Comment fic meme #6

May 01, 2013 17:30

Here's the post-exchange comment fic meme. The rules are the same as always:

- please include the pairing/character (and maybe a short prompt/kink) in the comment title - both for prompts and for fills.
- there are both show and book fans in this community, so please warn for book spoilers beyond ACOK in the comment title. Please also warn for non ( Read more... )

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Victarion/Asha linndechir May 1 2013, 21:44:34 UTC
Balon forces Victarion to take Asha with him when he goes reaving, because she's still too young to command her own ship. Unfortunately for Vic, she's not too young to hit on him.


FILL: to command, without commanding | Victarion/Asha | pg-13 outboxed May 2 2013, 00:08:47 UTC
So this is kind of crappy and badly structured but I'm tired and just wanted to get a fill done before bedtime. I promise there will be more fills tomorrow, if not before._____ ( ... )


Re: FILL: to command, without commanding | Victarion/Asha | pg-13 linndechir May 2 2013, 00:23:06 UTC
Aaah, you're the best. I love what you did with my prompt, it's awesome. And of course Asha would be irritated and just troll along with everything.

she whispers, "is it true that you must do anything I ask, nuncle?" in a tone which could stir any man with sense.
Classic Asha. I love her so much. ^^ And Victarion just desperately trying to ignore her is also very IC. And it makes sense that he wouldn't really be bitter or angry about her being a good leader, because Victarion is a follower at heart.

show her what he might do to her for her insolence. (Though he doesn't realise that this is exactly what she would goad him to, that this is how she would lead.)
Hehehe, poor Victarion doesn't even stand a chance. Thanks so much for filling this, bro. :D


Re: FILL: to command, without commanding | Victarion/Asha | pg-13 outboxed May 3 2013, 22:19:24 UTC
Late reply but squee, Linn, I'm so glad you like this. I should probably get on filling some of your other prompts, too, huh? But, yeah, I couldn't quiet my inner troll!Asha, so I had to write this. (; Victarion doesn't stand a chance at all.


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