, I was rooting for you, Orderly Guy! Even though I know we're watching a show called Hannibal and haven't hit the Red Dragon storyline yet; I still wanted Hannibal to die
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rhoda_rants March 30 2014, 23:18:33 UTC
You warned me! You warned me, and I forgot to look away! But at the same time, how could I?

[Spoiler (click to open)]Honestly though, I have a Thing about super-sharp slice-y death things. I started to wonder uncomfortably at which point, exactly, Beverly actually died/stopped feeling pain. And then I freak out and want to curl into a ball and say, "Nope, nope, nope, she died while frozen--that is IT, she felt nothing, that didn't happen." Because I was cringing throughout the bandsaw bit. THROUGHOUT. Even though it was blessedly brief.

Still--that was SPECTACULAR. Goddamn. What a fabulous send-off for an equally fabulous character. They done her proud.

Ugh. I really wish they gave Alana something to do other than be the ping-pong ball between Will and Hannibal.For real. If they start dragging in a love triangle, I'm gonna be pissed. Well--not that I don't have faith in the writers to make it interesting, and I understand Alana and Hannibal have history and a certain degree of feelings between them (even though so far they've been pretty vague). But still
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xerinmichellex March 31 2014, 00:32:54 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]
You warned me, and I forgot to look away!

I was trying to be super-super vague because, at the time, I knew you hadn't seen 2x04, and I didn't want you to know that the Slide Tableau was Bev's. Otherwise I would've bolded the shit out of that spoiler.

I was okay, honestly, until Will put her together. Before that, I was "Waaait? What is happening?" and thinking too much about the mechanics on how Hannibal pulled the layers apart and got the slides and lugged all the pieces up the conservatory's stairs. And she was TOTALLY dead while frozen. I refuse to accept any other conclusion.

If they start dragging in a love triangle, I'm gonna be pissed.

And you know Hannibal's true motive is just to "get" at Will by sleeping with Will's "girlfriend". It's like, with his BFF in jail and his therapist gone, Hannibal rented a bunch of '80's teen movies and is taking social cues from those.

*fingers crossed* that it's only a dream or something Will imagines.


rhoda_rants March 31 2014, 01:42:00 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]Nah, you mentioned The Cell--that was plenty. I just forgot. Or didn't put together those pieces successfully in my brain. The "scene Erin warned me about" thing plus "scene with Beverly, now clearly dead" bit. That's my fault--you warned me plenty.

.....Just realizing I said "put together those pieces." I'm punning by sheer osmosis at this point. This show, I swear!

Before that, I was "Waaait? What is happening?" and thinking too much about the mechanics
The mechanics are pretty baffling if you stop and think about it for any length of time. Like, does he have a crane in that Evil Bat Cave or what?

And you know Hannibal's true motive is just to "get" at Will by sleeping with Will's "girlfriend".
Oh, obviously, and I get how that would totally work. But . . . it seems petty. For Hannibal, it seems extremely petty.

Sticking with the dream thing until proven


rhoda_rants March 30 2014, 23:08:36 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]I don't even know where to START with this one!

Okay: Bev's death tableau. God. Even given everything that's come beforehand, this has got to be the most viscerally disturbing and emotionally gut-wrenching moment in the show so far. Did you feel, as I did, like the first half of the episode was completely revolving around mourning Beverly? That's the impression I got--it's dark, somber, subdued. Even the music is tonally dark and minimalistic. And then when Will finishes the empathing thing and he and Jack are talking about why they even bothered bringing him, because yeah duh, they know who did this (well, that it was the Chesapeake Ripper anyway): "To say goodbye." *sob* Perfect. As usual. Dammit, I miss Hettienne Park! I support your ghost/subconscious idea--I want her to stick around.

(Hugh Dancy makes that mask look way more awesome than he should.)Guh. For serious. I'm having serious swoon attacks over here, and I know it's because he's sliding further towards the Dark Side. It just looks so good on him. (Help
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gothrockrulz March 31 2014, 05:41:21 UTC
LOL, I keep forgetting to insert spoiler tags, too!

[SPOILERS]I didn't realize it had that goodbye feel to it, until just now. It felt so right, I couldn't imagine it any other way. We all love Katz and her curiosity too much, and Fuller and co. knows it. And Hetienne Park is awesome, too. I nearly lost it in the break room at work, going over Cleolinda's recap and reading Park's tweet fangirling over Mikkelsen and Dancy suiting up in unison. XD

Guh. For serious. I'm having serious swoon attacks over here, and I know it's because he's sliding further towards the Dark Side. It just looks so good on him. (Help.)

YES. I have a feeling we'll all need that inscribed on our tombstones pretty soon, if this show keeps going on like this.

I'm still shocked--Shocked!!--that Orderly Guy got the drop on him. That's ridiculous.Yeah. I mean, if there's any way to get Hannibal, tranquilizer dart is the way to go. But still! This new guy, even though we're rooting for him, hasn't won our respect yet, because he's only (to our knowledge) finished off one
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rhoda_rants March 31 2014, 15:34:11 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]
It felt so right, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Exactly. It's horrible, but it was the best direction to take the story. I didn't mention this before, but even though I was yelling, "NO! BEV! GET OUT! LEAVE THE HOUSE, YOU DON'T NEED EVIDENCE THAT BADLY, RUUUUUN!!" the whole time she was in Hannibal's Murder Dungeon, at the same time, that look on her face when he actually turns up just highlights how much of a badass she is. There is no fear there, or even a sense of betrayal like you might expect--just cold, righteous determination.

I hope Hettienne Park keeps Live Tweeting the episodes, because her comments are fabulous.

I have a feeling we'll all need that inscribed on our tombstones pretty soon, if this show keeps going on like this.

God help us all when Michael Pitt joins the cast. I may have a stroke.

This new guy, even though we're rooting for him, hasn't won our respect yet, because he's only (to our knowledge) finished off one lowly kill.Just throwing this out there: I'm not rooting for Orderly Guy. Hannibal
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gothrockrulz April 3 2014, 01:16:43 UTC
[SPOILER]I'm 1000% sure it has to be Will to bring Hannibal down. But I was still rooting for Orderly Guy, and was shocked he actually got as far as he did. Wow.

Also . . . I really, really love his OMG SENPAI FINALLY NOTICED ME! face:

... )


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