Here's a list of all the participants who volunteered to beta read. You don't have to use a beta reader if you don't want to, but I strongly suggest it. You can just contact any of them and ask for their help.
Be nice and try to give them a bit of time to read your fic, not just a few hours before the deadline. Oh, and please make sure you don't ask your giftee to beta for you ... yes I've seen that happen on fic exchanges. ;)
linndechir (bit too busy for more beta requests atm))
You can check out the
sign-up post again if you want to make sure you don't ask anyone to beta read a fic about the character or the pairing they dislike most.
If any other members of the comm, who don't participate in the exchange itself, would like to offer their beta skills, just leave a comment and I'll add you to the list. :)